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Youmacon Presents: Michigan Masters Injustice Results (10/31/14-11/2/14)


Man of Tomorrow

Youmacon has drawn to a close and with it the Michigan Masters tournament. Injustice ended up getting 19 entrants, 5 less than UNIEL without the promotion or pot bonus of the main games and 3 MI NRS players not being able to come. Still, there were some great matches and upsets, here's the top 8 results.

1st Place: @FOREVER KING (Deathstroke, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman)

2nd Place: @Perfect Legend (Batman, Doomsday, Martian Manhunter)

3rd Place: @JDM (Lex Luthor, Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman)

4th Place: @Skeezer12 (Wonder Woman)

5th Place (tie) : @gpmoney (Nightwing)

@Shadow_ (Flash, Deathstroke)

7th Place (tie) : Darkfire (Zatanna, Wonder Woman)

@Compbros (Superman)

Stream Archive: http://www.twitch.tv/datcornbread/b/584170014 (tournament matches start around 13 minutes in)

Brackets are here (minus how many games each person won) : http://mifgc.challonge.com/MM2014_Injustice
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100% Jamaican
Its weird that I haven't seen no front page promotion for this tournament on TYM. Here I was thinking that NEC was the next upcoming tournament and then I remembered about Youmacon. But these were some reaaly good games to watch..

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I liked that corner combo with Batman that PL did, at one point.

113, F3, B2 xx MB Grapple. That was pretty slick. Never seen that before.


I'm going to practice for my next Injustice tournament so I don't look so bad on stream. >.<

Got sent to losers first match, lol.