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Worst Youtube Comments on a Fighting game?


Meow Hoes
Ugh these comments. I know they know nothing and not to pay attention to them but damn...

These are from Injustice GF
"He cheated"

"Lol pig rage quitting"

"I could beat pig his defense sucks"

"Free to cross ups"

"Sonic fox is a scrub, he didn't let pug touch the ground"

"Not trying to toot my own horn, but I cthink Icould beat pig"

"So rage quitting is apart of grand finals?"

"I hate that you can be hit while bouncing in the air"

"While all he didn't was stick in the corner like a little bit"

Both these guys, id rage quit too if I was this bad"
And these are just some
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Confused Thanagarian
All the Injustice players 'rage quitting' comments. Because no other player in any other fighting game goes to restart right after the game winning combo so they can keep going and not sit through an outro?


That Welsh Guy
"this is what I hate about fighting games. you still can be hit while your bouncing off the ground. completely unfair. you can't defend against that."

"Why did Pig of the Hut keep restarting the match? What a looser"
- This is beyond stupid, not even the comment itself but "looser" really?
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oh god why? you can not make up something so silly that it is unbelievable in this situation, here:

"how can u even do a combo when the fireball stops u? worse is the combo spammers always use the same moves, and block spamming is gay too fight like a man maybe?? y even buy the game??? daigo sucks too"

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
"this why maden are the best becus its real teams and real life stats so if u lose its becus u domt even play fotball in college, tell me this? if fighting games ar realistic then. cant even do a fireball in a real fite."