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"Who's Next?" What does it mean? Discuss!


Premium Supporter
I would main the shit out of goldberg, he would no sell everybody else's offense and then every one of his attacks would be spears
Not gonna lie... the intro to WCW Mayhem on Playstation was hype. Still... MK characters, please. :)


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
It means SZ just went fucking beast mode on somebody & ripped their fucking spine out! "Who's next" means SZ=GOD tier...


Frozen Earth
I kinda figured it's just your general PR term. It's a fighting game, I beat you, WHO'S NEXT?? HUH?? LETS GO AFJHAFDKJAHLK

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Obviously it means, "who's next", to get their back broke.......

Please Boon.. Let HSU HAO, HAVOK, be in it.. Make baraka the BEAST he really is supposed to be.. ANd,,,, ignore the tears that will be shed when I unleash all hell with Raiden... plzzzzz no nerfs...
I liked your post, but i just want you to know i do not condone the use of "Hsu Hao" on this site. Keep the baraka talk going though