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Where is the moral outrage over Xbox One`s DRM?


Master of Quanculations
The anti-poverty policies of Microsoft are simply astounding. I only Sony doesn`t follow suit.

I live in Mexico. And I`d like to speak for every gamer living in a country that isn`t as widely developed as the US, Japan, and most European nations.

There are plenty of places where gaming is very popular, retail and used, where internet service is completely unreliable. I`ve had periods (living in one of the biggest cities in the world) where I`ve lost my connection for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Now game console makers want to punish me for not living in the right country?

It`s easy for people to look around at their modern societies and think, "Well it`s 2013. If you don`t have a broadband connection, get with the times bro!" Excuse me, but the world is not that simple. Every country has internet that functions differently, run by different companies. Some residential areas in this country are STILL waiting for internet service to even become available, signing petitions to get the companies out there because it isn`t seen as economically viable to provide it out there.

The majority of people I know don`t even own credit cards. Many of them don`t have bank accounts. But they`re still members of a modern society. This country has large tech plaza`s full of gaming areas where people play console games. And there is NO internet connection in these places. I guess we can just tell all my friends who work downtown to look for a new job.

How about those families all over the world that go through tough financial times? Life is unpredictable. When console prices come down in a few years, and a minimum wage family can buy an Xbox One for their kid for Christmas to make him happy, are we to punish that family and child because they have a bad month and can`t pay the internet bill? If the cat knocks the modem off the wall and it breaks, are gamers forced to not play while they wait for repair service?

And how will this affect the rental system? If publishers are allowed to lock their games from being lent, or requiring charges to be paid just to play a game that`s been installed already, we are only punishing the poorest gamers who can`t afford to pay over $100 for a new game. Yes, in Mexico, retail games sell for $90 to $110 US dollars. While living costs such as rent and utilities are much lower. It`s already hard enough to be a gamer in many countries. Now we`re just gonna make it harder.

We should all be offended as gamers and consumers in general.


Get over here!
I agree. I don't know why they are making such unfavorable changes. No doubt it will hurt the sales. Is Ps4 doing the same thing? I haven't really been keeping up on the Next Gen news because I wont be buying one until a year or two after they come out.


Master of Quanculations
Have you not been on facebook or twitter recently? Since its reveal a few weeks ago people have been going ape pretty much on a daily basis. Not to mention gaming sites such as neogaf.

I don`t use twitter and my facebook is kept pretty lean so I don`t see much there either. But when I read about this issue here on TYM, I don`t see people talking much about the implications of these policies outside their own bubble of easily found high speed internet. I wanted to widen the argument a bit here. I`m sure people are making these points elsewhere, but I`m not seeing it here. Hence the post. Thanks dizzy. :) Keep bodying Kenshis.


Tired, But Strong
I'm trying to make room in my budget to get the few games i play on 360 online still on PS3, so I can wash my hands of giving money to the company after all this.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
I could care less right now. I bought a 360 cause of Halo 3, probably my all time fave game. Since then it's been downhill for Halo, so there goes my only reason for buying a Juan.

Im telling you guys, this piece of crap needs to be boycotted.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i hate to say it but i think sony will also go in this direction and its sad tbh but its more in line with steam and pc gamers, i have a gaming PC and got all my games on steam, and i cant lend them or anything, the difference is in countries like DR (where am from) internet and even power outages are so common, and they have gaming pc's out the butt load over there, almost every one i knew had some type of gaming pc or modded ps3, and thats what scares M$ and sony, EVERYONE i knew had a modded ps3 or xbox in Domincan republic, and it ruins it for the people who didn't, this is more a counter to piracy, and limiting the used game market, and gamers are the collateral.


Mid Tier
I've talking about this with some friends, and MS loses my buisness for the next gen,

And honestly it's a wait and see on PStation,

Its fuckin bullshit trash for a company to just say get with the times,

plus the fact that I can't play my 190 XBLA games on a brand new Xboxone with all this crazy technology, is dumb. And Kinect always having to be connected for the thing to even turn on.

None of that shit appeals to me, I want to play games, not watch TV and movies and check the TMZ app, and blah blah blah, i don't give a fuck about talking to my xbox to turn it on, I can push a fuckin button, shit it used to take 20 mins mininum just to get a NES game to work.

The next Gen pretty much kills small tournys and shit too, If Sonys shit works anything like MS, then I don't know how tournys will be able to afford to run next gen fighters, sure big ones like EVO can, cause they make money already as it is, but good by to locals and shit, because you have to ping the server every 24hrs, and thats just not feesible, sad times indeed ahead, time to stick with the classics I guess.

Fuck them I'm going back to SNES
This is the truth. Technology in the us is relatively inexpensive and alienating a large portion of your prospective customers is always going to be an awful idea. Even if everyone and their mom buys xb1 in the US, if everyone else in the world gets ps4 or wiiu (lol) then microsoft will be taking huge losses and it will be a failed product.


Master of Quanculations
Can we all agree if the PS4 does not have anything anti-consumer that we will all get that for the next gen of fighting games?
All the tournament gaming done in Mexico City and Monterrey (the two biggest cities for competitive gaming) take place in event centers, tech plazas, apartment community rooms, and even building rooftops. NONE of these places have internet available for the consoles to be connected to. We are lucky if we can broadcast a really low-res stream, much less have 20 consoles able to get a connection.

I`m honestly scared for the future of competitive gaming in many countries.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I am with all of you on this and I am from the US, it is BS to assume the whole world can gain a net connection, the US still has 40% of people that either can't get a net connection, still have dial-up, and or a spotty connection. This is MS trying to gain a strangle hold on all things media and monopolize it. A boycott needs to happen, we must all prove to a company we will not stand for this shit.


Mid Tier
I am with all of you on this and I am from the US, it is BS to assume the whole world can gain a net connection, the US still has 40% of people that either can't get a net connection, still have dial-up, and or a spotty connection. This is MS trying to gain a strangle hold on all things media and monopolize it. A boycott needs to happen, we must all prove to a company we will not stand for this shit.

Not only gain a net connection, but your going to have to have a pretty good one with all the shit going on with that thing,

Fuck you MSoft, you will not get my money anymore, you fucked up.
Ive been keeping up with the ps4 and ive read the recent game informer issue that was stricly ps4 related, and they spoke with the head honcho behing ps4 development team and they asked him about a possible " always on" feature and sony was stricly against it, yoy wont be seeing the bullshit features on xbox mirrored on the ps4, because unlike microsofts greedy ass, sony caters to gamers worldwide.
I love Xbox. I love Halo.

That said, Micro$oft can eat a dick. I'm getting a PS4, and I'm going to be playing Killzone and Destiny while your kinect watches you masturbate and sends your stroking pattern to M$.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Master of Quanculations
Ive been keeping up with the ps4 and ive read the recent game informer issue that was stricly ps4 related, and they spoke with the head honcho behing ps4 development team and they asked him about a possible " always on" feature and sony was stricly against it, yoy wont be seeing the bullshit features on xbox mirrored on the ps4, because unlike microsofts greedy ass, sony caters to gamers worldwide.
Hopefully Sony stays smart and uses it as a way to differentiate themselves. I can`t wait to see how many gaming sites just drink the koolaid and bend over saying DRM isn`t as bad as it is.