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UMK3/MKT/UMK3:TE Match Videos and Links


Playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 MAME p2p. In our last fight DarkHaze turned on Windows 7 Aeroglass, which is not noticeable in this video since I used the "record input" feature within MAME. In reality the game locked up for 3 seconds at the character selection screen and resulted in my controls having a MASSIVE delay in our last fight. The reason I know what he did is because I spent hours helping him fix this problem 2 days before.

nwo vs DarkHaze (5-14-14)

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A casual set of top players in the world, recorded by me. They are from Brazil. P2 have a very good block (learned from Marvin) but between the both seems like p1 is better player overall. I played vs P1 in Kaillera Matches #19 and #20.



Examples of Tricks, Combos, Mind Games, Strategies,etc. taken of various matches that I've recorded in my pc since the last 6 years (2009 - 2014)