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The most significant reason why people Rage in this Game.


Lord of embers
Everything competitive demands you use "high level strats and techniques" to win at it. I don't get how this game is any different.
Yes, and no. Im saying the casual gets zero reward from playing this game because the only rewarding things are locked behind nigh impossible skills for the average user to attain. Thus making bums consistently complain all the time


Lord of embers
Super clear issue here the community's brains are just to big to understand super simple concepts. At some point we have to stop treating the game as if it's some incomprehensible enigma that very few people understand. NO ONE IS COMPLAINING HERE I feel like if I woulda just said GAME IS HARD everyone would have just agreed lol


Well fighting games ARE hard. It will always be hard for casuals to compete at a bit higher level in literally any fighting game not just this one which is one of if not the easiest one.

Yes, and no. Im saying the casual gets zero reward from playing this game because the only rewarding things are locked behind nigh impossible skills for the average user to attain. Thus making bums consistently complain all the time
What are these "rewards" you keep talking about?


Dojo Trainee
People rage in all competitive fighters. It's because we're competitors. We don't like to lose. We also have egos, and losing is a slap in the face of what we believe we're entitled to: winning, because lord knows I must be better than every opponent I face.

I'd say raging at a fighting game in and of itself is a good thing - I don't think channeling it in the form of actually lashing out at your opponent like some kind of manlet is good, but the passion that's there, is. Severe dissatisfaction with losses is what drives you to learn matchups and ensure that sh*t doesn't happen again. Anyone that plays a competitive game and doesn't get upset probably doesn't care enough to be good at it.


Lord of embers
Well fighting games ARE hard. It will always be hard for casuals to compete at a bit higher level in literally any fighting game not just this one which is one of if not the easiest one.

What are these "rewards" you keep talking about?
I'm so sick of this argument, fighting games dont have to be difficult.
Can we stop pretending that none of us have any idea what rewards we from WD and FB? Seriously please.


Lord of embers
People rage in all competitive fighters. It's because we're competitors. We don't like to lose. We also have egos, and losing is a slap in the face of what we believe we're entitled to: winning, because lord knows I must be better than every opponent I face.

I'd say raging at a fighting game in and of itself is a good thing - I don't think channeling it in the form of actually lashing out at your opponent like some kind of manlet is good, but the passion that's there, is. Severe dissatisfaction with losses is what drives you to learn matchups and ensure that sh*t doesn't happen again. Anyone that plays a competitive game and doesn't get upset probably doesn't care enough to be good at it.
I have never seen as much toxicity in a video game period as much as mk11. And fuck that channeling bullshit people got kids man shits a game ain't no got time for that.


I'm so sick of this argument, fighting games dont have to be difficult.
Can we stop pretending that none of us have any idea what rewards we from WD and FB? Seriously please.
And you will keep getting sick of the argument but that's not my fault is it? It's just true and I don't see how fighting games would ever not be difficult at the competitive level. I really don't see it. But if you have an idea, please, share it.

Still don't understand the "casual gets zero reward from playing this game" part.


Lord of embers
And you will keep getting sick of the argument but that's not my fault is it? It's just true and I don't see how fighting games would ever not be difficult at the competitive level. I really don't see it. But if you have an idea, please, share it.

Still don't understand the "casual gets zero reward from playing this game" part.
Mkx wasnt difficult SFV isnt difficult Tekken isnt particularly difficult. Do you really think the casual nub gets anything from this game but frustrations? You think when a scrub sees kotal teleport across fullscreen crossing his arms into super enxtendo normals makes them feel good? You think being Fbup2 for trying to poke after someone is negative is a good feeling for people who could as I have explained never replicate it.
Again my points are clear and concise, moving and blocking are difficult in this game more so than most and only high lvl players get the satisfaction of enjoying the game to its fullest.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Unfortunately, the game is also very polarized. There are people who genuinely enjoy playing the game. Then there are people who criticize every single facet (i.e., breakaway, fatal blows, krushing blows, low pokes, throws, etc.)
It's funny that most of the people from the 2nd group are the same people who were complaining about female bodies and lack of shown skin when the game was revealed.

Most of them decided they don't like the game way before they got their hands on it.


Fb imo would be better if the input upon fail resulted in complete lack of any block but if successful resulted in something more meaningful. Some char u2/follow up is so trash wasting two bars to get maybe some tiny ass combo is dumb imo.


Lord of embers
Fb imo would be better if the input upon fail resulted in complete lack of any block but if successful resulted in something more meaningful. Some char u2/follow up is so trash wasting two bars to get maybe some tiny ass combo is dumb imo.
I like it


Mkx wasnt difficult SFV isnt difficult Tekken isnt particularly difficult. Do you really think the casual nub gets anything from this game but frustrations? You think when a scrub sees kotal teleport across fullscreen crossing his arms into super enxtendo normals makes them feel good? You think being Fbup2 for trying to poke after someone is negative is a good feeling for people who could as I have explained never replicate it.
Again my points are clear and concise, moving and blocking are difficult in this game more so than most and only high lvl players get the satisfaction of enjoying the game to its fullest.
Well if you think all those none NRS games are easier than NRS games then we will never agree on anything anyway lol. Because I strongly disagree with that. You have even less frames to work with in SFV and Tekken is very footise based which is imo the hardest thing in fighting games. Anyone can do high damage combos.

Also why do you assume casuals have to deal with all thee "high level" mechanics? Wouldn't casuals mostly get matched with other casuals? Seriously, if you play KL you don't see that stuff until you reach god ranks.


Yes, and no. Im saying the casual gets zero reward from playing this game because the only rewarding things are locked behind nigh impossible skills for the average user to attain. Thus making bums consistently complain all the time
What? Bro this game is extremely friendly to new players. Take some fortnite kid teach him one combo with geras and tell him “when u are sure this will land use it. If not slot machine d1 and throw”. He will have much more success than if you threw him into tekken or even sfv which is also pretty nub friendly.
Flawless block is mainly useful for strings with gaps or after you lost your turn and are significantly negative yet safe. This doesn’t require daigo/lowhigh lvls of precision to do let’s be real.


There it is...
Bruh I've received the hardest hatemail ever, i's only gotten worse since joker lol
Trust. Nowhere near close to the toxicity of some games.

Overwatch, super smash Bros, LOL, Call of duty. Just off the top of my head.

Couple of salty messages is nothing. I barely ever get hatemail on mk. Overwatch on console just about unplayable because every game is saudi's screaming abuse at you every single match for no reason. Me and my friends legit quit almost entirely cause of that.


because A LOT and I mean A LOT of casuals like mk. ending games pre-maturely helps you get to the next match instead of sitting around for outros or a potential fatality. rage quitting is like online gaming 101


Lord of embers
Trust. Nowhere near close to the toxicity of some games.

Overwatch, super smash Bros, LOL, Call of duty. Just off the top of my head.

Couple of salty messages is nothing. I barely ever get hatemail on mk. Overwatch on console just about unplayable because every game is saudi's screaming abuse at you every single match for no reason. Me and my friends legit quit almost entirely cause of that.
I actually like overwatch I hover around 2300-2600 solo que that might be it though COD I never have mic up lol


None of you actually read the op, for your point to be true then "casuals" would like the game whatever though keep talking in circles.
bro the problem with the kind of people you are referring to is they are buns to the point that any fighting game would be a horrible experience for them. I dunno if you ever watched that guy on mkx who played jacqui (forgot his name but he just kept spamming projectiles yelling COMBOS! COMBOS! STANKY LEG) but people like that won't level up. Fighting games ALL have those kinda players when they first come out then they kinda just go away after two months.