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The Deadshot Combo List

i play with pad. its pretty hard for me to execute the f1xxbf1. on stick its easier, but i hate to play nrs games on stick....
instead i messed around with 2xxbf1. same damage. but 1xxbf1 is supereasy. you can even use it online.

i end with b233 in the corner because of the hard knockdown. but ye... use the b23xxbf3 for more damage and optional meterburn.

i will test some trait-setups the next days, but d2 seems to be pretty viable.

looked at this corner combo?
b12u3xxbf1, bf1f mb..... etc.

with fire-trait this seems to be usefull:
b12u3xxbf1, bf1f mb, f123, b233/b23xxbf3.
forgot the damage, because for me its hard to execute. i think in general its easy to execute, but my stupid brain cant handle the timing of the bf1f mb. (midscreen its easy, but in the corner i get stupid and clumsy)

the combo above is pretty hard or maybe impossible. it has 1 hit too much so you cant land the b233 at the end.

this combo is ... dunno... <b12u3xxbf1, bf1f1 mb, f123> does 344 dam. (without the b233 comboender) with firetrait. maybe its usefull to steal meter (for 1 bar...). dont like it anyway...
for one bar you can use the bc. leads to 40 more damage. :(
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Tohan playing shotgun
Yeah i got all those there was literally a few combos with like S3 and thats what i didnt know.
s3 was Standing 3. Just 3 by itself. Since this confusion has occured, I changed it to "3" instead of "s3".

I will do my best to update the combo thread again. I will definitely get it done within this week.


Not the Milkman.
i play with pad. its pretty hard for me to execute the f1xxbf1. on stick its easier, but i hate to play nrs games on stick....
instead i messed around with 2xxbf1. same damage. but 1xxbf1 is supereasy. you can even use it online.

i end with b233 in the corner because of the hard knockdown. but ye... use the b23xxbf3 for more damage and optional meterburn.

i will test some trait-setups the next days, but d2 seems to be pretty viable.

looked at this corner combo?
b21u3xxbf1, bf1f mb..... etc.

with fire-trait this seems to be usefull:
b21u3xxbf1, bf1f mb, f123, b233/b23xxbf3.
forgot the damage, because for me its hard to execute. i think in general its easy to execute, but my stupid brain cant handle the timing of the bf1f mb. (midscreen its easy, but in the corner i get stupid and clumsy)

the combo above is pretty hard or maybe impossible. it has 1 hit too much so you cant land the b233 at the end.

this combo is ... dunno... <b21u3xxbf1, bf1f1 mb, f123> does 344 dam. (without the b233 comboender) with firetrait. maybe its usefull to steal meter (for 1 bar...). dont like it anyway...
for one bar you can use the bc. leads to 40 more damage. :(
I actually did all of this on pad. It's definitely possible. DS' corner combos are really fun.

I just tested out your metered corner combo out just now. It works, but it is kind of tight. The damage is 487.65. Getting that B23 in there at the end is really strict.

Btw, I just wanna mention that the string I think you mean to type is B12U3, not B21U3.
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ups... edited!

487 damage? with firetrait? pretty strong for 1 bar....
the full combo you did was: b12u3bf1, bf1f mb, f123, b23xxbf3 ??
i will add it in my combolist, than its easier for bleu231 to add it to his first post.
second i will revise the combos (change 1xxbf1 to f1xxbf1) and damageinfo i posted tomorrow.

i hope we will see a concise combolist this week ;)


Tohan playing shotgun
Alright! I have updated the combo list, getting back into the swing of things now.

I added a difficulty thingamabob similar to the Kenshi combo thread (if any of you remember that). I'm testing it out and seeing what people think of it, feedback/suggestions would be much appreciated!

I modified the Corner BnBs a bit to squeeze more damage while also still being hard to drop. Let me know if there's any BnBs or Optimal combos I should add, and I'll give it a look.


Not the Milkman.
I think I'm gonna go back a bit on the Ji3 combos and the excessive F1s. After some more testing, I've found them to be not as consistent as initially presumed. Sure, they work fine on a standing opponent, but odds are if you're landing it, you're landing it on an opponent that was crouching. If you hit a crouching opponent with Ji3, they get juggled much lower than if they were standing, making multiple F1 links almost impossible. For both the corner and midscreen, I'd settle for just going right into the F123 string.


Not the Milkman.
Anyone having problem connecting b12up3 BF1 meter burn BF1 BF1 after the patch?
I thought I was just being bad, but for some reason, linking WCs feels much harder for me now. It's still possible, but dam.

Any confirmation on this or is it all placebo?
I thought I was just being bad, but for some reason, linking WCs feels much harder for me now. It's still possible, but dam.

Any confirmation on this or is it all placebo?
Glad i'm not the only one, it seems like opponents fall to the ground quicker after the first gunshot for some reason


Not the Milkman.
Ive had a hard time hitting it too. I started doing far trick shot after wrist cannon
Same here. If this is really true, I'd list the new BnB as B12U3 xx WC, TSF instead of 2 WCs. It just doesn't feel consistent enough anymore.

Glad i'm not the only one, it seems like opponents fall to the ground quicker after the first gunshot for some reason
That might be the case. I can't tell if they increased the recovery time or reduced the knockup height.


I was getting depressed because I had a very hard time landing the second wc after b12u3 wc wc glad I'm not the only one that's noticed how difficult it is to hit now


Not the Milkman.
So what changed? I didn't see any patch notes. I can't believe this character got nerfed already. They either increased the WC recovery time or the knockup. If they increased the frames, then we just took a hit to our keepaway game.


Tohan playing shotgun
I too, thought it was my execution. I will change the midscreen B12 BnB to Wrist Cannon, Far Trick Shot.


Dojo Trainee
Is it just me or is it harder to connect BF1 regular wrist shot after B12U3? Was there a hidden nerf to frame data I'm not aware of, because I was connecting this easily even when the game first released?


Not the Milkman.
Is it just me or is it harder to connect BF1 regular wrist shot after B12U3? Was there a hidden nerf to frame data I'm not aware of, because I was connecting this easily even when the game first released?
Literally the last 6 or so posts.
So what changed? I didn't see any patch notes. I can't believe this character got nerfed already. They either increased the WC recovery time or the knockup. If they increased the frames, then we just took a hit to our keepaway game.
I think it has to do with the knock-up. If I spam WC on a practice dummy I don't feel any change in recovery. Also hitting a Tiger knee after F23xxMB WC mid-screen now feels a tad bit tighter for me, the opponent falls quicker now after gunshots for sure.


After a F3 or B3 then ji3 I seem to have trouble landing a f123 after the ji3. I can get it about 30% of the time. I usually get just a f23 that comes out and I whif the final string. I hate to resort to ji2 because the damage is not as much. Even a ji2 after f3 whiffs in the air quite a bit. Any advice on the timing to hit it consistently.


Not the Milkman.
After a F3 or B3 then ji3 I seem to have trouble landing a f123 after the ji3. I can get it about 30% of the time. I usually get just a f23 that comes out and I whif the final string. I hate to resort to ji2 because the damage is not as much. Even a ji2 after f3 whiffs in the air quite a bit. Any advice on the timing to hit it consistently.
Get the Ji3 as late as possible. How late "late" is may change depending on the range you land B3 or F3 though.

Also guys... I think DS got nerfed again. Is anyone else having trouble linking F23 xx WC, TSF? I used to be able to get that combo fairly consistently. Since RH was released, I haven't been able to get it at all on any character...


Tohan playing shotgun
Also guys... I think DS got nerfed again. Is anyone else having trouble linking F23 xx WC, TSF? I used to be able to get that combo fairly consistently. Since RH was released, I haven't been able to get it at all on any character...
Yeah, I just went to the lab to check, I can't seem the land it at all, however I can SOMETIMES land normal Trick Shot, it's a very tight link though.


Not the Milkman.
So wtf, they really just nerfed him again? What's with all these stealth nerfs? Do they just think we won't notice?

At least be up front about it NRS. What happened now? Did TS get startup frames or something?

EDIT: It looks like they just completely reverted DS' guns to their former state. So B12U3 xx WC, WC is possible again, and F23 xx WC, TS is back to being near impossible to do.

We should probably update the BnBs again.
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