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Guide Sub-Zero official combo/Bnb/punish thread


1 = Front punch (PS3 square, Xbox X)
2 = Back punch (PS3 triangle, Xbox Y)
3 = Front kick (PS3 X, Xbox A)
4 = Back kick (PS3 circle, Xbox B)
F = Forward
B = Backward
D = Down
U = Up
jip = Jump-in-punch
njp = Neutral-jump-punch
jk = Jumpkick
AA = Anti Air (hitting your opponent out of the air while you are on the ground)
a2a = Air-to-air (hitting your opponent out of the air while you are also in the air)
~ = Cancel into a special
, = Slight pause
(input in parenthesis) = Whiff this move on purpose

22 Starter​
Midscreen Meterless:
224~slide = 23%
22~freeze, jip b121 = 26%
22~freeze, jip 214~slide = 30%

Midscreen Xray:
224~Xray = 44%
22~freeze, jip 214~Xray = 46%

Midscreen-to-wall (1 bar):
224~ex freeze, (b1)2, 214~slide = 41%
224~ex freeze, (b1)2, 214 = ???
224~ex freeze, (b1)2, 222 = ???

Wall Meterless:
224~freeze, 222 = 25%
224~freeze, 4, 222 = 30%
224~freeze, 4, 214 = 32%
224~freeze, 4, 214~slide = 37%
224~freeze, (b1)2, 214~slide = 38%

Wall Xray:
224~freeze, 4, 214~Xray = 49%
224~freeze, (b1)2, 214~Xray = 53%

21 Starter

Midscreen Meterless:
214~slide = 26%
212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = 29%
212~freeze, deep jumpkick, 22~slide = 29%
212~freeze, *dash*, deep jumpkick, slide = 26% + reverses positions

Midscreen Xray:
214~Xray = 48%
212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~Xray = 41%

Wall Meterless:
212~freeze, 222 = 25%
212~freeze, 11, 222 = 28%
212~freeze, 4, 222 = 29%
212~freeze, 224~slide = 30%
212~freeze, (b1)2, 224~slide = 33%
214~freeze, (b4), 222 = 28%
214~freeze, (neutral jump), 222 = 28%
214~freeze, 4, 222 = 33%
214~freeze, 4, 224~slide = 38%

Wall Xray:
212~freeze, (b1)2, 224~Xray = ???
214~freeze, 4, 224~Xray = 53%

B12 Starter​
Midscreen Meterless:
b12~freeze, jip b121 = 28%
b12~freeze, jip 214~slide = 33%

Midscreen Xray:
b12~freeze, jip 214~Xray = 50%

Wall Meterless:
b12~freeze, njp, njp, b12, 214~slide = 38%
b12 ~ freeze, jip, b121 = 28%

F4 Starter
Midscreen Meterless:
f4~freeze, jip b121 = 26%

Midscreen Xray:
f4~freeze, jip 214~Xray = 48%

Wall Meterless:
f4~freeze, njp, njp, b12, 214~slide = 35%
f4 ~ freeze, jip, b121 = 26%

B2 Starter
Midscreen Meterless:
Full charged b2, b12, 212~slide = 35%
Full charged b2, 1, b12, 212~slide = 37%
Full charged b2, (b1)2, 214~slide = 38%

Midscreen Xray:
Full charged b2, b12, 214~Xray = 50%
Full charged b2, (b1)2, 214~Xray = 54%

Wall Meterless:
Full charged b2, njp, b12, 214~slide = 41%

Wall Xray:
Full charged b2, njp, b12, 214~Xray = 54%

Naked Freeze
Midscreen Meterless:
Freeze, jip b121 = 20%
Freeze, jip 214~slide = 25%

Midscreen Xray:
Freeze, jip 214~Xray = 43%

Ice Clone Combos
Midscreen ex slide into clone:
Ex slide, (b1)2, 212~slide = 30%

Wall ex slide into clone:
Ex slide, 4, 214~slide = 33%
Ex slide, 4, 214 = 28%
Ex slide, 4, 222 = 25%
Ex slide, 11, 214~slide = 32%
Ex slide, 11, 214 = 27%
Ex slide, 11, 222 = 24%
Ex slide, 21, 222 = 25%

Wall slide into clone (character specific):
Slide, b12, 214~slide = 36%
Slide, b12, 214~Xray = ???

Wall jumpkick into clone:
Jumpkick, (b1)2, 214~slide = 31%
Jumpkick, (b1)2, 214 = 25%
Jumpkick, (b1)2, 222 = 21%
Jumpkick, (b1)2, 214~Xray = 48%

Wall combos using (21)2~clone:
*When the first two hits of 212 are blocked and the third hit connects, your opponent may get frozen by the clone.
(21)2~clone, (b1)2, 214~slide = 29%
(21)2~clone, (b1)2, 214 = 24%
(21)2~clone, (b1)2, 222 = 21%
(21)2~clone, 222 = ???
(21)2~clone, (b1)2, 214~Xray = 43%

Corner Clone Traps
Ending corner combos with 222 gives you enough time to put out a clone and still be able to block every wakeup attack in the game.
Ending corner combos with 214 gives you enough time to put out a clone and still have time to block unless the opponent tech rolls into a fast advancing wakeup attack.

When putting out a clone after certain combos, the clone can be placed so close to the opponent that it creates a "clone trap". In this situation the opponent's options become very limited and you can potentially knock them back into the clone with either a jumpkick or ex slide. Here's a list of ways this can be set up:

Ex slide isn't reliable or doesn't work at all:
Close proximity d4~clone
Ex slide into the clone, 21, 222 = 25%
Deep jumpkick 21, d1~clone, 222 = 23% (Jumpkicks are somewhat inconsistent)

Jumpkicks aren't reliable or don't work at all:
Ex slide into the clone, 11, 222 = 24%

Both ex slide and jumpkicks are reliable:
212~freeze, 222 = 25%
224~freeze, 222 = 25%
224~freeze, 4, 214 = 32%
214~freeze, (b4), 222 = 28%
214~freeze, (neutral jump), 222 = 28%
Ex slide into the clone, 4, 214 = 28%
Ex slide into the clone, 11, 214 = 27%
Jumpkick into the clone, (b1)2, 214 = 25%
Anti air 22~freeze, 222 = 14%

Aerial Combos
*Anytime you anti air with 2~freeze rather than 22~freeze the combo will do 1% more damage.

Midscreen Anti Air:
22~freeze, (b1)2, 212~slide = 22%
22~freeze, b12, 212~slide = 23%
22~freeze, (b1)2, 212~Xray = 34%
AA ice clone/freeze, njp, b12, 212~slide = 26%
AA ice clone/freeze, (b1)2, 214~slide = 25%
AA ice clone/freeze, b12, 212~slide = 22%
AA ice clone/freeze, 1, 214~slide = 21%
d4~ex freeze, (b1)2, 212~slide = 27%
d4, 212~slide = 21%

Wall Anti Air:
22~freeze, (b1)2, 214~slide = 23%
22~freeze, (b1)2, 222 = 17%
22~freeze, 214~slide = ???
22~freeze, 222 = 14%
21, 22~freeze, 222 = 20%
AA ice clone/freeze, njp, b12, 214~slide = 28%
AA ice clone/freeze, njp, b12, 214 = 23%
AA ice clone/freeze, njp, b12, 222 = 20%

Midscreen Air-to-air:
a2a, Slide = 9%
a2a, d4~slide = 11%
a2a, 22~slide = 13%
a2a, 21~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = 17%

Wall Air-to-air:
a2a, 22~freeze, (b1)2, 214~slide = 21%
a2a, 22~freeze, (b1)2, 222 = 16%
a2a, 22~freeze, 214~slide = 19%
a2a, 22~freeze, 222 = 14%
a2a, 214~freeze, 222 = 20%

Midscreen NJP:
njp, 212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = ???
njp, b12, 212~slide = 29%
njp, 1, b12, 212~slide = 31%

Wall NJP:
njp, b12, 214~slide = 31%
njp, b12, 222 = ???

Midscreen Deep Jumpkick:
jk 22~slide = 20%
jk 22~ex freeze, (b1)2, 212~slide = 32%

Wall Deep Jumpkick:
jk 212~freeze, 222 = 27%
jk 212~freeze, 1, 222 = 28%
jk 212~freeze, 11, 222 = 29%
jk 212~freeze, 224~slide = ???
jk 212~freeze, 1, 224~slide = 32%
jk 21, d1~clone, 222 = 23%

Unbreakable Combos
Sub Zero's unbreakable options are somewhat limited.

-Xray is one of the best choices here. The damage can be highly scaled in certain combos however, so make sure you get your money's worth out of it.

-Freezing your opponent twice will cause 5% unbreakable damage. This damage gets scaled during combos or after an air freeze.

-If you ever hit your opponent with a full charged b2, you can follow it up with a freeze for 17% or an Xray for 40%.

-You can time a full charged b2 after a freeze to where it will hit the opponent right as they become unfrozen. If the opponent doesn't press any buttons they won't be refrozen but will still eat the initial damage. They can also armor out of this set up but will still eat the initial damage. So after a freeze Sub Zero can get at least 11% guaranteed unbreakable damage.

-If your opponent almost has a breaker, you can cut your combo short by using b12, uncharged b2, or a raw jump-in-punch. All of these options leave you at enough advantage for a guaranteed throw attempt or chip damage.

-Using 212, 214, or 224 on block into an Xray cancel leaves you at enough advantage for another guaranteed blockstring for more chip damage. Since most people tend to hold block in this situation, you can usually get away with a throw attempt.

Character-Specific Punishes
Kung Lao's teleport:
Duck under instant 3, then 212~freeze into combo of choice.
Block the delayed 3, 2, or 4 on reaction. If you read that he will use this you can quickly punish it with 22~freeze.

Ball/roll animations (excluding Mileena's roll):
f4~freeze into combo of choice.

Mileena's roll (midscreen):
1, 212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = 25%
b12, 214~slide = 29%

Mileena's teleport:
*Make sure you block while standing.
212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = 25%

Mileena's ex teleport:
*Stand block the first hit and crouch block the second hit.
Without meter: d4~slide = ???
With meter: d4~ex freeze, (b1)2, 212~slide = 27%
If you think she will throw an air sai you can duck it and then 212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = 25%

Scorpion's ex teleport:
d4~freeze, (b1)2, 212~slide = 23%
Crouch the first hit then 22~freeze into combo of choice

Cyrax/Cyber Sub Zero teleports:
212~freeze, (b1)2, 22~slide = 25%

Kitana's square wave:
Slide or 212~freeze depending on the distance

Using b121:
Ending combos with b121 is often one of the best options because it causes a standing reset and leaves you at +24 frame advantage for a variety of follow-ups:​
-You can get a guaranteed blockstring for up to 5% chip damage + meter building. You're at so much advantage that all of your strings which would normally hit high will now hit mid if timed correctly.​
-You can get a guaranteed throw attempt for 12% extra damage. If timed correctly, the throw can't be escaped by jumping, crouching or using armor. The only way out is to tech the throw.​
-B121 also keeps the opponent grounded which is very useful at times when you don't want the opponent to have access to an air breaker.​
Credit for Combo thread rework and listing of only the most efficient combos goes to Seapeople



24 Low Hat!
Full Charge B2 combos:

B2, (b1)2, 214 slide 6 hits 38%
B2, b12, 212 slide 7 hits 36%


B2, NJP, b12, 214 slide 8 hits 41%
B2, 4, 1, 214 slide 7 hits 38%

Xray (midscreen):

B2, (b1)2, 214 xray 8 hits 53%
B2, b12, 214 xray 9 hits 51%

Some one check the damage numbers for me, they were approximations as i couldnt access MK as i wrote this.


24 Low Hat!
If someone doesn't get to it first, Ill put the punish list together tonight when I get home from work.
What is a punish list, exactly? Is it just a list of options of punish enemies? Imo either 22 freeze into 212 slide or b121 are the only two you really need. Or are you talking more like d4'ing Scorp teleport and stuff like that?

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Yeah, the specific stuff, broken down by the most common situations, balled up tele, mileena roll etc. 2 can punish almost everything, but it never hurts to have it out there.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Midscreen 1 bar. Open stance only: 2, 2, 4 / Ice Beam >> {Away+1}, 2 - 2, 1, 2 / Slide = 9 hits 39%

*I don't take credit for this combo, nor do I want it.


Go to hell.
F4 Ice Ball JIP 214 slide 31%
F4 Ice Ball NJP B12 212 slide 30%
F4 Ice Ball NJP 1 B12 212 slide 32%

Also, are you going to cover the B121 reset? Or I could do it (happily)


Dark_Rob should we include ice clone combos as well? Like slide into clone, F4 1+2 into clone, stuff like that?
Yes anything thats a full combo. I want it all covered here. The plan is to have the whole community contribute to this to build up the Encyclopedia Subtanica.


F4 Ice Ball JIP 214 slide
F4 Ice Ball NJP B12 212 slide
F4 Ice Ball NJP 1 B12 212 slide

Also, are you going to cover the B121 reset? Or I could do it (happily)
The B1,2,1 reset is a mixup that may or may not give you another combo, but it is not a true combo in the sense of the word. There fore we should probably cover that in a seperate strategy/setups thread that I will be making. Here i want to cover only true combos.


Go to hell.
The B1,2,1 reset is a mixup that may or may not give you another combo, but it is not a true combo in the sense of the word. There fore we should probably cover that in a seperate strategy/setups thread that I will be making. Here i want to cover only true combos.
Alright. If you want help with that, I'm here.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
The only one I know of that you didn't list is under 21 corner combos...

In the very last one you posted under that section, you can add a standing 4 for more damage:

214 ice blast 4 224 slide. Sorry, I'm at work... don't know the percentage. I know with a JIP it's 41% though, if that helps.


24 Low Hat!
The only one I know of that you didn't list is under 21 corner combos...

In the very last one you posted under that section, you can add a standing 4 for more damage:

214 ice blast 4 224 slide. Sorry, I'm at work... don't know the percentage. I know with a JIP it's 41% though, if that helps.
(B1)2 and standing 4 yield the same damage in corner combos. Imo standing 4 is easier.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
(B1)2 and standing 4 yield the same damage in corner combos. Imo standing 4 is easier.
I didn't know that. That's interesting. I always use standing 4 though b/c I know I can land it... I hate having to think if I have to back up and whiff a B1 or if I can do it right there.

Ease of execution is something I think players would like to know since consistent damage > dropping combos when going for more or the same. lol


Ease of execution is something I think players would like to know since consistent damage > dropping combos when going for more or the same. lol
Not a bad idea. Perhaps I will go through the list and put an asterik(*) next to combos that could be considered "easy/beginner" execution.


Go to hell.
Off of an ice clone freeze (ground):
JIP 214 slide 25%
NJP B12 212 slide 24%
NJP 1 B12 212 slide 26%

Off of an ice clone freeze (air):
NJP B12 212 slide 26%


Off of an ice clone freeze (ground):
JIP 214 slide
NJP B12 212 slide
NJP 1 B12 212 slide

Off of an ice clone freeze (air):
NJP B12 212 slide
1 1 214 slide
Can you guys list the number of hits and damage % along with the combo as well please? other wise I have to go into training mode and do it myself and Ive already done that tonight with every combo up there. Thanks.


Joker here~
Should we include jump kick combos? And aa punch combos
Jump Kick Starters
Deep jk, dash d+4 ex freeze, dash back (b+1),2 , 2,1,2 slide = 8 Hits 33%
Deep jk, dash d+4 slide = 3 hits 17%
Deep jk, dash clone, (b+1),2, 2,1,2 slide = 7 Hits 29%
Deep jk, dash clone, (b+1),2, 2,1,2 x-ray = 9 Hits 42%
Deep jk, 2,1,2 freeze, dash back (b+1),2, 2,2,2 = 9 Hits 30% + Clone Set up
Deep jk, 2,1,2 freeze, dash back (b+1),2, 2,2, slide = 9 Hits 31%
Deep jk, 2,1,2 freeze, dash back (b+1),2, 2,2, x-ray = 11 Hits 41%
Deep jk from about half screen, d+1 clone, (b+1), 2, 2,1,4 slide = 8 Hits 30% [Remove this is you want Rob. I don't know when this will ever be viable lol considering the first combo for this set up]
Deep jk from about half screen, d+1 clone, (b+1), 2, 2,1,4 x-ray = 10 Hits 45%
AA 2
2, freeze, (b+1),2, 2,1,2 slide = 7 Hits 23%
2, freeze, (b+1),2, 2,1,2, x-ray = 9 Hits 35%
AA Punch
Mid Screen
[These combos are based on spacing and height]
aa punch, slide = 2 Hits 9%
aa punch, dash d+4 slide = 3 Hits 11%
aa punch, dash 22 slide = 4 Hits 13%
aa punch, dash 2,2 ex freeze, (b+1),2, 2,1,2 slide = 9 Hits 21% [Probably a waste of meter, but if you want to close off the round]
aa punch, 2,2, freeze, dash back (b+1),2, 2,1,4 slide = 9 Hits 21%
aa punch, 2,2, freeze, (b+1),2, 2,2,2= 8 Hits 16% + Free Clone Set Up
[Easier verion because hitting the (b+1),2 will be dependent on the height the freeze hits]
aa punch, 2,2, freeze, 2,2,2 = 7 Hits 14% + Free Clone Set Up
aa punch, 2,2, freeze, 2,1,4 slide = 8 Hits 19%
[Blocked 2,1] 2 Clone In Corner Combo (If the last hit of [2,1],2 hits, the clone will freeze the opponent.
[Blocked 2,1] 2 Clone, dash back (b+1), 2, 2,1,4, slide = 7 Hits 29%
[Blocked 2,1] 2 Clone, dash back (b+1), 2, 2,1,4, x-ray = 9 Hits 43%
[Blocked 2,1] 2 Clone, dash back (b+1), 2, 2,1,4 = 6 Hits 24%
[Blocked 2,1] 2 Clone, dash back (b+1), 2, 2,2,2 = 6 Hits 21% + Free Clone Set Up
2,1,2 Corner Ex Slide Set Up
*Note: Surprisingly using the standard slide does the exact same damage as the ex slide during these combo
Ex slide, (b+1),2, 2,1,2 slide = 8 Hits 30%
[With Characters with a large lower hit box, a standard slide will knock them into the clone. But when using the standard slide, you now have access to the x-ray so that can boost the damage by over 10%] [Alternate the 1,1 and 4 based on what you feel is more comfortable]
ex slide 4, 2,1,4 slide = 7 Hits 33%
ex slide 1,1, 2,1,4 slide = 8 Hits 32%
ex slide 4, 2,1,4 = 6 Hits 28%
ex slide 1,1, 2,1,4 = 7 Hits = 27%
ex slide 4, 2,2,2 = 6 Hits 25% + Free Clone Set Up
ex slide 1,1, 2,2,2 = 7 Hits 24% + Free Clone Set Up

I will head into training mode and get the data in a sec
Edit: Sorry Rob, I got tuition soon. Will do the Data first thing when I get home.
Will update once I have all the data.
Completed Dark_Rob
Might add more combos later on, i.e. corner throw set up and stuff later on if I have more time.