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Story Mode Is Pointless In Fighters, HERP A DERP

One of the more annoying things I hear about fighting games is "they don't need a good story mode. It's a waste of time that could go to adding and balancing more fighters. Sure MK9 had a good story but after completing it once I know everything that is gonna happen and have no more reason to play it again."

Um, okay? You know what else you'll know what happens after going through it once? Almost everything else.

Play a game? A lot of games don't have multiple endings or outcomes yes people will still replay already knowing what's gonna happen. I still play Goldeneye even though I already know how it's gonna end.

Watch a movie? A lot of people will rewatch a movie already knowing what's gonna happen. I still watch Home Alone every Christmas.

Read a book? A lot of people will reread a book knowing full well already what's gonna happen. I still read the same fan fics online knowing what's gonna happen.

This whole "oh I'll play it once and then never again cause I already know what's gonna happen" thing is a weak argument against having a good story in fighting games. Fighting games just like other types of games are a good medium to tell a good story.

I remember when MK9 came out everyone was blown away at how good the story was and how it had a cinematic almost big budget Hollywood movie feel to it. Hell Angry Joe even called it "the best Mortal Kombat movie we never had!"

NRS proved that you can have an amazing story in a fighting game despite how rediuclus (I suck at spelling LOL) it is and in fact with a few cheesy moments the game makes fun of itself.

From what we are hearing the story mode is gonna be just as if not better in Injustice.

Hell even in MK vs DCU Midway was showing early signs that fighting games can be good at telling a story. No longer do I read a bio or watch an ending I unlock in game that tells me that Scorpion ambushed the game ending boss and killed him. We actually get to SEE it happen in a cutscene. We actually get to see them walk up to and trash talk each other before getting into a fighting stance and pounding the ever ling shit out of each other.

And MK9 proved it can be done well when it blew everyone away.

Fighting games can be more then a game they can be a good story, and it's been done by NRS and it's good and it's a good idea I hope other companies will also adapt and use for their own fighting games.
I agree, but story mode shouldn't be your priority if your Fight Engine is seldom worked over Story.

I think that's what majority of people mean, it's a Fighting Game, not a SP experience, the Fight Engine should take priority. If your engine is solid, go ahead and spend resources on SP.
Well obviously don't ignore the gameplay, I'm just saying if you have a solid fighter then a good story mode will make it sweeter. Like eating pie after a good big meal.
I agree 100%. I'm a sucker for good stories and the MK9 story never fails to draw me in.

"Play it once and never again," my ass.
Who knows, maybe one day well have a fighting game with multiple choices and endings. Nintendo kinda already showed signs of that in SSB when certain moments in story mode made you choose a fighter or foe.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I'd say the general setting and ethos behind MK1 and MK2 is what drew me in more than anything, dare I say more than the fatalities. Stories in fighting games aren't necessarily just about what each individual character's purpose is for being there.

Nobody expected the sequel to MK2, (a brutal nightmare world tournament) to be contested by cyborgs and some chubby riot cop in a subway with their beloved thunder God and ninjas nowhere to be seen. Which is why vanilla MK3 left such a bitter taste in everybody's mouths and was quickly replaced by UMK3.

(that's not the way I saw it but LBSH, from a casual's perspective there was no reason for Cage, Scorpion and Raiden not to be in vanilla MK3)

So yeah, story does matter, to a deeper degree than what we may acknowledge. Besides, why are we of all forums having this discussion? Both MK9's story and balance still has better credentials compared to most other fighting games played today.


Skarlet who ?
Please. MK9 story mode is shit compared to Konquest mode, which was much more fun and not just "fight and watch cinematics".
I disagree, I've never had a good experience with story mode, including mk9. That's not to say FGs can't have good story mode, it just hasn't happened yet.

I'll stick to mass effect or metal gear if I want a good story.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
A good story tells me this much at least. Sure there are exceptions.

"We care enough about our game to have a consistent, well written and animated story. Therefore we also care enough to provide high quality game play."
(Also note that Balance does not equal high quality game play either, games are fun based on completely different things than an arbitrary conception of "balance")


Tired, But Strong
Please. MK9 story mode is shit compared to Konquest mode, which was much more fun and not just "fight and watch cinematics".
I liked Deception's konquest mode quite a bit, too. Especially the plethora of secrets to be found in the post-game. The hunt for Zombie Liu Kang was an incredible experience in the first week of forum chatter.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Fighting games got their start in arcades, as head-to-head games. Story mode literally isn't a necessity. Doesn't mean you can't make a good story mode for a fighter.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I disagree, while a lot of people may not care I prefer to have a decent story with interesting characters that MK offers and far better then it's competitors I might add.

Ask any hardcore MK fan of a character, the sole reason they love that character is due to their back story 99% of the time.

Besides, there is a benefit for it in MK9's case there was balance as well as a great story(for those who were actually around during MK originally like myself) I seriously enjoyed it. Storymode factually adds more replay value to the game and more reason to play it for a lot of people(namely the casual crowd) those are the people who may not care about competitive play, leveling up or tournaments but do care about the features within the game itself. This is one thing other fighters lack and it really does show.

I'm sure there are folks who couldn't care if there were stick figures in fighters as long as it was solid, fun etc but I'm not one of them. I prefer a backstory, character development.

For the guy who said MK9's story was bad, hardly...it was 10x better then Konquest. Konquest was good, fun but very repetitive and Deception's was LONG as hell...way too long and lacked interacting with people directly which is crucial in a 3rd person mode......MK9 had better graphics, gameplay, storyline and voice acting. Konquest can't be compared to MK9's effort in every which way.


"HERP A DERP" pretty much says it all. I absolutely loved the MK story mode - really made me interested in all of the characters and care about them. I definitely will play it again in the future as I will forget all the details. And I want to hear all the hilarious insults towards Johnny Cage again.


The MK1 part of the story was great, everything else I really didn't care for besides beating Shao Kahn as Raiden and knocking his ass the FUCK outta there.

Story's nice but I actually got a nice kick out of the special endings more and yes, I think I would rather take more characters over it. Havik for example. I think an addition to fighters would sell better EVEN though MK is pretty known for having it's story mode.