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Match-up Discussion Skarlet Matchup Discussion Thread


Gentlemen, I pretty sure some of You has the opportunity to play against Cyrax...
I am havin' a hard time dealin' with the bombs all over the floor. I tried to punish it on reaction with dash/upslash, tried to go with ex dash upslash, but he can still block. This is really unconformable situation. The only thing that i've been able to punish is his net. But am not havin a foolish Cyrax around. Trying to jump is suicide...
I've been going for dash slide but he is able to block, and even if he takes it its only 8% and he gets a knockdown. This trade seems stupid.
I've been able to dash in and instead of doing slide or up slash I go with pressure but that is very risky of gettin a net.
I havent seen any Skarlet/Cyrax fights so I was wondering how you guys are getting through....
IMO avoid ground daggers and use iaD. I also don't use down daggers much either cuz he can AA me. Whenever you do EX Red Dash you should be confirming whether it was a bomb or net. Idk if you can punish bombs on reaction with EX Red Dash, Up Slash. Save meter for breaker or EX Red Dash.


Dojo Trainee
This match will never be easy as long as Cyrax has those combos, just remember 1 mistake and you're pretty much dead. Never do ground daggers they will only get you in trouble. Cyrax doesn't have to throw nets he can just build meter while throwing bombs and approaching Skarlet isn't that hard for him considering she won't be throwing as many daggers for fear of his net. Cyrax can control this match really well in my opinion.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
Thank you all for the support here. I am currently working on some of the BnBs and spacing and other stuff Blood Queen has. I've been through many characters since Kabal and honestly Skarlet is the one i decided to come back too. I feel even though without meter she can still hold up and do pretty good. I have really good Cyrax in front of me. I will upload some of our matches pretty soon - havent record anything yet as my Skarlet was/is very basic. I am use to punish Cyrax's bomba with regular Kabals dash - thats why its hard for me to modify that fighting style and thinking with Skarlet. I take some notes of what you all said and I will apply it to my strategy.
Thank you all very much.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I won't say 6-4. I did love the dash across wakeup at 10:20. Scar is so good, these were fun to watch.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
Vs Kenshi 5-5 ( i always said that, but no one cares about what i think)
Vs Mileena 6-4 (there is nothing mileena can do that will dificult skarlet strategies at all, even iaD can be used and escape the punish by simply dash away from it, there is also other factors, like the fact of mileena doesn't have a faster punisher, and her best poking be d4, etc tec)


I won't say 6-4. I did love the dash across wakeup at 10:20. Scar is so good, these were fun to watch.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
If I screw up my F2121+2 input and only F121 comes out on hit, I like to do that across red dash into a cross-up.
Works very good.


Dojo Trainee
Vs Kenshi 5-5 ( i always said that, but no one cares about what i think)
Vs Mileena 6-4 (there is nothing mileena can do that will dificult skarlet strategies at all, even iaD can be used and escape the punish by simply dash away from it, there is also other factors, like the fact of mileena doesn't have a faster punisher, and her best poking be d4, etc tec)
Why is Kenshi 5-5?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
That's great and all but I'm just curious as to why you think so.
Getting in is hard...but it's easier than the initial thought once u get enough practice.

It's more a battle of meter than anything else. While zoning, as long as skarlet has meter advantage she wins. The first hit could almost determine who wins right there. The reason why skarlet wins is because she can stay in better than any other character. And against kenshi (or anyone with large hitbox) her pressure DOESN'T END AS LONG AS SHE HAS METER. Frame traps and the threat of armor can make kenshi afraid to armor or poke. It's still however a read on the part of both players which it should be. It comes down to the skarlet players ability to build meter, and making kenshi waste meter.

Without drops and perfect execution, skarlets pressure and armor are too much for kenshi. 6-4 is slight advantage. If I ever used decimals, this is the MU for it.
5.5-4.5 skarlet favor


Dojo Trainee
Getting in is hard...but it's easier than the initial thought once u get enough practice.

It's more a battle of meter than anything else. While zoning, as long as skarlet has meter advantage she wins. The first hit could almost determine who wins right there. The reason why skarlet wins is because she can stay in better than any other character. And against kenshi (or anyone with large hitbox) her pressure DOESN'T END AS LONG AS SHE HAS METER. Frame traps and the threat of armor can make kenshi afraid to armor or poke. It's still however a read on the part of both players which it should be. It comes down to the skarlet players ability to build meter, and making kenshi waste meter.

Without drops and perfect execution, skarlets pressure and armor are too much for kenshi. 6-4 is slight advantage. If I ever used decimals, this is the MU for it.
5.5-4.5 skarlet favor
Hmmm maybe I need to play it more offline. I just find it hard to take advantage of her good damage when there's nothing to really punish from Kenshi and I feel like all my damage is gonna just be chip damage and trying to take risks with overheads every now and then which he can easily punish and put you back to fullscreen and now you have to make your way back in. I usually play pretty safe when I use Skarlet using anti-poke setups but these are useless against Kenshi because of his shoulder. How do you keep pressure on him after you do f2121+2 ex dagger? I mean you can b11f4 into slide but I feel like even knocking down Kenshi is a pain because of his amazing wakeup game. This match just doesn't seem in her favor to me.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Hmmm maybe I need to play it more offline. I just find it hard to take advantage of her good damage when there's nothing to really punish from Kenshi and I feel like all my damage is gonna just be chip damage and trying to take risks with overheads every now and then which he can easily punish and put you back to fullscreen and now you have to make your way back in. I usually play pretty safe when I use Skarlet using anti-poke setups but these are useless against Kenshi because of his shoulder. How do you keep pressure on him after you do f2121+2 ex dagger? I mean you can b11f4 into slide but I feel like even knocking down Kenshi is a pain because of his amazing wakeup game. This match just doesn't seem in her favor to me.
I use frame traps and armor reads to make him hesitate.

so after f2121+2 EDC on crouch she is at +6 or +7 I think. So the only thing he can do is armor really. if he tries to poke, f4 will hit him for full 40% reset. If he armors I can d3 to armor downslash for another 40% reset. Its about reads...but whoever has the most armor wins. but once she gets in she takes more damage than kenshi can dish at any range. her pressure is better than cages.

Its has got to be about meter the whole time you play. When you have meter you have to make good reads with it and not waste it. You feel like all your damage is from chip? Is that bad? The more he blocks the better. it gives you a chance to make him guess wrong and counter meter his wakeups giving you more pressure.

She is an all out Blitz character against someone like kenshi. But in contrast against somelike sonya you want to zone as much as possible.


Dojo Trainee
I use frame traps and armor reads to make him hesitate.

so after f2121+2 EDC on crouch she is at +6 or +7 I think. So the only thing he can do is armor really. if he tries to poke, f4 will hit him for full 40% reset. If he armors I can d3 to armor downslash for another 40% reset. Its about reads...but whoever has the most armor wins. but once she gets in she takes more damage than kenshi can dish at any range. her pressure is better than cages.
Is that f2121+2 Enhanced red dash? Because I thought that is -5 on block and normal dash is -7 I believe which is almost enough for him to shoulder or he can just d3 into shoulder.


Dojo Trainee
Wait I'm dumb, you mean enhanced dagger cancel? I don't think she's plus if it whiffs but I could be mistaken.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Wait I'm dumb, you mean enhanced dagger cancel? I don't think she's plus if it whiffs but I could be mistaken.
Lol yea eh dagger cancel. And yes she is plus. Look at the frame trap thread I made.


Look at f2121+2, 114, d4 and f4 cancel advantage with EDC. Wiff or not she is still plus frames. This makes her even more dangerous. Characters without armor are fucked. With armor need to be careful when they use it or they might get blown up by crossovers.


Dojo Trainee

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
so after f2121+2 EDC on crouch she is at +6 or +7 I think. So the only thing he can do is armor really.
Wait I'm dumb, you mean enhanced dagger cancel? I don't think she's plus if it whiffs but I could be mistaken.
Correction, F212,1+2 cancel(block) advantage is +25, the ex dagger cancel can be nearly instantaneous so, if the dagger whiffs while they block:

U no lose cancel advantage at all, it should be around ~+20 frames or +19, they can't even armor on time. That is why we say "his frame trap turns the 13f move into a 6f move".

Hmmm maybe I need to play it more offline. I just find it hard to take advantage of her good damage when there's nothing to really punish from Kenshi and I feel like all my damage is gonna just be chip damage and trying to take risks with overheads every now and then which he can easily punish and put you back to fullscreen and now you have to make your way back in. I usually play pretty safe when I use Skarlet using anti-poke setups but these are useless against Kenshi because of his shoulder. How do you keep pressure on him after you do f2121+2 ex dagger? I mean you can b11f4 into slide but I feel like even knocking down Kenshi is a pain because of his amazing wakeup game. This match just doesn't seem in her favor to me.
Play more offline, online you can't unleash skarlet's true MU potential.
You play with too much risks, there is no point in risking overhead if opponent is respecting blockstrings, like FLY said, the more they block it, the better, it builds your meter faster, it force them to submit to mistakes, if he is fuzzing your pressure too much, just grab him.
Kenshi will have afraid of using specials while skarlet has meter, because she can dash trough and punish making him choose for breaking or taking damage. You're just afraid of touching Kenshi because he has armor, well skarlet has armor also.
Its all about reads, and patience, and the big hitbox he has where you can do whatever you want without whiffs risk on crouch block.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Im not sure on mileena yet

I played it pretty poorly w scar

I honestly think scarlet is 6-4 over kenshi and 5-5 w mil


Dojo Trainee
Play more offline, online you can't unleash skarlet's true MU potential.
You play with too much risks, there is no point in risking overhead if opponent is respecting blockstrings, like FLY said, the more they block it, the better, it builds your meter faster, it force them to submit to mistakes, if he is fuzzing your pressure too much, just grab him.
Kenshi will have afraid of using specials while skarlet has meter, because she can dash trough and punish making him choose for breaking or taking damage. You're just afraid of touching Kenshi because he has armor, well skarlet has armor also.
Its all about reads, and patience, and the big hitbox he has where you can do whatever you want without whiffs risk on crouch block.
I play a lot of offline actually and I know what she's capable of which is why I said I prefer to play a safer style with very little use of overheads. The difference between Kenshi's armor and Skarlet's is that Kenshi's is safe on block and actually grants advantage where as Skarlet's combo starters from red dash are all unsafe. That's what I think the big difference is.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I play a lot of offline actually and I know what she's capable of which is why I said I prefer to play a safer style with very little use of overheads. The difference between Kenshi's armor and Skarlet's is that Kenshi's is safe on block and actually grants advantage where as Skarlet's combo starters from red dash are all unsafe. That's what I think the big difference is.
Skarlet is like Paul Phoenix on Tekken man. If you get hit by skarlet downslash and up slash, you deserve to die, those moves are so slow that you can see it coming from a mile away.

I think you're having trouble using her armor properly, one of the thinks that makes a lot of skarlet players loose, is how they use armor, or should i say, how they punish certain opponents with armor.
Here, hope this helps

Try to play one move ahead of your opponent, it helps a lot if you anticipate their actions


Dojo Trainee
Skarlet is like Paul Phoenix on Tekken man. If you get hit by skarlet downslash and up slash, you deserve to die, those moves are so slow that you can see it coming from a mile away.

I think you're having trouble using her armor properly, one of the thinks that makes a lot of skarlet players loose, is how they use armor, or should i say, how they punish certain opponents with armor.
Here, hope this helps

Try to play one move ahead of your opponent, it helps a lot if you anticipate their actions
I'm talking about more matchup specifics. I know about her armor and how to punish things with it. I'm just trying to see how Kenshi is a 5-5 match or 6-4 in her favor.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm talking about more matchup specifics. I know about her armor and how to punish things with it. I'm just trying to see how Kenshi is a 5-5 match or 6-4 in her favor.
oh well.... then you need to play this MU more. Obviously you're doing something wrong.


Dojo Trainee
I'm pretty sure this MU is even, not skarlet's favor, i do play a lot of kenshi offline.
Alright just making sure. I have my doubts but we won't be able to tell until this happens in a tournament setting which there isn't a lot of Skarlet players in the first place.