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General/Other Skarlet: I predict will be the next bandwagon

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
I think that there have been lots of bandwagons, but the actually huge ones were

Kung Lao
Cage- Now

And I think Skarlet's problem is that she is a lot like Sonya, but just a slightly worse sonya in basically every catergory. Now if Sonya wasn't around we'd be talking.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Screw Sonya, this is Skarlet Bandwagon, and we going to deliver it, starting by killing cages on the road:p

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I think that there have been lots of bandwagons, but the actually huge ones were

Kung Lao
Cage- Now

And I think Skarlet's problem is that she is a lot like Sonya, but just a slightly worse sonya in basically every catergory. Now if Sonya wasn't around we'd be talking.
I think skarlet is better than Sonya. In every catagory

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Sonya's ex Cartwheel get's armor on frame 3, is a kombo starter, and is safe. Skarlet's armor comes out slower but can be unsafe and is less damaging kombo starter
No man, Crimsom Dash can't be traded or stopped with another armor move, it doesn't matter who start first, she will always win, the only character who is able to stop her armor, and its not because both have armor, is kenshi, the ex spirit charge will slice a second time when the armor time runs out, but only will work if the skarlet players delay the counter after armor trough. ^^

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
No man, Crimsom Dash can't be traded or stopped with another armor move, it doesn't matter who start first, she will always win, the only character who is able to stop her armor, and its not because both have armor, is kenshi, the ex spirit charge will slice a second time when the armor time runs out, but only will work if the skarlet players delay the countier after armor trough. ^^
not true

kenshi wins out if he wait for it to be half completed


There will be a skarlet bandwagon. I agree. She is a rushdown character with crazy mixups. I would learn her but she's not for me. But I think in the right hands she would wreck some shit

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Johnny Cage can beat it with xray. And it is slow and easily blocked on reaction and then Skarlet is at major disadvantage or will be punished depending on what she cancels out of it.
The Reason i keep blowing up my opponents its because they think they can punish, and this is exacly why i have them where i want them.

She is a Troll Character


Sonya's EX Cartwheel has beaten my EX Red Dash >.<...Sonya can armor on reaction to it and she'll come out on top. EX Cartwheel is harder to react to and is safe no matter what. You'll see in GamerBlake90's next Chronicles In Blood video. :D


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Sonya's EX Cartwheel has beaten my EX Red Dash >.<...Sonya can armor on reaction to it and she'll come out on top. EX Cartwheel is harder to react to and is safe no matter what. You'll see in GamerBlake90's next Chronicles In Blood video. :D
Yup - EX Cartwheel is a difficult EX to counter with Skarlet's EX Dash - one of the few.


Just some bees, please.
Everyone seems to have Freddy though.
That's because Freddy and the Subby costumes were compulsary downloads as part of a patch, no idea why they didn't just include the other compatability packs in the same patch. Probably something to do with file size, but still, pretty crap really.

people fear d4 to ms but umma make them fear d4 to red slide mix ups. lets put skarlet on the map people.
Unfortunately her d4 doesn't reach a quarter of the screen XD But yeah, I definitely think I need to incorporate the occasionaly red slides off of pokes in my game.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
No man, Crimsom Dash can't be traded or stopped with another armor move, it doesn't matter who start first, she will always win, the only character who is able to stop her armor, and its not because both have armor, is kenshi, the ex spirit charge will slice a second time when the armor time runs out, but only will work if the skarlet players delay the counter after armor trough. ^^
Jade's armor wins. Stryker's armor on both the baton sweep and dash move wins I think (Both of those moves beat my armor several times in an online match, not sure if it was a glitch or not.) Rains armor on roundhouse beats skarlet's too. It doesn't win in every situation. I'm not saying its not great, it just doesn't win flat out all the time.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
it comes down to whos armor comes out second...the person who armors first loses.
This. Jades glow might absorb the hit...I'd confirm but I'm at work.

EX Dash into up/down/slide also breaks all parries (EX or normal) except Cages xray of course.

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Jade's armor wins. Stryker's armor on both the baton sweep and dash move wins I think (Both of those moves beat my armor several times in an online match, not sure if it was a glitch or not.) Rains armor on roundhouse beats skarlet's too. It doesn't win in every situation. I'm not saying its not great, it just doesn't win flat out all the time.
No, as said lordofthefly, depends on who hits during the armor animation. Jax, Skarlet, Rain, have same super armor.


I've been debating maining her for a little bit actually... If she gets super popular I'll probably look elsewhere. I like the time you have to invest in her (similar to kabal......but not)


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
I've been debating maining her for a little bit actually... If she gets super popular I'll probably look elsewhere. I like the time you have to invest in her (similar to kabal......but not)
I'll be surprised if she gets popular.

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