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Should I get SSF4


Loses to uppercuts
I was just wondering, I’ve got back into fighting games after 2 month break from them (BF3, MW3 and Skyrim).

I’ve been bored lately, played the shit out of BF3 and max leveled(love this game), played the shit out of MW3 and prestiged (don’t like this game much) and have done the majority of things to do in Skyrim (Amazing game)

So I started playing MK9 again (my go to/favorite multiplayer game thus far). But I find myself getting a little bored of it and thought that to spark my interest in MK9 again I might need a good game to go with it. Kinda like if you eat the same food for a long time and you don’t want to eat it anymore even though it’s your favorite food, and after a week of not eating said food you crave it again type thing.

And im no noob at MK9 before my break I got to like 70 on ranked leaderboards and was still in the top 90 after 2 months of no play (lol). But I would just like some opinions on SSF4 and if someone that loves MK9 might have a liking for that game too.

And I main CSZ so would do you think would be a good fighter for a CSZ mainer in SSF4? Also the fighters I use should be below at the bottom of the comment.

So would you say the game is more fun/less fun, more rewarding/less rewarding ect?

Thanks for your inputs.

(Yes I know I put a lot of parentheses’ in here)


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
yes but ONLY if you're willing to put ALOT of time into it, at this point its been out so long even the average joe online is pretty damn good, it takes a long time to grasp even the fundementals, its rewarding but takes alot of effort


Aquaman is dead lel
You definitely should, but get ready, it ain't gonna be easy. It takes A LOT OF time to get used to the game, MK9 is like a piece of wood in terms of complexity compared to it lol. I'm at about 200 hours in that game and I just started becoming to be a decent player. And I can't recommend anyone. Ibuki, Abel and Dudley for example have a nice mixup rushdown game, but that's as far as you can go with comparing characters between the games.


How familiar are you with Street Fighter series? All of the games, even IV which is considered the most noob friendly of the series, is quite a lot more technical than MK 9.

I have SFIV and SSF IV. I didnt get AE because of how broke it was, but that is getting fixed, so I will definitely be getting SSF IV AE. I've been playing the Street Fighter and MK games since the early 90's, so it's all quite familiar to me already. My mains in SSF IV were Makoto, Guy, Gen, Hakan and I used Bison for awhile.


Loses to uppercuts
How familiar are you with Street Fighter series? All of the games, even IV which is considered the most noob friendly of the series, is quite a lot more technical than MK 9.

I have SFIV and SSF IV. I didnt get AE because of how broke it was, but that is getting fixed, so I will definitely be getting SSF IV AE. I've been playing the Street Fighter and MK games since the early 90's, so it's all quite familiar to me already. My mains in SSF IV were Makoto, Guy, Gen, Hakan and I used Bison for awhile.
Not familier at all.


Not familier at all.
There are some characters in SF with dive kicks like the twins, Rufus and Akuma, and yes, in Street Fighter, divekicks are pretty dominant but SF is quite a whole different kettle of fish to Mortal Kombat. However some characters in the game are quite noob friendly, like the shotos, and then there are some characters that have a high learning curve, like Viper, Gen or Makoto.

The games are similiar in terms that you have rush down characters, zoners, fast characters, technical characters, noob friendly characters, teleporters but Street Fighter is still more technical. It IS a rewarding game though. I much prefer how the meter system is used in MK 9 however.


Dojo Trainee
do you have a grasp of fighting game fundamentals? like spacing, footsy, zoning, and etc? If not you have to start watching some youtube guides and stuff. Maybe go to srk and read the hyperguide.

SF teaches you the fundamentals of almost every fighting game, I mean even if you don't know combos, just raw fundamentals will get you decently far.


Haaave you met Sektor?
SSFIV is a pretty good game, but hate me for this, I got bored of it pretty fast. At least online...
The same with tekken, but with MVC3 it's a bit different, so much to experience, so fast paced and overally it uses your tactic gameplay too
wich you should have some since you played FPS-es. If you look for something technical and very hard to master then SSFIV. If you look for some even harder to master but so much fun game I suggest MVC3.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
It is a great game. I only play it offline though so I am not sure how laggy it is online.
I play Sakura and a bit of Blanka and Dictator

She is lower tier but she is fun and rewarding to play


Yes, SSF4 is always a breath of fresh air after dealing with the funky mechanics of most fighting games.

Learn SSF4 the right way and everything else will be simple to pick up and learn.


I say UMvC3 personally rather than SSFIV. The more colorful cast of characters from Marvel and Capcom you're bound to recognize and vastly different play-style to MK9 makes me very interested in it, it's a change of pace if that's what you're looking for and plenty of fun offline. Online I can't speak for at all. But the Netcode is probably better than MK9.

As for SSFIV, I played it for a bit, it's definitely fun as a fighting game but gets kind of frustrating with its execution(not much leeway compared to MK9 or UMvC3, can't say compared to other SFs), the only character I had real fun with was Cammy (which is weird since I generally don't play girl characters in fighting games). But that's a personal taste thing.

Both are very different from MK, play-wise aside from fundamentals. Both great games.

UMvC3 - Recognizable characters from other franchises you're bound to love, not bad of a learning curve, comebacks are pretty easy, very flashy and bright compared to MK9

SSFIV - Also a vibrant cast, tons of fun playing with friends, execution starts to get frustrating


Bison of Beat Downs
Get Ultimate Wesker vs Wesker 3 instead. It offers more fun than Super Poke Fest 4: Arcade Edition.


My blades will find your heart
Get BlazBlue, even if you suck at it its fun going into practice mode and getting like 123 hit combos lol.