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Should blocking cost stamina meter?


My GT: UncappedWheel82
One thing that has always bugged me about MK is that you can just lay on the block button and be somewhat invulnerable.

Sure you take chip, and sure you can't tech throws while holding the block button, but should their be a more harsh consequence for just laying on the block button?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
No way, actually i think it there should be an opposite in away

a special bar for for block and know taking chip damage, hyper blocking

but theres already 3 bars so fuck it

Groove Heaven

I could see slowly draining the stamina meter if you took away the insane chip MK9 had. But I would actually rather keep the chip in MKX.


Play Monster Hunter!
How do you mean? Would it just drain stamina the more you are hit, but you can still block forever? Or would you get guard crushed when you hit zero?

If its the former and it just drains stamina, but you can block forever, that could be kinda interesting, because combo breakers cost 2 bars of stamina, so if you opened someone up after a long block string, they wouldn't be able to break right away.

However, as others have said, with the amount of chip damage in place, it would just to be too punishing for the defensive player.


I get that, but at the same time I'm all for a guard break mechanic. No stamina, no blocking. IDK...just a thought.
There would be some severely broken shit going on if that were the case.

Imagine if there's a character like Johnny Cage from MK9 in MKX. You would be SCREWED. You take stupid chip damage while your stamina gauge is getting drained and then you're guard crushed and are forced to eat damage. Yeah, let's not do that.


@Onilordasmodeus , like Crathen said, in certain situations frame traps would be too good.

Blocking doesn't make you invulnerable. You get chip damage, you can be thrown, depending on how you block you can still be hit with a low or overhead and plus you are giving your opponent a ton of meter.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
There would be some severely broken shit going on if that were the case.

Imagine if there's a character like Johnny Cage from MK9 in MKX. You would be SCREWED. You take stupid chip damage while your stamina gauge is getting drained and then you're guard crushed and are forced to eat damage. Yeah, let's not do that.
Yeah, I'd hate that, and it would break the game. Of course the game would have to be balanced around this if it were implemented.

How do you mean? Would it just drain stamina the more you are hit, but you can still block forever? Or would you get guard crushed when you hit zero?

If its the former and it just drains stamina, but you can block forever, that could be kinda interesting, because combo breakers cost 2 bars of stamina, so if you opened someone up after a long block string, they wouldn't be able to break right away.

However, as others have said, with the amount of chip damage in place, it would just to be too punishing for the defensive player.
I like the idea of a guard crush, BUT I didn't even think about your first example. I think that might be "better" as it works in the existing framing of the MK9/ (potential) MKX meta.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Eeewww, are you actually suggesting a guard break system that drains endurance in a game where normals can already chip you to death and where you can't even backdash or breaker without endurance?
Just an idea, but of course the game would have to be balanced as so this wouldn't be a broken mechanic.
There would be some severely broken shit going on if that were the case.

Imagine if there's a character like Johnny Cage from MK9 in MKX. You would be SCREWED. You take stupid chip damage while your stamina gauge is getting drained and then you're guard crushed and are forced to eat damage. Yeah, let's not do that.
Same can be said for a zoner like Freddy who had full screen frame traps.