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Strategy - Summoner Quan Chi Summoner Variation Discussion Thread


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I think this characer/variation is top 5 in the game. Similar to shinnok, he can loop his pressure with safe 50/50 mix ups until he hits u or is out of meter. A chacter with the best vortex in the game should not be getting 40-50% per touch.

Extremely hard character to balance and I do not envy NRS here.

- not bat during trance? (loses safe mix up potential, could destroy the characer)
- make mb rune +3? (loses vortex and gives the entire case more chances to corner and completely destroy quan
- Nerf damage... this is the answer. Currently, the charactor has the best zoning in mkx and the best vortex. He gets his turn back and keeps it like the other S+ characters in the game. If you adjust his damage... at least he has to mix you up 3-4 times in stead of 2-3 that it is now. Best come back potential in the game. Nerf his damage and other characters will get 1 or 2 more changes to corner this character. Lets be serious though.. this character in the corner is really bad lol

The best zoning?

Hish-Qu-Ten and Boneshaper might disagree.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I think this characer/variation is top 5 in the game. Similar to shinnok, he can loop his pressure with safe 50/50 mix ups until he hits u or is out of meter. A chacter with the best vortex in the game should not be getting 40-50% per touch.

Extremely hard character to balance and I do not envy NRS here.

- not bat during trance? (loses safe mix up potential, could destroy the characer)
- make mb rune +3? (loses vortex and gives the entire case more chances to corner and completely destroy quan
- Nerf damage... this is the answer. Currently, the charactor has the best zoning in mkx and the best vortex. He gets his turn back and keeps it like the other S+ characters in the game. If you adjust his damage... at least he has to mix you up 3-4 times in stead of 2-3 that it is now. Best come back potential in the game. Nerf his damage and other characters will get 1 or 2 more changes to corner this character. Lets be serious though.. this character in the corner is really bad lol
Quans fine the way he is. I'd make his d3 faster to 7 frames and -6 on block though.


I think this characer/variation is top 5 in the game. Similar to shinnok, he can loop his pressure with safe 50/50 mix ups until he hits u or is out of meter. A chacter with the best vortex in the game should not be getting 40-50% per touch.

Extremely hard character to balance and I do not envy NRS here.

- not bat during trance? (loses safe mix up potential, could destroy the characer)
- make mb rune +3? (loses vortex and gives the entire case more chances to corner and completely destroy quan
- Nerf damage... this is the answer. Currently, the charactor has the best zoning in mkx and the best vortex. He gets his turn back and keeps it like the other S+ characters in the game. If you adjust his damage... at least he has to mix you up 3-4 times in stead of 2-3 that it is now. Best come back potential in the game. Nerf his damage and other characters will get 1 or 2 more changes to corner this character. Lets be serious though.. this character in the corner is really bad lol
I know it has been said thousand times but some people just can't seem to memorize it:
Quan CAN NOT loop his pressure/50/50s. Even BS Shinnok can only loop the low option when he has meter. Quan can be armor interrupted/backdashed after MB rune if he goes for the b2 overhead, and can be armor interrupted / backdashed between the low string b32 and a cancel into MB rune. The worst thing is that in this game you can Option Select armor or backdash by buffering it while blocking. So the armor only comes out when there is a gap. That means that if Quan goes for the b2 you will armor, if he goes for b32xxMB rune you will armor before the MB rune, if he goes for the whole low string b324 which is -14, your armor / backdash won't come out, you will keep blocking and full combo punish him for b324 on block. So can't loop shit. The only guaranteed repetition of 50/50 he can get are the times when he has bat and it is one time only - so no loops.
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A fan of fans
Quan needs what he has. If he loses all of that how can he counteract his terrible defence ? And he can't loop it only shinnok can


Here are the actual patch notes for quan we did it dad @STB Shujinkydink
  • Quan Chi - Adjusted attack collision on Away+BP / Away+BP(held), Away+BP(held maximum time) now juggles for a combo afterwards
  • Quan Chi - Down+FP now has 6 startup frames and is -7 on block (down from 9 and -10)
  • Quan Chi - Away+BP is now -4 on hit (down from -8), Away+FK is now -3 on hit (down from -8)
  • Quan Chi - Throw is now +2 on hit (up from -8)
  • Quan Chi - Skull and Air Skull no longer force autoblock
  • Quan Chi (Sorcerer) - Fixed a bug that would cause every 11th frame while standing in the Dark Curse rune to not have armor
  • Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Scoop & Portal Slam now has 11 startup frames (down from 18) and is now a hard knockdown
  • Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Scoop no longer ignores damage scaling on the last hit and had its damage increased by 2
  • Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Grab last hit no longer ignores damage scaling and had its damage increased by 2
  • Quan Chi (Summonner) - Demon Spark no longer forces auto block and allows for combos afterw


Designer for BxA
Can't wait to figure out tech for the Delayed B+2 juggle now. may not ever work but might look sweet, lol

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
Is the NJP pseudo unblockable setup always backdashable/armorable? It seemed like it was to me, but my timing may have been off.

From a frame data perspective - if you end your combo with trance -> d3 you are +15 and if you end your combo with trance -> f21 you are +16. It seemed like neither of these was enough to time a NJP in an ambiguous fashion, but I could be wrong.


Was about to post this as a PSA but just saw DMS's video:

I literally had like 5 minutes to test shit this morning before work so didn't think to test in a real combo, but I've realised the advantage on trance changes depending on the height at which it lands. So can someone test if you can always jump out or is this only from raw trance that the full b2 low bat isn't guaranteed?

@STB Shujinkydink


Do you guys think quan might be getting a huge nerf soon? Its kinda scaring me that they would do something with the ex rune and the low bat.


HI, guys! Can u give me some advices how to play against Kobu? If she touches me once - 90% i die. I can block, but cant understand where i can escape her pressing and take the initiative in my hands...


HI, guys! Can u give me some advices how to play against Kobu? If she touches me once - 90% i die. I can block, but cant understand where i can escape her pressing and take the initiative in my hands...
This MU sucks, your only saving grace is vortex her to death if you touch her first.
Here is some information about her Rekka pressure: http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/tanya-rekka-guide.54404/

And some information about her tele cancels post patch: http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/post-patch-tele-cancels.55875/

And she can also jail Quan with Ex Tonfa toss on top of all that))))




A fan of fans
I love his damage. 54% of his b2
Obs not as good as dinky or dave ;-;
I didn't see the video Dink just put up damn it ;-;


So do you guys think removing some of quans offense and replace it with the instant bat summon ? ( like pre patch bat) im talking about removing something huge in exchange for that i wouldn't mind it at all maybe remove the oh low bat thing and reduce his damage/ make ex rune less plus but still good enough for a free bat ? Maybe replace all that and give him the ability to summon his bat instantly after using it that would put a rest to his offense and make him shift more towards zoning ( even tho he is onr of the best zoners) idk about this but ive been thinking bout it because i really liked his pre patch bat.


Hi, guys!
Do you know, how to performe summoners brutality in real fight? I mean, if i want skull brutality - i do b324, 4~trance, back dash, skull and it works, but bat disappears by this point((