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Question New SZ Reset?


Est In Harvey 1989
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XqbsCP-_7xA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I was just playing Hell_Bourne (PSN) online and seen him do this. As soon as I lost the match I went into practice mode I tried it out myself. Online it woulnt work for him when I blocked. Maybe this is old tech or just not useful at all. If so then feel free to delete this thread. I just wanted to find out form yall and see what yall thought of it.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
yeah, just a gimmick. wake up will nail this every time.

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Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Yeah, it's super old, man. It's probably older than b2 after a 22, freeze. Lots of wakeups beat the ex ground freeze. I also believe a lot of characters can wait to see you start doing the ground freeze and then input their wakeup... Not really very viable but it's good for conversation. Perhaps somebody will try and put some new life back into this ancient technology, lol. Good stuff, man. Thanks for contributing to the Sub forums; the character really needs all the help he can get.


Est In Harvey 1989
Maybe to the "Great" players like you, but to the Average joe like me Sub Zero is still alive. I'm sure there are a few i can still learn about him.


Let's go green!!!!
Thanks to M_TRICKZz I just learned that stryker can deny an opponent a wake up attack by doing a quick D3 after an EN Baton Sweep. The last NJP animation seems to be the same, maybe you can try doing a D3 after it to stuff the opponent's wake up attack. Im no sub player so I dont know if the D3 is similar to stryker's.
Ok I'm gonna try and clear this up for people. You will never be able to use ex ice puddle as a guaranteed reset. It hits OTG, but it does not by-pass OTG invincibility. Jax's ex ground pound however, does by-pass OTG invincibility. This is why you can do 3 njps in the corner and hit them with an unavoidable ex ground pound. This is why you can end you combos with an elbow smash and hit them with an ex ground pound. Ex ice puddle does not by-pass OTG invincibility, so any meaty setups you do (3 njps into ex ice puddle) are escapable. So long as the opponent is on the ground, ex ground pound will hit them. It does not by-pass wake up attack invincibility though, so if you do the ex ground pound too late you will get punished (which is why you're forced to end combos with elbow smash).