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MKX Netplay - What Can NRS Add To Improve Online Functionality?

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STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Im def getting it for XBone to minimize lag. Id like to see online tournament mode. Spectator mode for streaming, and the inability to see who your opponent picks before the match. I dont care about counterpicking as much its just annoying.

Also I think there should be three 1v1 search options. Ranked, which should be best 2 out of 3. Player, for sets with randoms to show off, and quick match because sometimes i just want to play a match here or there but dont wanna commit to a set. This would be a single match like how ranked is now.

Also a lag switch would be nice for when things go downhill for me


bye felicia
Also, I wanna make sure veerybody knows, xbone and ps4 online is a gravy train right now, but when the adoption rate gets as high as the existing console are it too will slow down. The internet didn't magically get better this generation, there's just a lot less people using it right now.
I don't know for sure that it would help the netcode....but my intuition tells me that fixing the hitboxs so they solve in 2d rather than 3d space might be a help. Aside from solving offline woes...seems logical that if they don't have to keep track of z translation it would help.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
"a new fully-connected gameplay experience, players are launched into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy."

This really does just sound like some online pool/tournament system. What I mean is no matter in what mode you play in (koth, 1 vs 1, tag?) that all your win/loss scores are tallied up to put you in a spot to fight players/clans with a similar score and you if win best 3 out of 5 for example, then you can advance to fight the next opponent in this tournament mode. They might just be mirroring an actual offline tournament bracket system. That is my best guess anyways. Then they publish the rankings on a leaderboard.
Imagine if it showed the stone columns or pillars from UMK3 was the basis for the design of your ascent of the online tournament ladders SFIV style, and you could each see portraits of each other's beaten opponents.


bye felicia
I don't know for sure that it would help the netcode....but my intuition tells me that fixing the hitboxs so they solve in 2d rather than 3d space might be a help. Aside from solving offline woes...seems logical that if they don't have to keep track of z translation it would help.
This isn't a real thing. MK may have been using model rigged boxes (not confirmed) but Injustice has more than proven that it does not (f+2,3, oh tele, etc). The problem is just that NRS sucks at collision boxes.


Dojo Trainee
@THTB About the lobby features, one should at the very least be able to look at their command list or toggle through their characters movelist animation replay, like in Virtua Fighter. So many great features were implemented in that game. And this may or may not be possible, but have the ability to participate in a practice session with the computer A.I or other players from your friend list.

Also, what about a direct rewind/replay feature that would allow you to watch something that just happened in a match? From here you can always go back to watching the live progress of a fight with a button press. Also ability to lobby video chat would really feel like going back to the arcades or like being at a real life tournament. Of course a block feature should also be implemented to block profane and offensive material.

All of these features would be accessed as you are waiting in line in a lobby. And what about going into a lobby only as a spectator? That way more people could just watch and learn from others.
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This isn't a real thing. MK may have been using model rigged boxes (not confirmed) but Injustice has more than proven that it does not (f+2,3, oh tele, etc). The problem is just that NRS sucks at collision boxes.
They have really, really bad phantom hit boxes. Hopefully they'll have learned from MK9 and Injustice.


Dojo Trainee
Imagine if it showed the stone columns or pillars from UMK3 was the basis for the design of your ascent of the online tournament ladders SFIV style, and you could each see portraits of each other's beaten opponents.
That would rock man! Good idea. I don't know if you remember Mace the Dark Age at arcades, but they showed your opponents head falling on a stake, as if it were a trophy.

Another idea I had for tournament mode is, the server could auto upload full match's or small highlights from them to it's storage, for public viewing later. This along with the match statistics.
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Actually unlike shooters, p2p is actually preferred for fighting games. Since they are strictly a 1v1 affair, its faster to connected to the other person directly then going through a server.

For shooters it's bad because its peer hosted, one person becomes the server and every client has to go through him, giving him an unfair advantage, and can make the game unstable depending on the hosts connection to everyone. With fighters this isn't a problem, as there is no host, you are just connected to each other directly.
Idk, man, KI has good online I hear and it's on servers.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
im actually confident in them with this game since there already talking about Online they didn't talk about online in Injustice until 2 weeks before release

But yeah, please ler RANKED be actually RANKED


bye felicia
They have really, really bad phantom hit boxes. Hopefully they'll have learned from MK9 and Injustice.
I'm confident they've learned and improved (in this, and every other thing). A lot of people (especially their fans) really neglect the significance that Injustice was really only their 3rd attempt at an actual competitive game. No matter what you do or don't like about it's gameplay design, the fact is on a technical level it is as superior to MK9 as MK9 was to vsDC and I suspect MKX will be just as advanced. Here's hoping whatever psychosis or limitation has birthed the goddamned switch stance button and every horrible thing its invited upon their games is finally eradicated.


The Free Meter Police
After playing KI, I find it really difficult to play any game with lag.

pls NRS
This, this, this.

Whatever KI did with their netcode... if MKX does AT LEAST what they did or better, they will have a goldmine on their hands.

Everything NRS can do to help us practice will not only draw in the maximum amount of new players into the FGC, but will do NOTHING BUT increase the level of play as early as possible. Please please please, NRS.


The 6'4 King
I'm confident they've learned and improved (in this, and every other thing). A lot of people (especially their fans) really neglect the significance that Injustice was really only their 3rd attempt at an actual competitive game. No matter what you do or don't like about it's gameplay design, the fact is on a technical level it is as superior to MK9 as MK9 was to vsDC and I suspect MKX will be just as advanced. Here's hoping whatever psychosis or limitation has birthed the goddamned switch stance button and every horrible thing its invited upon their games is finally eradicated.
What if I want a better view?


Rollback Netcode: Input delay sucks. Plain and simple. No matter how much you optimize a netcode based around input delay, it pretty much always exist. Rollback has existed for quite some time now (GGPO popularized the technology), and SFxT has proven that it is viable for more than just 2D games. For those that are unaware, what rollback does is constantly generate savestates of the game and "rolls back" the game to a previous state to properly accomodate both players, which results in latency being masked, and thus input delay being reduced on a grand scale, allowing higher pings to play relatively undisturbed in comparison to the standard netcode. The main downside is how intensive this is for consoles to do, which would mean that NRS would really need to optimize MKX in order to ensure things like slowdown don't occur. But if they can do it, this opens a ton of doors for the game as far as using it for a truly competitive environment goes, since now connection issues will be considerably less frequent, and more people can truly enjoy the game online.
Xbox One has servers.

We win.

If anyone has played Gears of War: Judgment online, the servers are flawless.

Xbox fo lyfe.
Sorry but SERVERS DO NOTHING FOR FIGHTING GAMES! Even KI on the XBox One is peer-to-peer with rollback style code.

Everyone who'd been working their best to improve fighting game netcode for the past 10 years have all come to the same conclusion - FIGHTING GAMES ARE BEST PLAYED PEER-TO-PEER - for the simply fact that with this, you only need to maintain one connection instead of two.

People really need to read this excellent writeup by mauve, the person who wrote Rollcaster, the rollback netcode implementation for a select bunch of doujin/poverty games.


EDIT: Additional reading, an excerpt from Game Developer Magazine's interview with GGPO creator (and SRK co-founder) Tony "Ponder" Cannon.
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bye felicia
What if I want a better view?
Then go to the krypt and look at them there.

Actually it bugs the hell out of me that they have some sort of Machinima mode built into to the thing (they use it in their trailers) but it never makes it to release. I would love to be able to strip the interface out and watch fights from dynamic or preset angles like DoA and Tekken do. At least be something better to watch while I'm doing dishes or vacuuming than the attract mode loop over and over again.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Rollback netcode would be awesome going forward and really should be standard with fighting games. KOTH absolutely needs to have a spectator mode so we can run and stream tournaments way easier online. Online should also have a record/replay function so you can play the game back with training mode type overlays on to help you learn what you did right and wrong.


The 6'4 King
Then go to the krypt and look at them there.

Actually it bugs the hell out of me that they have some sort of Machinima mode built into to the thing (they use it in their trailers) but it never makes it to release. I would love to be able to strip the interface out and watch fights from dynamic or preset angles like DoA and Tekken do. At least be something better to watch while I'm doing dishes or vacuuming than the attract mode loop over and over again.
You can say that again, they always show it off in press demonstrantions, but we can't use it :/
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