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MKT (PSX) Tier List Discussion

Hi Guys

new to the board, been playing mk sine the first one in arcade but only ever relied on specials... Recently me and my mates cracked out MKT on psx and I wanted to know who the best chracters where?



We pretty much ignore the bosses because they are barely even playable characters they were hacked in so poorly.

So, not counting them, the 2 best characters are Noob Saibot then Rain.


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Approximate tier list for now will talk with ded_ about it later, I don't have time at the moment to go over the finer points of the characters in my head. I'll edit it later.

1. Noob Saibot
2. Rain
3. Kabal
4. Human Smoke
5. MK2 Kung Lao
6. Baraka
7. Kung Lao (1 spin per combo limit brings him down out of relative UMK3 placement amongst the new characters but movement during spin keeps him high)
8. Kano
9. Reptile
10. Ermac
11. Nightwolf
12. MK2 Jax
13. Robot smoke
14. Scorpion (forward teleport punch brings him up)
15. Sindel
16. Jax
17. Raiden
18. Sonya
19. Kitana
20. MK1 Raiden
21. Stryker
22. Sektor
23. Unmasked Sub-zero
24. Jade
25. Liu Kang
26. Classic Sub-zero
27. Cyrax
28. Shang Tsung
29. Mileena
30. MK1 Kano
31. Johnny Cage
32. Sheeva


Elder God
nice job, i have some suggestions, but i will post only t10 and will talk with shock later about it:

1. noob
2. rain
3. kabal
4. hsmoke
5. mk2kl
6. baraka (or 7)
7. mk3kl (or 6)
8. kano
9. reptile
10. ermac


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It is possible that the tiering becomes an issue due to the closeness and effectiveness. Essentially when dealing with H Smoke, both Kung Laos and Baraka, they are all 2 mistakes and you're done. Tactically the matches can go either way with them. Both Baraka and Kung have incredibly broken moving fully controlled special launches. Baraka's requires less effort to get enough damage needed to completely run away, catch up or turn around a match. MK2 Kung's rj pressure, chip damage, and huge combos are always a threat, plus his teleport with a SUJK into combo is ownage. MK3 Kung is still dangerous though because of just how broken the spin is.

Ded_ and I also talked more about MKII Jax, as he is quite powerful and I threw him in the top tier but didn't completely rank him. Eventually I'll make a run down of all the MKT characters but that won't be until after we make UMK3 video tutorials.

MKII Jax has the air sonic wave which can be mixed with the ground one for ultimate lockdown potential. The waves can almost literally trail eachother in varying or exact height making a projectile half the width of the screen. It's super stupid and wrong. He has MKII damage, meaning, his standing HK does 18 or 19% vs 15%, his uppercut is 24% vs 21.5%, and his RH is 20% vs 18%. SUJK does more as well as rjs, chip damage. 45% punisher, his HK - groundpound strats can work to an extent, backbreakers, etc. He is almost a complete character if he had a containment. He is probably ranked closer to 11.
cool thanks guys... I usually only play as cyber smoke and noob so I wanted to learn a few other characters... Based on the list I want to learn Kabal and human smoke since I casually use scorpion aswell though I only do the 4 hitter with him :cry: and I read the guide for hsmoke and he sounds better :lol:

btw what makes rain and noob top as opposed to kabal? did they tone him down from umk3 or these to just all round better?

Rain has an easy infinite. Noob saibot is number one for many different reasons. Even if he didn't have infinites, which is nowhere as easy as rain's. I think noob's infinites still pose a large amount of difficutly.


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After the UMK3 video tutorials are finished.
lol ded you where so quick in your reply, I looked at the sub zero chracter guide and I got my question answered so I edited the post. Thanks!


Elder God
yeah, i notice you edited it lol

i havent played mkt much competetively but seems there is just no noob counter character, he is really few level more than any other characters including rain.

after all you need one disabler to win, retalation, tak, aahp counter, rj counter and so on...


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Shock said:
MKII Jax - He is almost a complete character if he had a containment.
Doesn't he still have his close HP stun move?

Can you imagine if they included MKII kit/mil? :confused:


He moves very fast, and his disabler comes out almost instantly and travels extremely fast and guarantees enormous damage. Once you hit someone with it you can restun them pretty easily too with correct timing.


Dojo Trainee
johnny cage would be listed too low, he gots one of the easiest 50% combos,
punch starter then do his popup combo, JK, shadow kick, I think that was around 50% (in N64 version though, they weakend that combo to like 34% but the list you got is PSX) and for a few more percent, in corner add a HP after the JK and thats like 54%

all he has to do is that easy 50% combo twice and he gots the game won.


Johnny Cage pointer-
If your near the corner its better to start with a SUJK then his pop-up, jumpkick, roundhouse, shadow kick. Its 66% on the PSX and 40% on the N64.


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Connecting a JP starter to pop up for 50% would not be considered as easy as running in and starting a low hitting combo which leads to 50%.


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Shao Kahn is the best if you include bosses into the scheme of things, but we don't.


Konqrr said:
Shock said:
MKII Jax - He is almost a complete character if he had a containment.
Doesn't he still have his close HP stun move?

Can you imagine if they included MKII kit/mil? :confused:
MKII Milleena would have been insane.. but personally I think the UMK3 Milleena should be replaced with her so she will actually get some use.


I think Kitana with no damage protection could be interesting. I don't think MK2 Mileena would be much of a threat. In UMK3 she has the fast projectile still, she has the drop kick. The roll is there its just got limited damage because of damage protection. Not a lot has changed character-wise. It's more a case of her dropping in ranks because the gameplay of UMK3 is more complete than MK2. Spamming projectiles just isn't enough to dominate the game anymore ;-)