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Mileena Matchups


Horror Specialist
What do you guys think? should we start a match up thread by going down the list of characters? Bad idea or good.
yes. as each person contributes, info tends to get scrambled around. a nice structured mileena v opponent tips, strats, and punishers would be a very good idea.
All i know is Kung lao is a bitch :( only character you can't pressure hard. Ooops thread hasn't started yet D:

You should prolly list the match ups in spoiler sections and quote people or something.
any chance ppl could start discussing match ups now?

looking for a few tips so far:

-best punish for a blocked Cyber Sub dive kick? nothing seems fast enough except for d+4 poke, and roll should be good right..so roll into combo is best...i'd prefer to dash in u+4 or something but i don't seem to be fast enough

-what to do when regular sub zero starts ice cloning and throwing ice balls? not really a dire situation...but it can get a little annoying. Should i simply throw instant air sai's to catch him when he goes to throw a ice ball? if he backs up or jumps then dive kick. i know if i think they are going to ice clone i can chuck a sai and they will eat it...usually makes them think twice about doing it

kung lao...dealing with the spin. pretty much shuts down offence...guess you just bait it out and then punish with an u+4 combo?

pardon if my questions or problems are newbie....but i'm still learning and trying to get on competitive level



They only way to punish cyber sub zero dive kick is if its its the head, and thing lower and its safe

sai is fast enough so that you will hit him as he's throwing the ice ball and still have nough time to block it, mileena wins this long range fight easily

kung lao spin is punishable by ball, or at least ex is
They only way to punish cyber sub zero dive kick is if its its the head, and thing lower and its safe

sai is fast enough so that you will hit him as he's throwing the ice ball and still have nough time to block it, mileena wins this long range fight easily

kung lao spin is punishable by ball, or at least ex is
thanks for the tips!

-didn't know the dive kick was safe at low angles...that would explain why i was getting some punishes and some i wasn't...i assumed it was my execution

-so for sub I'd want to use calculated sai throws...not just spam them cause i'll eventually trade with an ice ball and lose...so i gotta try and hit him right before or as he throws it...is it recommended to use instant air sai cause if we do trade i'll "thaw" faster?


if you can do IAS = instant air sai then go ahead, you can do teleport kick to get punish a ice ball then start throwing sai's again while you move backwards to "reset" the long range game if the sub doesnt want to close the gap.


I played against very good Noob and Sektor offline and tbh Mileena cannot get close to them like Lao for instance. especially zoning Noob...


Cock Master!!
I played against very good Noob and Sektor offline and tbh Mileena cannot get close to them like Lao for instance. especially zoning Noob...
why not?? her telekick owns any type of zoning characters like those 2 and Sindel try doing..


Well...I did my best man but the dude i played (Tomahawk) was very good at blocking all of them and keep zoning me at the same time....I know I'm not that good but still it was like unbeatable situation to me.

P.S. Against Noob the telekick was the only option cause the shadows beat the roll every time...The problem is that the teleckick pushes them away and after I get an unblockable one I have to start over again pretty much....I'll work more on my game with her and see what happens.
yeah, noob is a problem mainly because his projectile kills your roll move...so i guess you gotta just chip away with dive kicks

What's most ppls solutions to sheeva's jump stomp? it's got crazy recovery so i just find myself rolling away to avoid it...typically i'll just dive kick it...but i can't seem to find a heavy punish for it yet


Cock Master!!
Well...I did my best man but the dude i played (Tomahawk) was very good at blocking all of them and keep zoning me at the same time....I know I'm not that good but still it was like unbeatable situation to me.

P.S. Against Noob the telekick was the only option cause the shadows beat the roll every time...The problem is that the teleckick pushes them away and after I get an unblockable one I have to start over again pretty much....I'll work more on my game with her and see what happens.
maybe it could be me, but sindels is close to being the same as noob with her fireballs and i know if i toss out a fireball and mil is just standing there ill get a telekick to my face O_O i hate facing Mileena as much as i hate facing Kung Lao when im sindel..

yeah, noob is a problem mainly because his projectile kills your roll move...so i guess you gotta just chip away with dive kicks

What's most ppls solutions to sheeva's jump stomp? it's got crazy recovery so i just find myself rolling away to avoid it...typically i'll just dive kick it...but i can't seem to find a heavy punish for it yet
just NJP the stomp it'll get sheeva all the time...


It's best to use ball to punish the spin. It's the perfect timing so you can throw it out right after you block or as soon as you see it whiff and you'll always hit him. u+4 might be able to punish Kung Lao's spin off of block, but it's real easy to screw up the timing.

Believe it or not you can actually practice spin punishing by going into practice mode and turning wake up on with Lao. Not as good as punishing one of his BnB strings but it's good enough to get into the habit of rolling as soon as you see the spin. This might not be of any surprise to some people, but i was shocked i could use training mode for something other than practicing combos.

According to Tom Brady Mileena is a decent counter to Lao. She definitely has one of the easier spin punishers in roll, but I still don't know what to do about dive kick.
Hey guys, been doing pretty well lately at casual offline sessions. My main sparring partner is switching up his character though so i'm looking for some tips if anybody has. We used to main Sub-Zero but now he's switched to scorpion because of the high damage combos. Now he is no newbie, I'd say he's pretty much tournament level player (in street fighter he was probably one of the best in our scene), so I won't be getting any freebies.

I'm looking for tips VS some of Scorpion's most dangerous moves:

EX Spear - this super armor combo starter is nasty...he'll be using it to stop my rush down. I'm not scared of normal spear cause you can simply roll it...and he won't be throwing it unless he knows he's gonna hit. What is my best option when going up against this? I know you can wait it out and hit after the armor goes away cause the recovery is much longer on the EX version.

GROUND FIRE - this move is just scary...you don't wanna stand still, but if you start jumping around you'll eat teleports, or spears! Should i be looking to instant air sai or whatever? dive kick decent option when i think he's gonna throw it

any ideas on what to watch out for or possible ways to bait out his tactics or just anything to help with Scorpion

thanks in advance!
I agree with Coolasice for the most part. Fighting against a good Scorpion is a real challenge. I have a friend who recently won the MK Ultimate Clash tournament held in London and he mains Scorpion but plays a good Smoke and Noob Saibot too. Scorpion seems to be highly underrated as I personally would put him amongst the top 5 in the game atm, but as far as I can tell this is an uphill battle for Mileena and will generally lead to her needing to take high risks. Scorpion can be played in a very safe way and can place you in a variety of frame traps to keep up pressure. Not to mention once he gets in on you he is also capable of mixing you up very well. All round I would say Scorpion's normals and combos are much faster than Mileena's with a better d+2 to boot.

Certain things I have learned so far is :
-EX Teleport can be punished by uppercut before he lands the first hit. Timing is required so you will need a sharp eye if your opponent throws out random EX Teleports (which is likely as it leaves him at frame advantage and can lead to even more mix up).
-IAS is pretty much a necessity in this match up if you want to get around ground fire from long range.
-A flowchart Mileena will get eaten up by Scorpion as he has the necessary tools to adapt to Mileena's zoning and rushdown tactics. Whether it's through Hell Fire (or EX HF which is much more scary), Teleports or frame traps, Mileena has to maintain a mix up approach as there doesn't seem to be a sure fire tactic that is applicable here.
-Mileena's d+4 is a very useful poke in this match up, keeping Scorpion at this range is essential as you can still tag him with a 4,2 chain as your own frame trap, punish a Hell Fire attempt and limit his options forcing a jump or a random attack to counter.

Hopefully soon I will have more input on the Scorpion, Smoke and Noob MUs within the next couple days.
I agree with Coolasice for the most part. Fighting against a good Scorpion is a real challenge. I have a friend who recently won the MK Ultimate Clash tournament held in London and he mains Scorpion but plays a good Smoke and Noob Saibot too. Scorpion seems to be highly underrated as I personally would put him amongst the top 5 in the game atm, but as far as I can tell this is an uphill battle for Mileena and will generally lead to her needing to take high risks. Scorpion can be played in a very safe way and can place you in a variety of frame traps to keep up pressure. Not to mention once he gets in on you he is also capable of mixing you up very well. All round I would say Scorpion's normals and combos are much faster than Mileena's with a better d+2 to boot.

Certain things I have learned so far is :
-EX Teleport can be punished by uppercut before he lands the first hit. Timing is required so you will need a sharp eye if your opponent throws out random EX Teleports (which is likely as it leaves him at frame advantage and can lead to even more mix up).
-IAS is pretty much a necessity in this match up if you want to get around ground fire from long range.
-A flowchart Mileena will get eaten up by Scorpion as he has the necessary tools to adapt to Mileena's zoning and rushdown tactics. Whether it's through Hell Fire (or EX HF which is much more scary), Teleports or frame traps, Mileena has to maintain a mix up approach as there doesn't seem to be a sure fire tactic that is applicable here.
-Mileena's d+4 is a very useful poke in this match up, keeping Scorpion at this range is essential as you can still tag him with a 4,2 chain as your own frame trap, punish a Hell Fire attempt and limit his options forcing a jump or a random attack to counter.

Hopefully soon I will have more input on the Scorpion, Smoke and Noob MUs within the next couple days.
cool, thanks for the ideas...i'll have to see if i can read his EX teleport and tag him with the uppercut. I know for sure he will be using this move cause he believes it to be safe...if i can pull off a counter uppercut then it'll make him think twice about it

yeah i dunno why scorpion isn't considered a higher tier character...that's why i wanna think i'm missing something that he's very vulnerable to that would make him a lower tier character. His combo damage is just so high it's hard to believe he's not on top.

noob help would be awesome, as his projectile dudes and shadow air kick are awesome against milenna, if somebody has a good read on you you can't even get in at all! Smoke i'm not as worried about cause i hear his OTG smoke bomb will possibly be gone in the next full out patch (tom brady mentioned it during one of the shows...i think)


Yeah I think Noob can be a real problem for her. But something else I noticed has me more concerned. Until I can figure out otherwise, I have no idea how to stop Kano.

- His knife is too fast to teleport/roll on reaction unless at long range and seems to do more damage than sai. So zoning isn't exactly in her favor.

I'll have to test some things out with my friends concerning the newly improved Upball.... Man, I dunno if it's because of online or what but his Upball feels unstoppable for Mileena. I was literally spammed to death by upballs after upballs on block. The guy would upball then crossover jump punch (all of which I blocked) and repeated the process till I tried to interrupt his jumping. When I did that he'd just Upball into Upball into Upball until I got hit or died from chip. It was absolutely unwinnable.

It was as good a connection as I've gotten too so while there was still obviously some lag, it wasn't unplayable lag. Since the patched recovery on Kano's UpBall, I wonder if Mileena can do much of anything offline since her normals are slower than most.


So... I played some more Noobs today, and it seems like you have to forget everything "fun" about Mileena's playstyle to win it. By that I mean the pressure strings, projectile counters with roll and teleport, sai zoning, all that stuff that made us (or maybe just me) decide to pick this character, should be all but tossed out.

She can't get in by rolling under stuff. Teleporting works but is risky if blocked; giving Noob free damage and resetting the position. F+3 is ok, but not ideal for getting in, so you're forced to dash block until you get to within D+4 range. If Noob insists on throwing Shadows, particularly the standing one, PUNISH it as often as possible with roll combos. (Try to always end combos with roll or something that knocks him down close to you. His wakeup attacks are largely unsafe save for EN Upkick I think)

Once inside Mil beats Noob in damage and pressure. If you throw try to corner him so as not to reset position. When in doubt, EN teleport to mix things up sparingly. If you guess wrong and you get knocked back you have to do this over again, but hopefully you have scored enough damage for Noob to feel less comfortable camping out.

Obviously even with this, the big problem is what to do when you find yourself trying to make a comeback. You generally don't get a lot of time to breathe when Noob is tossing chip damage at you. The matchup is clearly not in her favor, not sure if it's one of her worst yet though. Still wondering about Kano and Raiden.


Teleporting works but is risky if blocked;
Noob cannot keep pressure up and block teleports at the same time, it's either one or the other. There's no reason to take chip damage all day when you can cancel jumps into teleports. If you establish that threat, the pressure will be gone and you will be free to move in normally.


That's true, but because of the speed of his shadows, you basically have to read that he'll throw one before committing to teleport. If you read wrong it'll be blocked. That's what I mean. It's hard to do it on reaction.


If you do teleport on wakeup or after one is blocked and he is using shadows as fast as possible, then it will always hit. The best he could do is stagger them a bit, but then you can jump in or use sais yourself. Seems like a pretty even match if there ever was one, I think.