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Lets re-imagine some of the 3D characters, and make them suck less.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I have 4 old favorites from the old days of 3d MK, Nitara, Chamaelion, Kira, and Li Mie. I was very fond of Li Mie's original plot of trying to free her village. Nitara I am unsure how to revamp her and give her a better plotline personally. Kira she was a cool character and I think there could really be a better storyline for her existence rather than the next member of the Black Dragons. Then Chamilion, I always like the female version of the character and it gave more purpose for Reptile being around. Since MK is less about clone characters sharing move sets anymore there can still be interesting things for this character.

Other mentions I see though is definitely Fujin and Jarek. Fujin is a given, but I think they could really make use of Jarek or even Movado.

Dhramin though I see some good ideas, I could see him being a more hard hitting powerhouse of a character. That club can be used effectively in normals and he has endless potential in the specials department. His look should definitely be a more intimidating freakish looking thing. The whole Zombie look is just boring to me.


Play Monster Hunter!
Hso Hao

Basically redoing everything because he sucks, the only interesting thing about him is that he is Mongolian, and those guys are cool.

An ancient Mongolian warrior that got trapped in outlands, he wandered around for hundreds of years killing and pillaging as he saw fit.
Until one day the Black Dragon member Kano found him and offered him a place in his organization. (Black Dragons and Red Dragons are the same clan, no need for two different dragon clans, already enough factions)

Hso Hao uses a Mongolian Curved Sword, a Composite Bow, a Shield, and is an expert in Falconry. He wears standard Mongolian armor.
Some references.

His sword is always sheathed unless attacking, his bow and arrows are on his back, and his shield is always in use on either arm, depending on stance.

Jumping Sword Slash- He jumps forward about 1/4 of the screen and slashes down with huge reach of his curved blade.
Enhanced- He goes 2/4 of the screen and has projectile invincibility.

Sword Dance- A rekka styled move The first two hits are advancing slashes, and the third is a downward overhead strike that knocksdown. First hit is positive on block, second is negative but safe, third is full combo punishable.
Enhanced- All three hits break armor, and the final hit causes a ground bounce.

Marksman- An arrow projectile. You can charge the bow for 3 different levels of power. Uncharged its just a quick high projectile that does little damage, if you hold it for a bit, he shows two arrows, both mid, deals more damage. The third charge he shoots 3 arrows, similar to ex Nightwolf arrows, does significantly more damage.
Enhanced- It has complete projectile invincibility, all 3 levels, and you can dash cancel it and keep the invincibility for the full lengtht of the dash.

Shield Stance- A command block. Well holding it, it completely negates the chip damage on normal attacks, and reduces the chip on specials by 1/2. Can still crouch and stand. If you just frame release the block as the opponent's attack hits you, it causes a full screen pushblock.

Swoop- He points his arm forward and his eagle flys across the top of the screen, only hits airborn opponents.

Protection- He makes a slight gesture and his eagle comes onto the screen and flys directly above him for 6 seconds. If the opponent comes with in sweep distance of him, the bird will automatically shoot forward and attack. Does little damage or pushback, just forces your opponent to block.

Avenger- He shoots an arrow into the opponents eye, and then his eagle flys down and trashes his chest with its talons.
Reactions: RYX

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I like this thread ^^ Since Rathalos is already doing this, why not do this with characters we would like to see in MK10,? I know you guys will probably kill me, i just didn't felt like creating another thread to post this up, i will gladly post any MK 3d character after i post these up, since i wish these 3 in Mk10 so bad. so here are my ideas.

Notes: i would love Kia to be an High execution character placed around 10% zoning 60% rushdown and 30% counter zoning. A stoic personality that can easely be seen that she can hit characters really hard with her strong hands and legs.

Name: Kia
Origins: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Enhanced special color: Black

Story: Kia is a demon of the netherrealm that belongs to the sisterhood of Shadows, along with Jataaka and Sareena, Kia is the captain of the sisterhood and is ordered to guard Quan Chi whenever he goes.

Style: Netherrealm guardian arts form 1 ( though the name is imaginary, its a MA style that can strike at any surface with the fingers alone to transfer Ki (internal energy) and destroy components from inside out of a body, no matter how hard the shell is)
Weapon: Boomerang Blade
Original Mythologies Design:

Mk10 Design:

Special moves:
Tricky Blade Toss: Kia Toss her weapon that travels midscreen. hold-able for powerup and speed charge-up.
notes: Instead of traveling vertical like jade, it could travel Horizontal instead and some good startup
Enhanced: Kia throws the blade with two fisical reflexes that can hit the opponent as well. The Hold-able version can be dash canceled.

Translocation Dash Strike: Kia Warps herself towards tracking the opponent at 1 and 1/2 dash range and Punches really hard on the opponent's belly making them move a few steps back in pain (giving a small frame advantage just for a small ex TDS and standing 1 link) it resets on air hit.
Enhanced: Kia teleports tracking the opponent within range of 2 and 1/2 dash and pokes the opponent in the eye making them cry they eye out while bleeding and moving a few steps back. She can Dash Cancel the strike only when enhanced.

Netherpush: A ki strike that hits characters out of the air on a very specific range.
Enhanced(Pyramid Field): The enhanced version allows a second hit that brings the opponent a bit closer to her and a 3rd hit that bounces the opponent like a basketball.

Blade Trap (Multiple commands): Kia throws her weapon at some distance on the ground, with a second comand it can be summoned back at her hitting whoever is between her and the blade. The blade disappears after some time if not summoned back.
Enhanced: An after-image of the blade hits the opponent after the original blade first hit.
Note: The weapon can't be summoned if the character is taking hit.

X-ray (Precision strike): Kia warps towards tracking the opponent with a spinning hell kick into her opponent's head making them look down while she prepares a very powerful hit with the two fingers, and strikes them in the chest really hard (animation goes internal and we can see the camera following a invisible ki going from the chest to the opponent's spine splitting it in two) then she jumps in the opponents face (Face sitting) and sit on his shoudlers and spins 180º snapping his neck (internal vision), then she backhand springs from this position and slams the opponents entire body on the ground)

Combos (relevants):
11b14 ( A string that ends with a powerful roundhouse kick) that can be special canceled on any hit, though only on 4 the TDS links.
21d3U4 ( A string where last hit launches the opponent in the air)

Fatality: Kia makes her blade disappears, then makes it appear in the opponent's body growing and cutting them from inside out.

Fatality2: Kia gives an evil laugh and turns into a demon, restrains the opponent with black magic and lift them at distance, then she absorbs the opponent's life to the point where there is only bones, she then turns back to normal and look into the camera showing her demon eyes with a dark smile.


Play Monster Hunter!
Did you play MKD high level? Shujinko was top tier, his moves... normals and specials... were very very good.

I mean conceptually, I think it's a waste of good character design just to make him the amalgamation style character. I have the same problem with Edgemaster in Soul Calibur.
His normal's were cool though.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I mean conceptually, I think it's a waste of good character design just to make him the amalgamation style character. I have the same problem with Edgemaster in Soul Calibur.
His normal's were cool though.
I see... agreed.

I have a habit of thinking of things competitively and not conceptually.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Jataaka should be a half sword play, and half hand to hand character who can use both during her gameplay, mostly a zoning character but with some good stuff on the other areas as well.

Name: Jataaka
Origins: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Enhanced Specials color: Silver

Story: Jataaka is one of the 3 demon guardians assigned to guard Quan Chi whenever he goes, after Sareena's betrayal, Jataaka joins Kia in order to capture Sareena and kill her if necessary.

Style: Netherrealm guardian arts form 2 (Its just a mix between hand and sword play actually)

Weapon: Laser Sword Kushimitama (means god's spirit)

Laser cut: Jataaka slices the air in vertical shape creating a laser cut that travels midscreen (it can be ducked)
Enhanced (Double Laser cut) Two slices, two lasers, hits mid, has to be blocked

Dark River: Jataaka stabs the blade on the ground creating an electric fieald that electrifies who ever touches
Enhanced (Soul Prision): Same as the old one, but deals more damage as pulls the character close

Absorb: Jataaka rises her sword and nulifies projectiles giving her a special projectile meter that can be used afterwards
Enhanced (Guardian Counter): Jataaka rises her sword to block an attack slashes upwards launching them in air.
Kamaitachi: A super laser slash that covers low and mid areas while traveling, can only be jumped, teleported, or armoed and can only be used after Jataaka sucessfully absorb 10 projectiles

Flying slash: Jataaka Jumps slashing whoever is in front of her with a powerful slash.
Enhanced(Revenge slash): an armored version of the flying slash that adds a second hit that pops up the opponent in the air.

Guardian Stance (on this stance jataaka increases her swordplay into specific samurai stuff, it can be dash canceled or special canceled.)

Moon Slash: Jataaka Slices from down up shaping a circunference and launching characters in the air)
Sweep Slash: Jataaka slices in sweep
Clean cut: Jataaka slices in overhead
Power cut: Jataaka performs a evasive step backwards and quickly travels towards with a very powerful cut that sents characters flying away

Draw Stance (on this stance Jataaka uses another sword stance which her blade is on the seathe, it can be dash canceled, or special canceled.)
Double Mid slash: Jataaka slices twice in mid range
Sweep Slash: jataaka slices in sweep.
hop slash: Jataaka jumps towards and slashes down the enemy for a overhead knockdown.
Reverse Slash: Jataaka steps backwards and return quickly upslashing the character into the air.

X-Ray (Steel on the Bone): Jataaka dash crouching and performs a spinning kick that stuns the opponent, then she grabs the sword with both hands and stabs through the opponent's eye(internal damage shows tbe blade going trough the bone and coming from the back), she pushes back and while the opponent is in pain, Jataaka enters on draw stance and goes trough the opponent with a clean slash that can be seen as internal damage cutting everything on the belly. The opponent flies in the same direction jataaka traveled when cutted him allowing a small window to continue a combo.
( i would leave this to NRS to match along with the special moves)
Fatality: Jataaka stabs the opponent in the belly and rises her sword up until cut him in two halfs.
Fatality2: Jataaka toss her sword which stabs in the opponent's throat, then she uses her power to electrify the sword until the opponent explodes like a bomb.
After Sareena i will post my version of Ashrah and then i will try mavado ^^

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Finally Sareena, a well rounded character in all areas, i would keep her strit to the original hooks she had before, i didn't like much of the knifes to begin with.

Anyway here is my sareena

Original John Tobias Design

Name: Sareena
Origins: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil at the beggining /Flipped to good in the middle of the story.

Story: Sareena is a demon from the netherrealm who has dreams of a life beyond serving the brotherhood of shadow, after serving the brotherhood for a long time, she gets an one lifetime oportunity and escapes into earthrealm to have a different life, however since she betrayed the brotherhood, her former collegues, Kia and Jataaka are now chasing her to bring her back dead or alive.

Style: Netherrealm Guardian arts form 3 (Sareena style is a mix of flexibility and lots of kicking and weapon mix)

Kama (Standard)

Demon Fang (Command Style)
The rod on the John Tobias pic

Special Moves
Kama throw: Sareena throws her kamas into the opponent.
Enhanced (power Kamas): A Strong version of the Kama throw that inflicts more damage

Void Spin: Sareena Spin really fast like Kung lao hitting however is nearby while she slighly modes towards.
Enhanced (Void Destruction): Sareena Spins really harder, that can push characters nearby to hit on her spin, it countains armor.
Note: Both version launches.

Get down here: Sareena throws her Kama in the air catching the enemy and by creating a magic chain, she pushes them back to her.
Enhanced (Get down here Silly): Same as the old one, but with an addictional hit.

Rising kick: Sareena performs a wheird spinning kick upwards as she spins.

Demon Fang (command special, alla nightwing)
Sareena switches her stance into the steel rod, it doesn't changes back even if she gets hit.

Demon fang specials moves
Demon Fury: Sareena throws the rod spining, in the ground.
Enhanced (Demon Rampage): Sareena throws the rod bouncing.

Air Demon Fury: Sareena throws the dagger from the air.
Enhanced: I throws the a bigger rod.
Guardian's might: Sareena swings the rod with both hands sending them flying backwards.

X-Ray (Demon's Strengh): Sareena spins to pull the character closer, and when it hits, it stabs them in the chin with the Kama blade from reverse (down to up) slice, she pulls it back and now stabs both on the chest, and to finish, Sareena jumps on the Kama's handlers on reverse position and knees the opponent really harder that the internal damage shows the skull bashing.

Some combos endes on Demon Fang Stance, others ends on Kama's Stance.

Up to you guys, i'm sleepy now.