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How u came up with your psn



How did u come up with yours. I've heard fusion and foozers reasons why and they were very interesting. I was an established poet at my High School and I assisted some english teachers with their students when it came to poetry. My pen name was David Gem.

Dci eluded to his but i didn't understand. I'm quite sure people would be interested as to how you come u with dookiebrain. I know dvd's story. and where the hell did ectonaut come from? TELL US!!! btw i forgot rdz's
Well as i told GEM before i got my name from David Cronenbergs 1986 remake of "The Fly" , theres a scene when Jeff Goldblum is asking his computer "what happened to fly? did Brundle absorb the fly?" and the computer reads .....NEGATIVE. Then he asks it "if Brundle did not absorb fly, what happened to fly?" and the computer reads ........FUSION. Which at this point he realizez hes fucked , lol. A great movie and a great scene. As for the 117 thats my bday January 17th.
nice fusion, thats a good one. great movie too!!!

for me, i got back into gaming in early 2007 with "socom-combined asault" on ps2 with some pals. i had NEVER done ANY online gaming in my life until that point when i got a ps2 with socom.

when it came time to pick a name, i couldnt think of 1 fucking thing. so my friend was rushing me to pick a name, so i said "i dont fucking know.....dookiebrain,shitbrain,hows that?"

so i picked that and then i FREAKED out when i got word MK2 was gonna be online, i dropped all that shit for MK2, and its funny when some people say "shitbrain", thats what its SUPPOSED to mean,lol.

i played someone a while back named "genius mind" i owned him then he sent hatemail, i replied "your genius mind got owned by a shitbrain....." hahahahaha.

it was all because i needed a quick name and i just was initially being silly when i picked it,now i love it.
dookiebrain said:
nice fusion, thats a good one. great movie too!!!

for me, i got back into gaming in early 2007 with "socom-combined asault" on ps2 with some pals. i had NEVER done ANY online gaming in my life until that point when i got a ps2 with socom.

when it came time to pick a name, i couldnt think of 1 fucking thing. so my friend was rushing me to pick a name, so i said "i dont fucking know.....dookiebrain,shitbrain,hows that?"

so i picked that and then i FREAKED out when i got word MK2 was gonna be online, i dropped all that shit for MK2, and its funny when some people say "shitbrain", thats what its SUPPOSED to mean,lol.

i played someone a while back named "genius mind" i owned him then he sent hatemail, i replied "your genius mind got owned by a shitbrain....." hahahahaha.

it was all because i needed a quick name and i just was initially being silly when i picked it,now i love it.
Dookiebrain great story man lol , shitbrain thats funny as shit bro.
david_GEM said:
How did u come up with yours. I've heard fusion and foozers reasons why and they were very interesting. I was an established poet at my High School and I assisted some english teachers with their students when it came to poetry. My pen name was David Gem.

Dci eluded to his but i didn't understand. I'm quite sure people would be interested as to how you come u with dookiebrain. I know dvd's story. and where the hell did ectonaut come from? TELL US!!! btw i forgot rdz's
i was wondering how you got your name. nice.


I got mine when I was trying to come up with a name for my band, we didn't use it but I liked the name regardless. I got the idea pretty much from one of my favorite movies Ghostbusters, there's ecto-1 car and ectoplasm and then I thought it sounded cool with -naut kind of like astronaut. Literally it means outside traveler or voyager, but I chose it mostly cause I liked how it sounds.

Lol I was laughing when Wazz was pulling out names of the hat and had no idea on how to pronounce it.
Kaz said:
I got mine when I was trying to come up with a name for my band, we didn't use it but I liked the name regardless. I got the idea pretty much from one of my favorite movies Ghostbusters, there's ecto-1 car and ectoplasm and then I thought it sounded cool with -naut kind of like astronaut. Literally it means outside traveler or voyager, but I chose it mostly cause I liked how it sounds.

Lol I was laughing when Wazz was pulling out names of the hat and had no idea on how to pronounce it.
"ectonaut" is an awsome name man. i like the meaning of it too! did you end up naming your band that name?


great stories guys, i was curious too about how some people got their psns... i have a family and btbb99 is the initials of me BRIAN, my wife TARA, my daughter BRIELLE and my son BRIAN JR and 99 is the year me and my wife started dating , we been together 10 years its crazy.. and i'm proud to say it's been a great 10 years and i'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her... but its also my username on my other accounts like espn.com and other websites because its easy for me to remember
I came up with my PSN name as a combination of two names. The first being from one of my favorite singers, Michale Graves formerly of the Misfits and the x's coming from a previous gaming name, xDisciplex, which I used when I was the leader of an online clan for America's Army called {ArcAngel} years ago, I was {ArcAngel}xDisciplex. So I carried the x's over to Michale for my PSN ID to create xMichalex, just thought it was a cool way to spell out my name Michael with a little twist :)
btbb99 said:
great stories guys, i was curious too about how some people got their psns... i have a family and btbb99 is the initials of me BRIAN, my wife TARA, my daughter BRIELLE and my son BRIAN JR and 99 is the year me and my wife started dating , we been together 10 years its crazy.. and i'm proud to say it's been a great 10 years and i'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her... but its also my username on my other accounts like espn.com and other websites because its easy for me to remember

this is funny cause now when i play you guys ill be thinking of this stuff,lol. when i play btbb again ill feel like im playing his whole family, when i play david_gem again ill feel like he is writing me a mk2 poem, when i play fusion ill feel like im playing jeff goldblum and when i play wazz ill feel like im playing wazz!!!!


Tim Static

Mine is my SN for everything, PSN, XBLA, forums, etc....

But how did i get this nickname?

I was doing work with a band called Static-X and their lead singer, Wayne, started calling me Tim Static.


mine stands for multi user dungeon, lol j/k (if you've never used a bbs, you're likely thinking wtf). In reality it's because I love mud bogs. I grew up in the black swamp (right on the battle grounds), I live right outside the green swamp now. Any time there's mud around, you'll likely see me driving in it.
Davey is my nickname, however hardly anyone calls me David so Davey is pretty much my given name. My parents and close friends also call me Dave-O, so I stuck electro on the end of that because it rhymed.

No cool story for me really.
Tim Static said:
Mine is my SN for everything, PSN, XBLA, forums, etc....

But how did i get this nickname?

I was doing work with a band called Static-X and their lead singer, Wayne, started calling me Tim Static.
nice. what kind of work did you do?
Vassago, in demonology, is a mighty Prince of Hell (see Hierarchy of demons), ruling over twenty-six legions of demons.

It just sounded sweet and somewhat mysterious. I've used it as my gamer tag for like 15 years.

The 187 was a number I just had to add to my tag so 187 was easy to remember.


Forum General Emeritus
My name...

DCI - Drum Corps International (http://www.dci.org) I could spend hours talking about it, but I'd be here all night and wouldn't even scratch the surface. Just check it out for yourself. To get to the point, I used to march with a certain corps for three years.
01 - graduating high school year


Davey_8000 said:
Davey is my nickname, however hardly anyone calls me David so Davey is pretty much my given name. My parents and close friends also call me Dave-O, so I stuck electro on the end of that because it rhymed.

No cool story for me really.
dude, there ALL cool

Foozer went to a concert featuring The Foo Fighters and Weezer....

Dvdcsn simply took the vowels out of his first and last name.
Aria - An agency I used to work for a long time ago, while working for this agency I traveled to Miami quite frequently, in fact, I lived there for a bit.

Delano - My fav hotel in miami.

Aria + Delano - Some of the best times together to this day!