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How much time have you devoted to your main?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Between both PS3's...
-5 Days and 6 hours with Cyrax.
-2 Days and 3 hours with Sub-Zero.
-30 hours with Ermac.
-25 hours with Quan Chi.


Loses to uppercuts
100 hrs exactly with CSZ lol.
36 hrs with Shang Tswag
48 hrs with Sektor
29 hrs with Sonya, but I just picked her up last week.

Miss Kanzuki

Well considering the fact I got the "My Kung Fu is Strong" trophy with Baraka on two accounts, you guys know I've devoted at least a hard 48 hours :p

But overall, about four months I've devoted so far.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
On my PS3 I've spent the most time playing Kano, Cage and Reptile. I think I've got the 24 hour mark for the 3 of them; Quan and Sektor were nearly there as well but then I stopped playing online. So I dunno. I put about 6 hours a week into the game now at max, online plateaued for me and I just try to learn shit from offline casuals now. Obviously I never play Kano anymore because well...he sucks.

In terms of online I think I've played something like 7,000 matches; not that I learned much from it and I mostly consider it a waste of my time. Anyways, I've been playing the game since it came out, but yeah...Kano and Reptile were mostly hurpa durpa mode online for a long time. "LOL KNIVES! UP BALL! TAKE DAT RAIDEN U SUX!" "LOL ELBOW DASH U KANT PUNISH ME! BALLS BALLS SPIT! D4 ACID HAND!"


Mileena - 5 Days 1 Hour

Ermac - 4 Days 23 Hours

Cyrax - 4 Days 4 Hours

Kenshi - 3 Days 6 Hours

Sheeva - 3 Minutes :p

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
A year with Scorpion, but since i got skarlet i think she is the only character i play now.
And since february (my birthday) i have played her for 3 months now.


24 Low Hat!
3 days with Sub

2 days with Kung Lao

a day and a half with Liu Kang and Ermac

half a day with Jade (no joke)