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Question How do I get rid of bad habbits?


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
I'm not sure if there's already a thread on this but I want to know how I can get rid of bad habbits. I play SD Cage I have a horrible tendency to do F3 mimic summon which is very interruptible. Are there any "methods" or ways to cut down on bad habbits? Any help would be very much appreciated.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
Play with someone who really punishes you hard for it. For example, let's say against the average player you're getting away with F3 mimic activation.

Play someone who takes half your life away for trying it and you'll soon stop. This is why regular training partners are good as they tend to catch onto this kind of stuff and remove it from your play style. Leaving only the smart stuff.


gotta stay sharp!
Not really methods. Its more like stop being stubborn.use other options to pull up a mimic and slowly f3 into mimic should come out less. Maybe situationally but idk.do you do f3 mimic then mimic kick? Idk if that's a thing but that might work. I kno from playing @Dja_Homies every cancel into mimic is - and can be armored or punished if they dont throw out a msk.(pretty sure)


Designer for BxA
I'm not sure if there's already a thread on this but I want to know how I can get rid of bad habbits. I play SD Cage I have a horrible tendency to do F3 mimic summon which is very interruptible. Are there any "methods" or ways to cut down on bad habbits? Any help would be very much appreciated.
Everyone has their own bad habits. You made the first step in realizing what you're doing wrong. The hard part is now to break yourself of this habit. Hit me up anytime for games though coconut.

good stuff last night.


Pope of Dope
Play with people you know are better than you. I play with people like Cowboy, Khaotic_Ominous, and people i know arr a grade above me and really pay attention to what theyre blowing you up for. I feel you learn a lot more from a loss than you do a win. Another great thing is tournament players(stereotypically) are more apt to play you in verrrrryyyy long sets. Giving you time to learn more matchups and force you to change things up because if youre flowcharting or autopiloting for 20+ games your just gonna be destroyed.


Everyone has their own bad habits. You made the first step in realizing what you're doing wrong. The hard part is now to break yourself of this habit. Hit me up anytime for games though coconut.

good stuff last night.
Also, @coconutshrimp, don't play with this guy. He just wants to vortex you and make you guess until your brain can no longer function. Nice guys don't use Quan is all I'm saying. :DOGE


Blue Blurs for Life!
To break the habits that are hampering your gameplay, you have to openly acknowledge them first.

One method that helps is to study your replays and see what the opponent is blowing up, but personally I find it more effective to lecture yourself mid-match when you get punished for doing the same tactic twice, maybe three times, without changing it up. Auto-pilot tactics only work against players who have yet to learn of adaptation, and then that all crumbles when you face someone with a significantly greater degree of competence.

Subject yourself to various environments of gameplay every time you hit the training mode. It's always welcome to review your answers to familiar scenarios, but remember to branch into unfamiliar territory. And with how the variation system works, as well as KP2's new characters and balance changes coming up, there's still quite a lot of exploration ahead of us.


Training partners, constant gameplay and just not labbing. I find if I constantly practice combos and run through characters and do not actually play against another person.......... Things become routine. End up conditioning yourself lol
Oh God this is exactly what i do....i think have spent over 70% of my time in lab and never actually doing anything to truly better myself against human opponents....this has to stop


Oh God this is exactly what i do....i think have spent over 70% of my time in lab and never actually doing anything to truly better myself against human opponents....this has to stop
But think about it. What game do you REALLY want to play? MKX: Lab edition, or MKX online? I'll take the lab any day. I might still suck, but at least I'm having fun


When I play sets vs my clan members who aren't the best, i'll tell them EVERYTHING they let me get away with, even if i'm doing a somewhat legit mind game.

Vs top players I don't have to tell them.

If you play people who let you get away with silly stuff, it will become a habit to do those things. If you don't do something in practice correctly, you won't do it right when it matters.


can someone fuck me up and beat the bad habits out of me to? if interested in beating me down my XBL GT is Kalaise :3


As a friend I make sure I continuously punish whatever they are doing to correct them.

"Don't do this. Don't do this"

You can tell a person to stop doing something,but punishing them everytime will leave a mark on their subconscious to stop doing it lol.

Find a friend that doesn't let you do the dumb stuff lol

Edit: 40 people already gave the same advice