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HI I'm one of sova commentators tsunami roxus ( formerly generalroxus and famous bowl roxus) and I'm the TO of Killer instinct for sova at that game store. Anyways enough about me I want to talk about the Killer instinct tournament we had.

(my back story)

Killer instinct is the best game I personally ever played and I was training really hard for this tornaments because that last ki tournament we had with 10 people I made 5th with Jago so I had alot of momentum wanting to do better with this tornaments. I basically drop Jago to fully learn maya and saw even with the nerf she fits my style and feel I could win a tornaments with her so with that in my mind I got started with the tornaments.

Overall the tornament had

GIMPY NS a high level player in ki with his orchid and combo and has never lost in a tornament on sova.

RM MR AQUAMAN a player who has won a ton of injustice tornaments with his ares and side pocket aquaman. He mains kan ra and thunder has alot of tricks when he plays.

RM SRRYIMWHTE a highly defensive and fundamental player who will beat you with any character and then tells you why you free.

GLV TGS SCUMBAG ZAPPA aka Mr I DONT EVEN PLAY THIS GAME that if he loses he says I DONT EVEN PLAY THIS GAME but when he bodied u he says I DONT EVEN PLAY THIS GAME lol and a hype commentator.

RM SID THE HAZE a well known flash player who won zth with his flash tactics. He wants to learn ki so he experiments with this tornament.

And myself

So here we go

First round

Me vs zappa

This was an interesting match with me barely winning against zappa who hasn't played in awhile so mad respect to him

Aquaman vs sid

Massacre.... Moving on

Me vs Gimpy9000

Ok I finally got a chance to fight gimpy In tornament so I was hyped. In my mind I'm thinking ok is it going to be combo or orchid and he goes....... Maya? This caught me off guard so I was like ok a mirror match.. Great. Basically at the beginning to the end gimpy maya outsmarted my maya so I took an l...moving on

Mr aquaman vs srryimwhte

Another classic... Aquaman man wins.moving on

Now starts my losers gaunlet

Me vs sid

Did a "only a reAl master moment" against sid on the first fight and then I won the 2nd fight In a close fight... Moving on

Me vs srryimwhte

Srryimwhte played me at 20%....moving on

Me vs aquaman

Ok I was saving my hypeness so here we go. I played aquaman on the kanra vs maya and its a tough match for maya Imo

So the first two matches I Was free but the third Match i test the waters with my old Jago. By the first round I took out his first Meter but kanra tricks were too strong and took me out and I placed 3rd

Grand finals time so aquaman vs Gimpy9000 and he kept his maya. The first two matches were maya beating him with pure patience. The third Match was interesting with aquaman changes his straegy with new setup starts to play off. With momentum in his hands he finally beats gimpy and reset the bracket

And then it happen.......HE WENT TO CHARACTER SELECT


And that's when Mr aquaman knew...HE Was FUCKED

Gimpy turned up with his orchid and straight body bag kanra

Overall with 6 PEOPLE IT was a hype tornament and hope more come for.the next tornament

Check out aquaman stream for the matches and im out

See ya at the neXT ki zth tourney