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Future of MKX on PC; MKXL Enhanced Online PC BETA

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This isn't just a reply to you:

This just in: The world is an often harsh place, where big corporations do not care for the individual and you do not often get everything you want.

Film at eleven.
So we should just roll over and let it slide? No thanks, I'd rather keep making my discontent known until it is either fixed or I'm given a refund. Because I don't like being treated like a door mat.

Tony at Home

Listen dickhead I've had it with you coming in here and trying to put this in a way that makes WB and NRS not the guilty party
. . .
Case fucking closed now go play your fucking console fuckboi.
I'm trying to figure out if you're just dumb or trying to troll, probably a bit of both
Rhetorical question don't even bother answering cuz that would lower the IQ of everyone reading it and their neighbors across the street.
I hope you and the rest of the idiots that think what NRS and WB are doing right now is fair, get to go through this yourselves just like we did on PC and Wii U.

If I had a stick long enough to reach where ever the fuck you live I'd use it to hit you in the back of your dumb troll skull.
Calm down.


HT Jacqui Enthusiast Skin Mod Creator
My dude Infinite Retro said it best... 'Class action Lawsuit'. Ed boon is a passionate guy when it comes to his games, but clearly money > his passion. I dont give a fuck if there's only 2 people playing this game on PC, those people deserve the full experience of the game that they purchased. NRS's sub par sales on the PC is their fault for releasing shit after telling us it would be gold nuggets.

This is discrimination and false advertisement. Plain and simple. The fact that this game exists on multiple platforms and is a competitive game, means that the slightest change in content between the platforms will ruin one or the other (JUST BECAUSE WE ARE ON PC DOESN'T MAKE US ANY LESS PASSIONATE ABOUT MKX OR ANY OTHER FIGHTING GAMES, CONSOLE USERS!).

Like someone said before me ,since it took them 6 months to get the pc version of the game to work smoothly for everyone,the games actually only 3 months old on PC. Cutting the cord as soon as you start making progress (after we had to endure pure incompetence from the beginning and still stuck around) is a nut shot after being punched in the face.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
i dont want to sound super ultra dramatic mega melodramatic,
but there are very dedicated pc players, hell, im a almost 5 years on TYM and i consider myself very dedicated to nrs games. i contributed much to the game, as whole to the community in my country and region, organizing local and offline scenes, tournaments and mk cosplays. all this you can check on my channel.
hell there are whole countries that play mk mostly on pc. mostly eastern europe and western part of Mediterranean sea ( turkey, greece even )
ESL in CIS was held on a PC, not box. that's how popular it is in this part of the world (on a side note there is no xbox live in cis i think).
not able to play on latest version ( im not even talking about kombat pack 2 ) completely negates latest meta and competetive value of this title and cuts huge amount of dedicated fanbase.
angry fanbase, who will never touch another nrs product ever, and who will angrily (or happily) go and buy sf5 in 1 month.
you cant stay passive in this situation, we as a community should unite.
please sign. https://www.change.org/p/netherrealm-studios-warner-bros-interactive-entertainment-give-pc-mortal-kombat-x-a-chance
I'm sorry and it is very sad, but I'm pretty sure this is a fruitless effort, with absolutely nobody working on the pc port since they fired high voltage, I really think there is nothing we can do as a community, since big companies like WB don't give a shit about petitions, and literally never have


Positive Poster!
Y'all could bombard lord gaben with respectfully outraged emails about this, maybe we can force a partial refund.


Positive Poster!
I'm sorry and it is very sad, but I'm pretty sure this is a fruitless effort, with absolutely nobody working on the pc port since they fired high voltage, I really think there is nothing we can do as a community, since big companies like WB don't give a shit about petitions, and literally never have
The game is MADE on PCs. (or macs depending)
It gets outsourced because of the optimisation and other nuances required.
NRS doing it themselves would mean another 6 months of work for them and the chance of that paying off is very slim.
Nobody's gonna buy nrs products for the pc anymore for sure.


I think a couple pages back it was used in the context of fighting games being niche on PC not MK or PC gaming as a whole.
still me and not what I've said

on a side note I don't believe in petitions or summoning lord Gaben in the matter
the outrage is real on tym/reddit but PC numbers in terms of players are still small.
let's wipe our man tears and move on, it's just a bad breakup


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
The game is MADE on PCs. (or macs depending)
It gets outsourced because of the optimisation and other nuances required.
NRS doing it themselves would mean another 6 months of work for them and the chance of that paying off is very slim.
Nobody's gonna buy nrs products for the pc anymore for sure.
That would be another point to why mkx on pc is doomed yes.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
My dude Infinite Retro said it best... 'Class action Lawsuit'. Ed boon is a passionate guy when it comes to his games, but clearly money > his passion. I dont give a fuck if there's only 2 people playing this game on PC, those people deserve the full experience of the game that they purchased. NRS's sub par sales on the PC is their fault for releasing shit after telling us it would be gold nuggets.

This is discrimination and false advertisement. Plain and simple. The fact that this game exists on multiple platforms and is a competitive game, means that the slightest change in content between the platforms will ruin one or the other (JUST BECAUSE WE ARE ON PC DOESN'T MAKE US ANY LESS PASSIONATE ABOUT MKX OR ANY OTHER FIGHTING GAMES, CONSOLE USERS!).

Like someone said before me ,since it took them 6 months to get the pc version of the game to work smoothly for everyone,the games actually only 3 months old on PC. Cutting the cord as soon as you start making progress (after we had to endure pure incompetence from the beginning and still stuck around) is a nut shot after being punched in the face.
The problem is that anything financial or anything that has anything to do with ports isn't in boons hands, WB calls most the shots, WB tells them what they work on, and they work on it. Publishers do have to invest their money into it somehow and financially it isn't smart for Warner brothers to invest in the PC port after its rough history, bad reputation, and lack of player base. It may sound harsh but that is how business works, there is a reason why most business owners could be classified as psychopaths, since they have lack of sympathy they are able to do things that most people aren't willing to do to get more money.


Punching bag that throws fans !
At least now we know for sure : PC means no KP2 and no rollback netcode.

Thanks for being honest though. Silence is never an option.

Now we can honest too : last NRS game PC gamers will ever buy from NRS lol :)

Good thing I restrained myself from buying MKX on PC after the train wreck that has been IGAU at launch.


HT Jacqui Enthusiast Skin Mod Creator
The problem is that anything financial or anything that has anything to do with ports isn't in boons hands, WB calls most the shots, WB tells them what they work on, and they work on it. Publishers do have to invest their money into it somehow and financially it isn't smart for Warner brothers to invest in the PC port after its rough history, bad reputation, and lack of player base. It may sound harsh but that is how business works, there is a reason why most business owners could be classified as psychopaths, since they have lack of sympathy they are able to do things that most people aren't willing to do to get more money.
Yes I get what you're saying an Imma let you finish...Jk ^_^ . But like I said this ,what's happening now, is a huge mistake on NRS's / WB's part. And again I say they better not show their faces on pc platform again because after 3+ bad ports and this mid lifespan discontinuation on one of their biggest games ever, their pc fan base is gone completely now. What a disrespectful company.


Punching bag that throws fans !
Yes I get what you're saying an Imma let you finish...Jk ^_^ . But like I said this ,what's happening now, is a huge mistake on NRS's / WB's part. And again I say they better not show their faces on pc platform again because after 3+ bad ports and this mid lifespan discontinuation on one of their biggest games ever, their pc fan base is gone completely now. What a disrespectful company.
Yeah MKX and Batman were the last clear sign they don't know what they are doing on PC : they outsource games, result is freaking terrible, and they keep on doing it anyway, year after year.

Now, it's quite obvious no one will ever buy a WB game day 1 on PC (waiting for feedback), and that means no one will ever pre-order their shit.
It doesn't matter if they have or not any obligation to keep supporting the product after sale.
The point is that you have consumers that payed the same price as other consumers but were always treated like meaningless second rate people.
If they stopped updating the game altogether is one thing, just stopping on one platform that payed just as much as everyone else and just whistle away is scummy and dishonest. Especially bad after all we've been through since release.

I hope the never release another game on PC because I surely don't want the temptation of giving them any more money.


cr. HP Master
It is still NRS' fault, how in this day & age are tye not able to do this stuff in house or push for better 3rd Party devs? I mean holy shit ASW & SNK were able to figure this shit out & PC gaming is still barely a thing in japan.
This is true. I was shocked to discover mobile and handheld gaming is the leading platform in Japan. Console sales have taken a nosedive. Its crazy.


Lost Street Fighter Player
Well technically I only paid about 14 bucks for the PC version with the character DLC compared to paying 60 on PS4, so it doesn't sting as much, but on principle it still sucks and kills the main reason I got it for PC (for a more convenient way to play when traveling to majors... but now it will be outdated).
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