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Dark Electro music project "TyrantRevolver" is born.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
This shit is total win bro! Ever want some spooky guitar lines/melody. Just lemme know :D

-b_s- :headbang:


Darkwave Digital
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback it means a lot to me ^_^ Who knows beef, maybe one of these days I will. Right now I've only been making music for about 4-5 weeks so I'm hoping in a few months I'll be a lot more refined in my abilities. If you guys like what you hear feel free to look me up on FB or Reverbnation and fan me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Cubase is the shit dude. I use it for some of my stuff. Have you ever used Logic? Changed my life :D

-b_s- :headbang:


Darkwave Digital
I haven't used Logic yet but if you vouch for it being a great program I certainly wouldn't mind trying it on for size.

@Kandehbar - If you have an extra copy of it lying around....? >_>


Ice Pirate
Sounds a bit like them old acid TB 303 - Rubber Duck sounds! Still needs some work, but I like it so far!!
As Beef_Supreme said, some guitars would be rockin' on this.

As far as programs go, try checking out Ableton too, if you're into FL studio it will be "quite easy" to step into!

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
I dig the hell out of this. Every time my girlfriend is like "I like dubstep" I think about the roots of electronica and it pretty much sounds like this in my head (like Augustus said, ninja fights!). Also, I'll totally contend with Beef as a sampled guitarist if that's what you're looking for :duel:
I dig the hell out of this. Every time my girlfriend is like "I like dubstep" I think about the roots of electronica and it pretty much sounds like this in my head (like Augustus said, ninja fights!). Also, I'll totally contend with Beef as a sampled guitarist if that's what you're looking for :duel:
When people say they like dubstep I assume they're talking about only one dude, skrillex.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
When people say they like dubstep I assume they're talking about only one dude, skrillex.
Oh no, her iTunes has well over 10 hours of various dubstep stored, although most of it is remixes of non-dubstep songs.

....on topic: i like this a lot as a basis for an electronic song, but agree that more layers could add to it.


Darkwave Digital
Hey guys I just posted my newest track "Mjolnir (Divine Wind)" I've been working on recently, I haven't put the finishing touches on it yet but its well worth listening to so check it out: http://www.reverbnation.com/#!/tyrantrevolver

You can also go to my band/musician page for "TyrantRevolver" on FB and check it out there. http://www.facebook.com/pages/TyrantRevolver/249671635069099

Do me a favor, listen to it, and support me by "liking" it on FB and Reverbnation. I'm currently #7 on the electronica charts for Tally and I could use all the support I can get. Thanks ~

Also thanks for the feedback, the first track was a major stepping stone in my growth as an artist. My latest, Mjolnir will hopefully be even more enjoyable than the last track. I haven't done mastering with it yet and intend to tweak it more but it is definitely a big step up. Let me know what you all think! ;)