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Guide Cyber Sub-Zero "True Damage" and Block Chip Damage Information


The Marvelous Meter Man
If you have seen my general info thread -> http://testyourmight.com/threads/general-true-damage-and-block-chip-damage-information.16772/ you should be aware of the concept of "True Damage" and this thread will show you what the true damage of all of your character's moves is, and I will also do bnb requests and update the info. I list the percentages within 2 decimal places for simplicity, but the actual numbers are longer so that is why some of these numbers don't seem create a product of 100 when multiplied by the number of times it takes, but those numbers are correct.

Time for Cyber Sub-Zero's True Damage and Block Chip Damage:
Yellow is true damage
White is block chip

Basic Attacks
1 - 3.02%, takes 33.01 for 100%
1 on block - 1.31%, takes 76.15 for 100%
2 - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
2 on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
3 - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
3 on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
4 - 7.06%, takes 14.14 for 100%
4 on block - 1.71%, takes 58.25 for 100%
d1 - 2.01%, takes 49.51 for 100%
d1 on block - .2% takes 495.1 for 100%
d2 - 12.12%, takes 8.24 for 100%
d2 on block - 2.22%, takes 44.98% for 100%
d3 - .5%, takes 200 for 100%
d3 on block - .05%, takes 2000 for 100% (Yes I did all 2000)
d4 - 3.02%, takes 33.01 for 100%
d4 on block - .3%, takes 330.1 for 100%
Jump In Punch - 4.05%, takes 24.69 for 100%
Jump In Punch on block - 1.41%, takes 70.74 for 100%
Neutral Jump Punch - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
Neutral Jump Punch on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
Jump In Kick - 7.06%, takes 14.14 for 100%
Jump In Kick on block - 1.71%, takes 58.25 for 100%
Neutral Jump Kick - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
Neutral Jump Kick on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
b1 - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
b1 on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
f1 - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
f1 on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
f2 - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
f2 on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
b2 - 5.05%, takes 19.79 for 100%
b2 on block - 1.51%, takes 66 for 100%
b3 - 3.02% - takes 33.01 for 100%
b3 on block - 1.31%, takes 76.15 for 100%
f4 - 9.1%, takes 10.98 for 100%
f4 on block - 1.91%, takes 52.13 for 100%
u4 - 15.81%, takes 6.32 for 100%
u4 on block - 3.62%, takes 27.62 for 100%
b4 - 7.06%, takes 14.14 for 100%
b4 on block - 1.71%, takes 58.25 for 100%
Throw - 12.12%, takes 8.24 for 100%

Kombo Attacks
11 - 5.91%, takes 16.92 for 100%
11 on block - 2.62%, takes 38.16 for 100%
111 - 10.47%, takes 9.54 of 100%
111 on block - 4.13%, takes 24.21 for 100%
112 - 12.69%, takes 7.87 for 100%
112 on block - 4.33%, takes 23.09 for 100%
11f4 - 14.11%, takes 7.08 for 100%
11f4 on block - 4.53%, takes 22.07 for 100%
f14 - 20.11%, takes 4.97 of 100%
f14 on block - 5.13%, takes 19.49 for 100%
f22 - 7.93%, takes 12.6 for 100%
f22 on block - 2.82%, takes 35.37 for 100%
f221 - 12.69%, takes 7.87 for 100%
f221 on block - 4.33%, takes 23.09 for 100%
b12 - 11.77%, takes 8.48 for 100%
b12 on block - 3.16%, takes 31.64 for 100%
b22 - 9.85%, takes 10.15 for 100%
b22 on block - 3.02%, takes 33.11 for 100%
b24 - 13.69%, takes 7.3 for 100%
b24 on block - 3.46%, takes 28.82 for 100
21 - 7.93%, takes 12.6 for 100%
21 on block - 2.82%, takes 35.37 for 100%
211+2 - 12.69%, takes 7.87 for 100%
211+2 on block - 4.33%, takes 23.09 for 100%
33 - 7.93%, takes 12.6 for 100%
33 on block - 2.82%, takes 35.37 for 100%
332 - 14.57%, takes 6.86 for 100%
332 on block - 4.53%, takes 22.07 for 100%
34 - 13.69%, takes 7.3 for 100%
34 on block - 3.46%, takes 28.82 for 100
b32 - 9.75%, takes 10.25 for 100%
b32 on block - 3.48%, takes 28.73 for 100%
b321 - 17.11%, takes 5.84 for 100%
b321 on block - 3.48%, takes 28.73 for 100%

Specials (Corner implies touching)
Iceball (When opponent was previously frozen)- 7.06%, takes 14.14 for 100%
:exIceball (When opponent was previously frozen)- 7.06%, takes 14.14 for 100%
Ice Bomb - 8.07%, takes 12.83 for 100%
Slide - 8.07%, takes 12.39 for 100%
Slide on block - 1.81%, takes 55 for 100%
:exSlide - 12.12%, takes 8.24 for 100%
:exSlide on block- 1.81%, takes 55 for 100%
:exTeleport - 8.07%, takes 12.39 for 100%
:ex Teleport on block - 1.81%, takes 55 for 100%%
Ice Parry - 8.07%, takes 12.39 for 100%
Divekick - 7.06%, takes 14.14 for 100%
Divekick on block - 1.71%, takes 58.25 for 100%
:exDivekick - 18.19%, takes 5.49 for 100%
:exDivekick on block - 4.83%, takes 20.7 for 100%

Cool Down - 36.85%, takes 2.71 for 100%
Cool Down on block - 2.01%, takes 49.51 for 100%

Request them in the thread.

Alice UsedForGlue Altaire J360
Feel free to ask any questions!


Dojo Trainee
Now this is really interesting. I've known for awhile now that chip damage is less than what's shown, because I did repeated 2 1 1+2s for 5% chip and it took more than 20 of those to deal out 100%. Nice work. I'll be leading with Cyber Sub at Toryuken on the 19th, so having something like this to refer to will be really nice for my last days grinding in the lab with him.

I'll look it over more thoroughly this evening, and if I like what I see, I'll sticky it.


Haaave you met Sektor?
Nice work man, respect.
But...call me stupid as i remember the iceball does 5% if hits an already frozen opp.


Haaave you met Sektor?
Now this is really interesting. I've known for awhile now that chip damage is less than what's shown, because I did repeated 2 1 1+2s for 5% chip and it took more than 20 of those to deal out 100%. Nice work. I'll be leading with Cyber Sub at Toryuken on the 19th, so having something like this to refer to will be really nice for my last days grinding in the lab with him.

I'll look it over more thoroughly this evening, and if I like what I see, I'll sticky it.

Good luck man, im sure you can make CSZ look good there. Any ultra super secret tech you came up with? :D