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CrimsonShadow Introduces MKi - New MK9 Player Rankings


What's a Smarrgasm?
Ah so im not ranked cause i dont have 5 ranked matches yet. I see. I wish frosty faustings could be included in this ;_; my ranking would actually matter then lol.


Forecast calls for missiles

If the system becomes widely accepted as it should: I think it would be really cool if there were a sub-system allowing players to make a certain number of challenges, outside of tournament matches themselves, but within the duration of the tournament weekend. These matches would count toward rating and would: (1) have set rules, run on an agreed upon system, (2) have win/loss verified by both parties and at least one witness, (3) result in a prorated adjustment of the Elo rating? For example, a ranked challenge might only cause 1/3 of the score adjustment relative to a normal tournament match. The fraction can be anything you want, and IMO it would depend mostly on how many challenges you allow that player to make or accept in a given tournament weekend.

I'm not saying this can or should be done, but it sounds awesome and would provide so much data! Someday....


yea didnt know that my mlg name will be the name on the bracket lol, i was so close at beating reo in that set, basically he didnt block and my throw wiffed and he punished it, i was pretty salty about that


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
My problem with this is if a new player, or hell even a player like Michaelangelo, were to go to a stacked tourney and take down all the top players, he wouldn't be seeded as high as players who have gained more wins over a longer period of time? Or am I misinterpreting the system? I didn't read it to be honest

Edit: Better yet, lets say a player who's been getting bodied for 11 months switches characters and takes a stacked major with ease. He still wouldn't be ranked as high as people who are not on his level at the present time.


Ok guys, just have to weigh in here again:

I spoke with CrimsonShadow at length earlier about this. Admittedly, he says that this ranking is not yet ready for use for seeding tournaments.

As I have also explained, I have some doubts that it actually will be the best way to seed for tournaments, HOWEVER, to be fair I will be working directly with Crimson to look at and add as many variables as possible to cover what I consider to be "randomness within mathematics", which, by definition is impossible.

I'm not going to publicly decree this as the best possible way to do this, nor will I discourage other TO's from using it(as it is still a more accurate measure than NFG, IMHO), but I STILL believe that people in the know in this community (aka, TO's) are better suited to hand seeding brackets by separating players by seed, region, team, and affiliation...which, for the time being is the method I will use for Winter Brawl.

Crimson is aware that still I feel this way, but I will still be working with him to help develop this system and see if it is, in fact, better than hand seeding.

If it is, then it can be used, if it is not, then obviously it won't be used. I still have concerns, all of which Crimson is aware of, but he has my support in development.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Ok guys, just have to weigh in here again:

I spoke with CrimsonShadow at length earlier about this. Admittedly, he says that this ranking is not yet ready for use for seeding tournaments.

As I have also explained, I have some doubts that it actually will be the best way to seed for tournaments, HOWEVER, to be fair I will be working directly with Crimson to look at and add as many variables as possible to cover what I consider to be "randomness within mathematics", which, by definition is impossible.
To clarify this; it's fine if people want to use the numbers to seed their tournaments. However, the 2nd part of the system, the simple seeding tool, isn't finished yet, and won't be until we put it through a lot of testing and scrutiny. If it works well I'd recommend to use it; if not, it'd be better for TOs to use use the ranking numbers for their top16s, and then adjust/seed how they normally would.

This is probably what a lot of people will do anyway, even after the seeding tool is up. Other people will decide to ignore the numbers altogether, and it's within their right to do so.

And at the end of the day, each person has to make a decision about their own tournament. I can just provide better data; and however people use it, is up to them.

Phil -- thanks again for being willing to put in the time to discuss and work through the issues.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
You have time then lol. My next major is like Final Round. Then hopefully EVO. You going to EVO?

I have NO idea. I should be at WB, and FR. Got some applications in and transfer plans for moving to the big GA soon. So alot of gears in motion. If I move before WB I may miss it.


What's a Smarrgasm?
I have NO idea. I should be at WB, and FR. Got some applications in and transfer plans for moving to the big GA soon. So alot of gears in motion. If I move before WB I may miss it.
WAIT...youre moving to GA? I dont remember you telling me this. Where at?

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
WAIT...youre moving to GA? I dont remember you telling me this. Where at?
DUDE I thought I did, ill text ya to keep this post on track, Glad our entire PTH crew is up here, we need to get on the clan list our tournament team list hohoho


What's a Smarrgasm?
DUDE I thought I did, ill text ya to keep this post on track, Glad our entire PTH crew is up here, we need to get on the clan list our tournament team list hohoho
You might have. Shit lol. Well talk about it. After final round that ranking spot is mine though.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Winning a tournament isn't easy, but it really depends on who's there. If no top players are there, than that tournament win isn't as good. So instead of having a subjective list where you give certain tournaments a certain number of points based on X or Y reasons, you leave out subjective opinions and rely on math. Which is how it should be. A player ranking shouldn't be based on biased minds or opinions, it should be based on math and facts. This ranking system is great. People complaining that PL winning 2 EVO's should have more points. But the ranking system makes it so that he's not auto top just because he won 2 tournaments, among others obviously, even if they were EVO.