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Aw, C'mon Puddin' -- Harley Quinn General Discussion Thread

I may catch some heat for saying this, but I really don't think Harley is very strong in this game. Characters like Black Adam, Superman, Grundy, Killer Frost, Green Lantern, Batman, Hawkgirl etc. All seem just that little bit more competent and threatening than Harley. Not saying that Harley isn't viable, but I feel she suffers a little at the moment. She doesn't particularly have any outstanding qualities and seems to be designed as a jack-of-all-trades character; capable of all, excels at nothing. But even by that ideal she seems mediocre. This is a bold statement but for those of you familiar with SF4 AE, if I had to compare her to any one character it would have to be Ryu. Only Ryu is strong in every department where I feel Harley is sub par.

With that said, I do believe in the long run she may have the odd match-ups that she will undoubtedly win. Her footsie and neutral game is linear, limited but solid. Sounds like I'm contradicting myself but take B2,2. One of her best strings. The range could and I think should be slightly better, but because of that string she has a threatening mix up game up close. A mix up game I feel leaves a lot to be desired. F2 and F1,3 or NJ.2 are likely to be to go to overhead choices when threatening with a mix up. F2 being rather slow and easy to react to by a solid player. F1,3 a very clear string that once people recognise and become familiar with will no doubt block. And J.2 which people should block standing as soon as they see you leave the ground really.

Many characters have many go to strings that leave them at plus advantage on block therefore creating a whole new 50/50 game. Black Adam being a good example. I'm aware that Harley has her fair share and I absolutely love the meta that 2,D3 creates. And F3 being plus on block as well as 1 or 2 other key moves/strings but for a character that thrives on being up close, advantage frames are kind of important I would suspect.

Her lack of anti-airs is crippling. However, not every character is as fortunate to have a reliable AA like Grundy. But her air shots is really a sad excuse for an anti-air. I get that it needs to be used preemptively, but it really is quite poor. D2 does 4% if I'm not mistaken and leads to a follow up of up to around 20% with meter. But is painfully unreliable and gets stuffed easily.

Overall, the small things add up. This is really trivial but for example Black Adam can whiff an air attack into dive kick. The usefulness of this alone isn't easy to fathom unless you've experienced it. Yet Harley can't whiff an air attack into guns? Why not? It connects on block and on hit but not whiff. This is just one of numerous shortcomings I find she has when stacked up to the rest of the cast. Batman's trait is an ace is the deck, Hawk girl's flight mode adds a new dimension to the character, Superman's 2F super is.. Super. The list goes on. And what does Harley have? A trait that is completely random and punishable for a full combo even when you'be scored a knockdown on your opponent? An unblockable attack that while may prove useful for set ups in future has a chance that for no reason it will fail and leave you open for the oncoming combo? Mediocre is the word I use to describe Harley.

I realise this is a strongly opinionated post and I welcome people to oppose me. By no means am I force my notions onto anyone, just sharing what I've found in this short time. After all, this is a discussion board. I haven't really touched on her good points, but I still have a further cons I could go on to list but I think I've made my point clear. In closing i'd like to include a list of things I'd like to see for Harley to improve as a character and become more of a threat to other characters:

- MB Silly Slide to including armour (and possibly increase speed on MB).
- Slightly extended range on B2,2
- Tantrum Stance to either have advantage on block or have the cartwheel as an over head.
- TS cartwheel as a hard knockdown to open vortex possibilities.
- Faster start up on Heads Up.
- Faster start up on F2.
- Slightly decreased recovery frames on trait to make it more practical.
- Remove random Pop Pop dud. It's silly.


Three Treasures

Black Hole
eve j2,1,mb pop cap seems to be inconsistent on big characters, I can only get it to combo half the time for some reason.
imo, kind of pointless to discuss anything so specific in this game at the moment, especially with a patch coming out tomorrow that changes god knows what, and this being NRS, there are sure to be more patches down the line. Discussing who's bad/good/match ups aren't worth so much though until the dust has settled with this game.


Too old for this Shit
I may catch some heat for saying this, but I really don't think Harley is very strong in this game. Characters like Black Adam, Superman, Grundy, Killer Frost, Green Lantern, Batman, Hawkgirl etc. All seem just that little bit more competent and threatening than Harley. Not saying that Harley isn't viable, but I feel she suffers a little at the moment. She doesn't particularly have any outstanding qualities and seems to be designed as a jack-of-all-trades character; capable of all, excels at nothing. But even by that ideal she seems mediocre. This is a bold statement but for those of you familiar with SF4 AE, if I had to compare her to any one character it would have to be Ryu. Only Ryu is strong in every department where I feel Harley is sub par.

With that said, I do believe in the long run she may have the odd match-ups that she will undoubtedly win. Her footsie and neutral game is linear, limited but solid. Sounds like I'm contradicting myself but take B2,2. One of her best strings. The range could and I think should be slightly better, but because of that string she has a threatening mix up game up close. A mix up game I feel leaves a lot to be desired. F2 and F1,3 or NJ.2 are likely to be to go to overhead choices when threatening with a mix up. F2 being rather slow and easy to react to by a solid player. F1,3 a very clear string that once people recognise and become familiar with will no doubt block. And J.2 which people should block standing as soon as they see you leave the ground really.

Many characters have many go to strings that leave them at plus advantage on block therefore creating a whole new 50/50 game. Black Adam being a good example. I'm aware that Harley has her fair share and I absolutely love the meta that 2,D3 creates. And F3 being plus on block as well as 1 or 2 other key moves/strings but for a character that thrives on being up close, advantage frames are kind of important I would suspect.

Her lack of anti-airs is crippling. However, not every character is as fortunate to have a reliable AA like Grundy. But her air shots is really a sad excuse for an anti-air. I get that it needs to be used preemptively, but it really is quite poor. D2 does 4% if I'm not mistaken and leads to a follow up of up to around 20% with meter. But is painfully unreliable and gets stuffed easily.

Overall, the small things add up. This is really trivial but for example Black Adam can whiff an air attack into dive kick. The usefulness of this alone isn't easy to fathom unless you've experienced it. Yet Harley can't whiff an air attack into guns? Why not? It connects on block and on hit but not whiff. This is just one of numerous shortcomings I find she has when stacked up to the rest of the cast. Batman's trait is an ace is the deck, Hawk girl's flight mode adds a new dimension to the character, Superman's 2F super is.. Super. The list goes on. And what does Harley have? A trait that is completely random and punishable for a full combo even when you'be scored a knockdown on your opponent? An unblockable attack that while may prove useful for set ups in future has a chance that for no reason it will fail and leave you open for the oncoming combo? Mediocre is the word I use to describe Harley.

I realise this is a strongly opinionated post and I welcome people to oppose me. By no means am I force my notions onto anyone, just sharing what I've found in this short time. After all, this is a discussion board. I haven't really touched on her good points, but I still have a further cons I could go on to list but I think I've made my point clear. In closing i'd like to include a list of things I'd like to see for Harley to improve as a character and become more of a threat to other characters:

- MB Silly Slide to including armour (and possibly increase speed on MB).
- Slightly extended range on B2,2
- Tantrum Stance to either have advantage on block or have the cartwheel as an over head.
- TS cartwheel as a hard knockdown to open vortex possibilities.
- Faster start up on Heads Up.
- Faster start up on F2.
- Slightly decreased recovery frames on trait to make it more practical.
- Remove random Pop Pop dud. It's silly.

I like the character for the character. In any fighting game I have never flocked to top tier or OP. Vega/Claw in SF, Spidey in Marvel, basically I like playing the underdog with an uphill ladder to climb. I don't like playing "conventional" or BnB for any character.. If something works for me, I build a set and build off it.

I find Harley VERY fun to play.. And while she has her bad match ups.... Fits me as a player just fine. Her trait IS useless, and with that have learned to ignore it.. No harm, no foul (cant miss what you never had). Harley at mid tier is just fine IMO.. She can only go up from here, and I will be on board since day 1 :)

Address your fixes:

1) Increase Speed on MB ok.. But what is the point of armor? To get her in there? Mehhhhh.. Personally I find she gets ripped off on her specials that are not projectile related that don't have MB capability ( Silly Slide, TS,1,2&3) only sound logic I can come up with is- it is a "stance" and a "command dash" and not a "super"- no MB for you.
2) I would not turn it down.. But a standing low with TOO much range.... Would have to be just right.
3) Cartwheel as an overhead..100% behind this.
4) possibly on TS,3.. But Harley does not recover quick enough...
5) no thought on this.
6) can't make the F2 TOO fast.. Again.. Has to be done right.
7) broken/dumb trait.. Kind of fits the character...the only time it bothers me is if I compare it to a specialized trait like Grundy... If his pain chain buffs can last.. Why not Harley's? Sure Grundy has to hit you with the command throw to activate it.. But as is now, activating this trait gets you blown up for a full combo. Then I saw her Star mission vs cat woman.. When she slowly loses health.. And the trait is mashable.. I thought it was brilliant and could work in game if it were capped out at a certain percentage.
8) Again, I like the dud of Pop Pop.. It keeps you honest in its use.. AND fits the character quite well... No gripes against it
I like the character for the character. In any fighting game I have never flocked to top tier or OP. Vega/Claw in SF, Spidey in Marvel, basically I like playing the underdog with an uphill ladder to climb. I don't like playing "conventional" or BnB for any character.. If something works for me, I build a set and build off it.

I find Harley VERY fun to play.. And while she has her bad match ups.... Fits me as a player just fine. Her trait IS useless, and with that have learned to ignore it.. No harm, no foul (cant miss what you never had). Harley at mid tier is just fine IMO.. She can only go up from here, and I will be on board since day 1 :)
Yeah, I get that Harley still has her appeal and her flaws won't matter to some, but I just wanted to outline the factors I feel make her less powerful or tournament viable than other characters. I think she still capable of making Top 8's here and there, maybe, but I just wanted to forecast that I think she'd place low-mid tier for those of you that are interested in tier discussions and this particular character's potential. Not trying to deter anyone away from this character as I'll still be playing her myself, though I'll likely end up maining someone else. (Black Adam MU has depressed me to no end :-P )


You actually have a lot of fair points in your post, but you missed some things that do make her a more solid character.

She does have anti-airs and a great Harley player needs to know when to use all of them. B3 is slow like AA gunshot, but unlike AA gunshot the hitbox is GIGANTIC and actually leads to good damage and is plus on block if they didn't jump. She has one of the strongest air-to-airs (j2) and it can punish deep jump-ins on reaction. Her sweep (D3) is extremely low profile which makes it a situational anti-air - for example, it straight up wins against Doomsday's jD3 in most situations and not many characters can do that.

F2 is definitely bad. Extremely bad. Its start-up needs to be way faster because everyone will block it in a few months. However she does have some very strong oki setups outside of ending every combo in Play Doctor but it will take a while for everyone to catch on. I've been blowing people up in tournaments with her ridiculously ambiguous corner setups.

Her go-to string for pressure is 2D3. 112 also works well. She has some strings with a few frames of advantage, which is really all it takes since mashing risks getting hit by D1 > TS > stuff for almost 40%. But 2D3 on its own is absolutely bonkers.

The only thing that really scares me about Harley's longevity is her match-ups against characters with strong midrange game. Her fullscreen gunshots are really annoying and her close range pressure is awesome, but characters with strong and safe midrange options (Green Lantern, Aquaman) are a huge pain for me to deal with.


Too old for this Shit
I'm trying to incorporate more B1,2 (edit: B1,2,1)into my game.. Any Harley players use this or have a situation when they use this? I really love the fact that she lunges forward with her B1, yet at the same time it causes me hesitation in its use because I don't want to go from a safe range into a punish. Any insight people have on this would be great.. Thanks :)
I'm trying to incorporate more B1,2 (B2,1,2) into my game.. Any Harley players use this or have a situation when they use this
B1 2 1? I use it the most probably -especially if they are jumping around. It has a bit of a psych game as well as it is easy to shift from running away to getting in their face


Too old for this Shit
B1 2 1? I use it the most probably -especially if they are jumping around. It has a bit of a psych game as well as it is easy to shift from running away to getting in their face
And what are the cancel properties that you use with it?
F2 is definitely bad. Extremely bad.
Yeah -it seems this is best used with JI2, by itself it's slow. Also good with cross ups

(Green Lantern, Aquaman) are a huge pain for me to deal with.
Those dudes are dicks. GL's projectiles are worse though and I have been annoying Aquaman with her heads up gun

Trident, reversal, trident, reversal - not much fun really


If someone keeps blocking my tantrum stance mixup, ill instead lay there, see if they press a button...and hit 3 on reaction...works so good. But doesn't work when they dashback or walk away or block (but you're safe)

Harley is fine how she is....game is not even a month old and people are asking to buff harley. Think outside the box with her. Use throw more,
MB b3 single hit specials. If you want good anti air, use cupcake bomb too, mb it if you want a combo. Her up shot and b3 aren't the only anti airs, even pop pop
Works. Overhead is slow, but that's what throws people off, it makes them hesitate, espcially if you've trained them to block low because of tantrum stance, now they have to guess when you do overhead, and then when they fear overhead, b22 or tantrum stance.

Harleys best punish strings are 112 and d1. D1 into tantrum leads to almost 30% (not positive on dmg)
Tantrum is invincible on start up but not full invincibility like the command grab.


Like Father, Like Daughter
I don't feel Harley is strong in this game either, her b2,2 range is sick but f2 range and speed is pretty poor, her zoning tools are pretty average, she doesn't have a reliable AA on reaction, have to use stuff like cupcake and b+3 pre-emptively but nothing worth using on reaction and not to mention that her mixups are pretty unsafe, and it's hard to mixup people with Harley imo cuz of her poor overheads.


If you want good anti air, use cupcake bomb too, mb it if you want a combo. Her up shot and b3 aren't the only anti airs, even pop pop Works.
Cupcake Bomb has the same problem as up shot. The damage she gets off of confirming it is fairly underwhelming, and if she makes a wrong read then she eats their best punish. B3 is the go-to psychic anti air IMO.
Overhead is slow, but that's what throws people off, it makes them hesitate, espcially if you've trained them to block low because of tantrum stance, now they have to guess when you do overhead, and then when they fear overhead, b22 or tantrum stance.
This makes no sense, there's nothing to guess about F2. Hold down back until she does it then react to its enormous start-up. I played offline mirrors with another Harley player last thursday and I NEVER let him hit with F2 after ~8 matches, it's ridiculously easy to block.
Tantrum is invincible on start up but not full invincibility like the command grab.
You sure about this? All the times I tried wake-up TS it seemed like it had full invincibility. It's very good.
I have the same concerns about F2 in the back of my mind, but I wouldn't say it's going to end up completely useless just yet. Neutral 2 has a similar animation as F2, so you can take advantage of this in a lot of ways to pressure and wear people down mentally.

-112 xx silly slide, 2 D3. 2 D3 has hella frame advantage so they're still in the grinder even if they block it. In certain matchups, on hit you can set up an ambiguous crossup setup or silly slide xx TS to catch backdashers.
-112 xx silly slide, whiff 2 D3 to mess with their block timing and mess with their head in general.
-2 into like whatever. Just regular neutral 2 is +5 on block if the frame data is to be believed.
-You're at frame advantage after F2 3 xx silly slide and can convert into a smaller damage combo than F2 xx TS, but on block you're in a better position to maintain close-range pressure than you are after F2 xx TS.

As time goes on, I think her close-range pressure is going to be more about frame traps and wearing people down mentally than high/low mixups.

As far as Harley's general strength in the game goes, I don't think she's going to be top tier or anything, but it's a bit too early to say she sucks or whatever. She has a lot of tools that I don't think anyone is using properly yet. I don't think many people are exploring F2 2/F2 3 as long-range pokes or using her B3/F3 properly yet.
what would be her best wakeup attacks. im having problems when i get knocked down and my opponent comes close and starts another string. i feel like i have to block every time i get up.


Wakup tantrum is invincible on wakeup, hits low and gives you a full juggle. By far the best option, though experienced players will try to make you whiff/trick you into doing it and blocking it.


Like Father, Like Daughter
Does anyone know what TS~1 is on block for sure? I can never find reliable frame data anywhere, feels like -6/-7