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Mid-30's and Pathetic New Gamer.


I love Injustice.

I am new to fighting games, but love playing. I've been wondering what it must feel like being on the other side of the screen as I either get pummeled by you or use my own cheap tactics to win.

It has been a frustrating few weeks playing the game. Ever wonder what it's like to be a guy like me who is brand new to fighting games, ill-equipped to compete with online players, or just generally bad?

Anyway, if you ever wondered, I wrote a blog about it here... don't misinterpret, I'm not looking for anything or "followers" or any of that crap. I genuinely thought someone might be interested in hearing perspective from someone who sucks. lol.

Thanks. Good gaming. I will continue to root for middle-aged gamers.

PS- I hate Deathstroke.



Not sure what to think of this / how to respond, but uhm - I guess I'm feeling you, since I'm in the same shoes, even though unlike you I'm not a grandfather.
If you're open-minded for one advice, then my advice to you would be to pick up an user-friendly character to get yourself used to the feel of being in the middle of the fight.

Right now I'm using Deathstroke, because I can inflict damage with him, even without being comfortable with blocking and opponents trying to mix me up big time. If they get past my zoning, I'm toast, but I'm slowly trying to set up mix up's, meter burned F3's / B3's and stuff like that.

Characters I would actually recommend are Doomsday, because he does "decent" damage for not a great amount of work and he doesn't have real high / low mix up's, so there is not that much you have to worry about, when you play Doomsday. You simply turn off your mind and try to inflict damage and even great players like CD senior were not doing that much with Doomsday at the beginning and they were still winning fights by simply using jump ins with D3 and then 3, 3 afterwards with a DB2 MB afterwards and stuff like that. Constant pressure.

Green Lantern is a great character as well, since he has mix up's with a good range, fairly easy and yet high damaging combos and good specials. He is a well rounded character.
Now the interesting part starts ... you shouldn't have problems learning few combos with Green Lantern (unless you have a X-Box 360 and use the regular 360 controller). Once you have your combos down, you have to do them in real matches and you immediately realize that it's a whole another pony... Learning combos and opening the opponents up to land these combos are two totally different things, but that comes over time. You have to try it over and over again, until you don't think about it anymore. Your mind subconsciously controls your muscles and they do the work on reaction. That's when you've passed the barrier and won't get an e-Mail, where someone is bitching, because you never do combos.

My longest combo online was a 3 hit combo (Doomsdays Ji D3, 3, 3) for the longest time :-D It's tough for us beginners.


Not sure what to think of this / how to respond, but uhm - I guess I'm feeling you, since I'm in the same shoes, even though unlike you I'm not a grandfather.
If you're open-minded for one advice, then my advice to you would be to pick up an user-friendly character to get yourself used to the feel of being in the middle of the fight.

Right now I'm using Deathstroke, because I can inflict damage with him, even without being comfortable with blocking and opponents trying to mix me up big time. If they get past my zoning, I'm toast, but I'm slowly trying to set up mix up's, meter burned F3's / B3's and stuff like that.

Characters I would actually recommend are Doomsday, because he does "decent" damage for not a great amount of work and he doesn't have real high / low mix up's, so there is not that much you have to worry about, when you play Doomsday. You simply turn off your mind and try to inflict damage and even great players like CD senior were not doing that much with Doomsday at the beginning and they were still winning fights by simply using jump ins with D3 and then 3, 3 afterwards with a DB2 MB afterwards and stuff like that. Constant pressure.

Green Lantern is a great character as well, since he has mix up's with a good range, fairly easy and yet high damaging combos and good specials. He is a well rounded character.
Now the interesting part starts ... you shouldn't have problems learning few combos with Green Lantern (unless you have a X-Box 360 and use the regular 360 controller). Once you have your combos down, you have to do them in real matches and you immediately realize that it's a whole another pony... Learning combos and opening the opponents up to land these combos are two totally different things, but that comes over time. You have to try it over and over again, until you don't think about it anymore. Your mind subconsciously controls your muscles and they do the work on reaction. That's when you've passed the barrier and won't get an e-Mail, where someone is bitching, because you never do combos.

My longest combo online was a 3 hit combo (Doomsdays Ji D3, 3, 3) for the longest time :-D It's tough for us beginners.
Oh that damn Green Lantern... that stupid lift move-combo crushes me often! I actually try and not use cheap moves... but sometimes other players just crush me over and over with combos and literally I can't breathe... then the rock comes in.

It's still incredibly fun, and yes I can actually string a few hits together now. But getting there is tough.

I also like to switch up characters after each player match, but find not so many people interested in that. I get bored playing the same AWESOME Batman over and over... but yeah, it's fun.

WAIT- Grandfather????????!!!!!! JK


Too old for this Shit
Oh that damn Green Lantern... that stupid lift move-combo crushes me often! I actually try and not use cheap moves... but sometimes other players just crush me over and over with combos and literally I can't breathe... then the rock comes in.

It's still incredibly fun, and yes I can actually string a few hits together now. But getting there is tough.

I also like to switch up characters after each player match, but find not so many people interested in that. I get bored playing the same AWESOME Batman over and over... but yeah, it's fun.

WAIT- Grandfather????????!!!!!! JK
The funny thing is.. People lose the sense that brought them here in the first place.. Fun. I have always been into fighting games (and am also in my mid 30's), and have always said.. Pick a character YOU like, and that YOU find enjoyable. It will be YOU staring at the screen hours on end.. May as well pick one you like. The key is.. Stick with it.. Through thick and thin, through win streaks and losses, do not waiver and do not trade in your friend for the hot flavor of the month (I'm looking at you Deathstroke).

The good news is.. The more basics you get down here.. The easier it will be to bridge the gap on other 1v1 fighters.. Marvel vs Capcom is a different beast all together..

Also.. There is no such thing as "cheap moves" we are not boxing.. This is super heroes duking it out and hitting one another with cars and space ships... A person that calls a move "cheap" is gaming lingo for "I can't beat it".. So if it works.. USE IT. :)


"(I'm looking at you Deathstroke)" Hilariously true.

Yeah... Marvel VS Capcom... just put that on my MAME cabinet. That is, um, interesting. At the end of the day, it's all fun. I love when people come over and play, whether that be Ms. PacMan or Injustice. Especially at our age, because finding time isn't any easier.

Life is short, might as well have fun. Besides, I'll OWN these younger players at Robotron! (slaps forehead in shame)


Too old for this Shit
"(I'm looking at you Deathstroke)" Hilariously true.

Yeah... Marvel VS Capcom... just put that on my MAME cabinet. That is, um, interesting. At the end of the day, it's all fun. I love when people come over and play, whether that be Ms. PacMan or Injustice. Especially at our age, because finding time isn't any easier.

Life is short, might as well have fun. Besides, I'll OWN these younger players at Robotron! (slaps forehead in shame)
Too true.. Not enough time in the day. Haha.. As a gamer I can say... It's one of the only things I will enjoy about retirement ;) TIME!! Nothing but.. :)

I was more a Centipede man myself :)


Fun Sucks
Hey man. Read your blog.

I'm kinda in the same boat - 30s, never played on console, don't even know which end of a pad to hold. The difference I guess was that I was into shooters competitively (Quake) but that's a very different genre. I suck at shooters now too.

First, keep repping the Yellow Bastard. Sinestro Corps! I main him too.

Don't sweat the hate. People hate zoners in fighting games. Most think zoning is boring, and few understand what it takes to do well in the neutral game. You're doing to get a lot of smack talk, a lot of disconnects, and generally bad attitudes all around. It's all irrelevant - what you're looking for are the people that will give you the GG or a bit of technical advice - if you get talking, ask them for a set, and maybe you'll build a network of people to play against so you won't have to be exposed as much to random hate. Generally, the better players get, the less of that nonsense they're likely to hurl at you.

Second, try a stick. For us old klutzes it may help actually. A stick is VERY hard to learn coming from a pad, but if you're someone that has never really learned to play on a pad, it may work better. Sticks are slower than pads, but offer more accuracy. For a game like Injustice that's not overly technical pads work just fine, but if you want extra accuracy stick is the way to go.

Third, use training mode. Seriously. Nobody is born being able to do combos. You hammer it out in training mode hours at a time. I'm just getting into this game as well, and I set aside time each day in training mode to get combos right.

You want to practice wisely - pick a relatively simple, important bnb, and get it down one step at a time. Don't try to do the whole thing at once, and when you fail, you want to look at your input display and see what you're doing wrong. Also remember that you will fall into habits right away, and if you do a combo wrong and mess it up, chances are that's what you'll be committing to muscle memory. You want to stop that right away before if becomes a bad habit, otherwise you'll screw up that combo in that way EVERY time. Look at the input display and diagnose what you're doing wrong, then fix it, for each input in the combo.

I suggest simple, practical bnbs for your most common combo starters: b13, b3, d2, f3, d1, 111, 22, and air axe. A combo like b13 j2 22db1 b3 j2 b213 is a good place to start, or b13 b13db1 b3 j2 b213 or even b3 j3 b213. Start simple. Don't try the b13 b3 combos that are posted here, that link is very tight.

Lastly, remember that the neutral game is just as important. People fixate on the combos because they're flashy, but it's spacing, blocking, and general fundamentals that win matches. Footsies, in other words.

Now this is a big and complex thing to lay on someone totally new, but if you want real fighting game fundamentals, this is a good document:


It's mostly about SF, but it applies to fighting games in general. I use a lot of this in Soul Calibur and that's about as far removed from SF as anything can be. Even there, the concept of baiting whiffs and punishing them is universal and central to the game. It's a bit of an advanced topic though. Very advanced, actually.

Don't give up - fighting games are really complex. As in, nobody makes games this complex anymore. People want instant satisfaction, which is why you get simplified kiddie games like modern military shooters, where anybody can every once in a while get some points in. Fighting games aren't like that. You'll have to do your homework, and that learning curve initially is more like a learning cliff. But for some of us, that only makes it more appealing, and when you do start to understand this stuff and pull it off on a regular basis, you really feel like you've learned something.

I think this game will be very big - it has a ridiculously powerful IP behind it that appeals greatly to non-fighting-game fans, and yet unlike Marvel it is a more straightforward game that's easier to follow. This makes it a far more spectator-friendly game, and given how streaming has taken off, that's very important. Gamers are becoming entertainers, and this game can be a very powerful platform for a lot of gamers from many different backgrounds to reach out to people. And as a new player, this could be a very good game to learn on.



I am new here as well, I am 33, and have a hard time in Injustice just like you.
Having played a lot of Tekken 3 a long time ago, and being a decent player there, Injustice
is my first MK-like game.

I bought the game when I heard it featured The Main Man. He was my favourite hero/villain when I was a teenager,
and I was thrilled just because of the thought I could frag some justice-dweebs.

And although I am having big troubles against the so-called zoners, I always have fun with him.

My stats are bad at the moment, but they are getting better, I raised my win/loss rate from 1:5 to 1:3,
which is still bad, but hey, I am playing a game that has Lobo, so who cares?


cr. HP Master
I don't think being in your 30's is middle aged lol. Welcome to the site though. There are a lot of useful tips on this site that can level you up.


Too old for this Shit

I am new here as well, I am 33, and have a hard time in Injustice just like you.
Having played a lot of Tekken 3 a long time ago, and being a decent player there, Injustice
is my first MK-like game.

I bought the game when I heard it featured The Main Man. He was my favourite hero/villain when I was a teenager,
and I was thrilled just because of the thought I could frag some justice-dweebs.

And although I am having big troubles against the so-called zoners, I always have fun with him.

My stats are bad at the moment, but they are getting better, I raised my win/loss rate from 1:5 to 1:3,
which is still bad, but hey, I am playing a game that has Lobo, so who cares?
Great attitude.. Keep your nose to the grind stone and you will see the results. Dedication with character loyalty is a long road.. Often times met with frustration (unless of course your favorite character happens to be top tier), but in the end, you will appreciate each victory that much more! Good luck!!