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Strategy Kitana General discussion

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
d+4 will even beat Ass if they have good timing. It's possible for d+4 to float into a combo. Like Konqrr said, you have to just block. It's one of her weaknesses. The idea is you block enough d+4's and they'll be comfortable going for more pressure or throws and then you've opened them back up to wakeup attacks.
The most kitana footage I've seen, in game, is 16 bit and he seems to stand up in block a lot.
After testing the f4 combo the f4~fake kick does 1% more damage on block and on hit against her f4~b4.
On pressure - f2~cutter on hit will let you get a free dash so even a blocked into f4,1, cutter into dash 1,1,2, cutter give you most of a meter all I had to do after that is one more naked cutter for a full bar. I just started trying that though and still need to test the 112 after f41cutter against more characters. I bet the whole process doesn't work against reptile dash or lao spin. Possibley fast low pokes also. Can anyone comment as to advantage of cutter on block? Do millena/sonya d4s stop advance after cutter on block?


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Blocked cutter is 0 aka even on stand block.

JP~f2~Fan into 212 works surprisingly well.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
There's a big problem with 1,1,2 when it's not jailed standing. 1,1,2 itself is -13 so if they're crouch blocking they can poke and they'll punish the 1,1,2 or go under a cutter. Or they could duck cutter and punish with full combo. With some small characters the cutter whiffs if they crouch block. f+2~cutter is good for closing space, for a little more range than f+2,1 but also has that problem. Same with b+3,3~cutter, b+1~cutter, ect.

Also cutter is -3 on crouch block.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Yeah, never use 112 outside of a jps or unless you confirm it is being blocked standing.
There seems to be a sweet spot where kitana kan IAAF or instant square boost and still hit a standing opponent and not get hit with a trading projectile. Sub zeros ice ball for example there is a spot where you can go over the ice ball then square boost and hit him before he recovers. Is this spot consistent and does anyone have a imaginary line or other strategy for finding it? If seems to work vs all projectiles even scorp spear just not anyone who also projectiles in air.it will hit or be blocked depending recovery time and/or distance. Whenever I try to find it on purpose I get hit with the projectile or go over the standing opponent.

I've done it a few times where after subs clone evaporates I would iasb just before the ice ball comes out and travel over it and hit him.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
There seems to be a sweet spot where kitana kan IAAF or instant square boost and still hit a standing opponent and not get hit with a trading projectile. Sub zeros ice ball for example there is a spot where you can go over the ice ball then square boost and hit him before he recovers. Is this spot consistent and does anyone have a imaginary line or other strategy for finding it? If seems to work vs all projectiles even scorp spear just not anyone who also projectiles in air.it will hit or be blocked depending recovery time and/or distance. Whenever I try to find it on purpose I get hit with the projectile or go over the standing opponent.

I've done it a few times where after subs clone evaporates I would iasb just before the ice ball comes out and travel over it and hit him.
It's hard to get, but I've iASB several times vs Kung Lao when he tries the hat throw. You go right over it and slam your ass in his face LOL

Also, timing Kitana's air fan right can allow you to hit an opponent throwing a projectile while she flips backwards over the projectile safely. I've done this against Sub iceball, Noob tackle, etc. Hard to do, but very good. You can do this as an iAF, but much more difficult obviously.


EX smash solves all
I'm trying to play a rushdown Kitana. What is the best normal/special?/low poke to set up her throw?


Get staffed bro
I'm trying to play a rushdown Kitana. What is the best normal/special?/low poke to set up her throw?
Probably after 1, 11, or d3. I've snuck a few in after a blocked f41 which can work if you usually f41~cutter or f41, d3 etc.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Everything is a throw setup. Blocked 1,1, blocked 3,3 dash up throw, blocked standing cutter and throw, d+4 on hit...

Rather than 50/50 mixups and frame traps her pressure is all about putting the opponent in position were you can blow them up for counter poking or jumping out. You scare them into blocking and so grab is your way of opening them up.

Plus just dash up throw is great since dash d+1, f+2,1 or 2,1 forces people to block from so far away.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
You have to train them to fear not blocking after a string. Then you can either throw them or pressure more.

Us Kitana players are getting away with murder with the threat of cutter and 40%+ combos... when people finally learn how to deal with and punish her, we better have a plan to deal with it.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Us Kitana players are getting away with murder with the threat of cutter and 40%+ combos... when people finally learn how to deal with and punish her, we better have a plan to deal with it.

What's amazing is we talked about how everything would change when cutter started getting punished at Evo. It's now almost a year later and it's still not a common problem.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Cutter is 44 frames total, becomes active on frame 14. The second hit is very close to the first which gives you at LEAST 20 frames to stand up and punish it.


Cutter being guaranteed on down 1 standing hit is worth it. Having to block or crouch all the time versus such a fast, long reaching move makes you resort to trying to low poke yourself instead of a standing attack.


Get staffed bro
What's amazing is we talked about how everything would change when cutter started getting punished at Evo. It's now almost a year later and it's still not a common problem.
I literally just had my first taste of d1~cutter being punished at WGC in France. I got blown up by cages f33~nut punch multiple times for trying it. I was actually grateful as it forced my to change up my game for once. Admittedly offline made all the difference.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
I started recently doing stuff like

2 groundfan, d1, 3 ground fan, d3 ,d1, in many different combinations.

Poking makes people want to jump as we all know and Kitana's 3 and 2 are reallllly nice anti-airs.

Once they know that you can aa them for 30%+, they start to respect your options and they'll let you poke and go in for more pressure and stuff.


I can never anti-air on reaction =(

the only way i can do it is by jumping myself and doing a kick+air fan, but sometimes its a bit risky.