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Kabal Questions and strategies

circle masher

I'll try to remember this for the next time I play MK9 (don't have a PS3 anymore), hard to believe but nice find if it's true!
Just tried it a few times and it wouldn't come out... I may have the timing wrong or it may be random. I'll keep testing.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
Well, if you have hitbox then this would make things eaiser. I havent played on hitbox, but i do play on keyboard UMK3 and i know its way easier then a pad.
Regarding the controller i believe that any is good as long as you feel comfortable with it. Some prefer Arcade sticks, some prefer pads and others keyboards.

circle masher

The only shortcut to this could be a hitbox that eliminate human imput error.
A hitbox doesn't eliminate human error. Have you not seen REO do jp instead of iaGB? A hitbox just makes inputs more efficient for some people is all.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
Well...the opinion on this is divided. For some people a Nintendo controller may be efficient, but from technical point of view the hitbox is still best option. Not to mention
the fact of imputing two direction at once (holding up and tapping back). No other controller gives you that dude.

circle masher

Well...the opinion on this is divided. For some people a Nintendo controller may be efficient, but from technical point of view the hitbox is still best option. Not to mention
the fact of imputing two direction at once (holding up and tapping back). No other controller gives you that dude.
I agree, but that's not the same as eliminating human error.
A hitbox doesn't eliminate human error. Have you not seen REO do jp instead of iaGB? A hitbox just makes inputs more efficient for some people is all.
I decided to switch block to R1 instead of R2. This has helped me a shit load, R2 is such trash for anything that needs to be precise !


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
Okay, so I am sure this little glitch or whathave occurs with multiple moves. I have also heard other people mention this on the forum.

Essentially what happens is that when I try to EX nomaddash out of pressure or through an attack ...the dash does not come out, I continue blocking...and a bar of meter is spent. It is really frustrating for this to happen as it is often round changing. Instead of absorbing an attack and turning the tables...I get stuck in continued pressure with one less bar at my disposal...

What I want to know is why/when this occurs?

I find it happening the most against frame trap esque moves. John Cage, Raiden, sonya etc, it even happened once against a noob saibot projectile...so maybe it is a input/timing/frame issue?

I doubt this will be fixed in the near future/ever...so I think it will be really helpful for the Kabal community to know which character combos/moves are 'safe' to EXND absorb and which ones will likely result in the magic meter loss.
Relaxedstate : that might be it, if your online it might explain why you stay in block, but even offline the move can be stuffed
RiverHB : yes it is, it's more bad luck then anything, no one reacts fast enough to stuff moves like that on purpose

MKK hanzo

That glitch happens even OUT of those situations, worse, in COMBOS. Watch me in this tourney using K lao EN Hat Throw and the meter depletes BUT the hat is the regular one...

At 02:26



for punishing reptiles dash, what is the most reliable method? from reading REOs comments I know you can do dash 2, 1, ND... but is F4 -> ND more reliable / easier to input? do you also need to dash before the F4? I was trying to test this in practice, but for some reason the AI always does EX-wakeup attacks instead of the regular ones, frustrating.


hi all.

now that kabal is my second char to go to as i am with the thunder god.

i do not play kabal with dash cancels as i feel it is too tedious for not much reward as in when block i eat combo and such for example

does kabal need dash cancel to play?

should i stay with no dash cancel kabal or move on to nother character?

cheers all

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Unless you're just gonna try to zone everyone out... I'd say dash canceling is a must and that's why he's one of the best characters in the game.

circle masher

Look at it like this: is Ryu FUN without fireballs in SF? Sure you can play without them, but you're neglecting not only a useful tool but a FUN tool. Learn to use NDCs and you not only have an extra trick in your bag but a FUN tool. Don't you like FUN?

But seriously, stop being so fucking lazy.


dash cancel is not a must but its a good trick to abuse. i mean you dont have to do it or anything, im certain its possible to win without it, but youre much stronger with it than without it


Former Divine Power Abuser
Yea man, this is what makes Kabal pressure some of the best in the game. Not to mention that Kabal has options that cover just about anything an opponent can do so if you read your opponents correctly then you will further understand the importance of NDC.