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General/Other - Quan Chi The quan chi buff thread

These changes seem fair?

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Few things before i start this thread.
1- My grammar is terrible sometimes but its because English is not my first language.

2- I've spent some time on making this thread so don't close it. :DOGE

So as you guys know a recent patch came out normalizing quan and a few other characters while also buffing others. But quan was the real victim here because he was hit the hardest , He went from high mid tier to bottom 1 tier , So now i'm back and i'm going to make this character GREAT AGAIN

universal buffs :

first of all i'm going to say that quan has trash normal's and trash strings (excluding b2 that one is ok) now here is what i want adjusted :

s1 becoming 7f on startup and +2 on block : because a 9f s1 that's +1 is trash and useless

b1 becoming 8f on startup and -6 on block : why ? because quan cant actually punish some stuff because anything he does is either slow or doesn't have enough reach like johnny's ex nutpunch for example and kotal's low sword ( its a 1f gap to punish)

f1 becoming -1 on block : obvious reasons.

b2 having more range and being slightly faster on startup (13f) : this move has ok range but its not good enough so giving it more range would really help out and making it faster too because its slow and its also -12 on block and -4 on hit so yeah....

d2 being 7f on startup better hitbox : obvious reasons , this move is trash and useless for now

d4 being +1 on block : this d4 is the worst d4 in the entire game , why? its 15 frames on startup and its -4 ! that's garbage making it +1 on block would actually make it somewhat useful

db2 becoming mid and having faster traveling speed and being +20 on hit ( same for air skull) : even though this move is ok i still think it shouldn't be +2 on hit , its actually more useful if people block it instead of get hit by it....

EX trance draining meter on hit : I feel that its unfair for quan to not be able to drain meter from ex trance like he could in mk9... if cyrax drains half a bar after an ex net then why shouldn't quan be able to do the same?

db4 ( sky drop) the ability to control where it lands and it also becoming -4 on block And for ex skydrop to become 15f on startup but -10. : this move has one purpose which is getting a cool brutality ( its not even that cool) so yea giving it some use a good idea

db1 being -3 on block with more blockstun and it becoming 10f on startup and ex rune becoming +8 on block : this move is 17f on startup and -12 on block ( completely trash) and also the ex rune can be +8 it wont jail into his b3 again so he isn't gonna get much off it.

but we aren't done yet

Sorcrer changes :

dd3 being 27f on startup : this move is useless... Why not make it fast enough so you can actually use it outside of after 141? yee

dd1 giving you all the meter you drain : obvious reasons , why let all that precious meter go away?

summoner changes :

old bat combos : the recent patch destroyed summoner by this stupid nerf so im saying that the bat should come fast enough for you to do his bat combos again.

db3 db3 actually works properly : this command grab has some issues really , it whiffs on some characters

air bat summon : its hard for him to become a good zoner if he can't get his best projectile from the air !

bat no longer has cooldown : this will help his ok at best zoning

and that's it hopefully these changes will make quan better #MakeNetherrealmGreatAgain

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
If you seriously think quan chi having 3 mixups in a row with htb's and 100% resets if you guess wrong WITH MORE BUFFS are good buff suggestions....

This is a joke, right?


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
Look, all these buffs are cool and all, but they're luxuries at best. None particularly adress Quan's poor defense.

What I propose is that besides making EX skydrop 15 frames and -10, also make it launch. Clearly, in Summoner Quan's defense offsets all of his offensive capabilities, thus making him mid tier at best. I won't go into too much detail though, I'm too busy reading M2Dave's posts.

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
True @DDutchguy , but still quan chi would be barely mid tier, his ex skydrop launch and should be -5 on block and should also have pushback and also 7 frames start-up.

That would make him barely upper midtier, but he needs it.


Look, all these buffs are cool and all, but they're luxuries at best. None particularly adress Quan's poor defense.

What I propose is that besides making EX skydrop 15 frames and -10, also make it launch. Clearly, in Summoner Quan's defense offsets all of his offensive capabilities, thus making him mid tier at best. I won't go into too much detail though, I'm too busy reading M2Dave's posts.
Sadly if we make these buffs it would make him too good ie ( top 10) and we don't want that , we want him to be fair and balanced :) On a side note there will be a thread explaining how the top tiers ie ( goro , jacqui , takeda ) need nerfs etc


"One mind, one blade."
True @DDutchguy , but still quan chi would be barely mid tier, his ex skydrop launch and should be -5 on block and should also have pushback and also 7 frames start-up.

That would make him barely upper midtier, but he needs it.
Also, he needs invincibility on the way down after ex sky drop.....and also the normal version of sky drop. This should make him at least somewhat viable now.


No, I am sorry but Quan is in a really good place right now. I am afraid that someone might fuck him up more. The only thing Quan MIGHT need is a little less minus on D1 because you can't D3 out of everything. You can try to D3 but sometimes Kotal gives me a right proper fucking when I am trying to read the EX Pizza Throw in the corner. It would help with the Ronin Takeda match-up as well. Because that mother fucker is plus as fuck.

Oh and for fucking christ's sake Sky Drop needs to start the same speed but come down much faster so I can't get hit in the air. Startup is fine active frames need to be way less.


Its that time of year again and I HAVE GOT DEMANDS!

  • D1 +6 on hit, up from +3.
  • F14 -7 on block, down from -10.
  • When meter drain spell active, make EX trance and EX skull drain more meter. Currently EX skull drains significantly less meter than regular skull.
  • EX spells last 10 seconds longer
  • EX bat summons three bats.
  • If a bat is used, it doesn't go away if quan chi is hit before making contact with enemy
  • 21f3 changed to 21u3 and the leg comes from below and pops up for combo.
  • Scoop and portal Scoop startup is 7f, down from 11.
There you go guys, my small list of changes that would help quan out a bit but not make him overpowered like people claimed he was.
Sue me

@PND_Ketchup @STB Shujinkydink @The_Tile @legion666 @STRYKIE @Rude @everyone
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