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Why it took NRS so long

good gawd...

1) MKx is the most balanced MK game ever and one of the most balanced in the FGC at the moment. anyone that says it isn't doesn't know what they are talking about. Seriously. time for these ridiculous comments to be called out for what they are moronic.

2) MKx is getting the new netcode.. this is what people have been asking for so long.. and they are doing it. How about taking that as a win instead of continuing to bitch like a girl that spilt her orange juice. MKx went into dev not long after MK9, as a extension of the engine. RollBackwasn't even common back then.. let along standard. It is no surprise the MKx was an extension o the MK9 system by the time rollback was standard mKx was probably well into final stages and string to feel the release schedule pressure.. so you know.. they could make money and pay their rent and wages and stuff. It is so easy for prissy little spoilt brats to sit ther eand go "me me me why why why want want want".. I mean for fucks sake.. THEY ARE DOING IT. Talk about fuckign 1st world problems. some of these threads sound like my brothers brat kids bitching about their icecream not being 2 scoops instead of one.

Threads liek this make me sick. Seriously the more i type the angry I am becoming.. just fuck off.


Scrub God Lord
I feel like NRS/WB didn't have to change the netcode.
the netcode is garbage, but most people will still buy their next game regardless.
NRS is doing this for the community and I am very thankful.
The whole point of DLC is to make money and not to have a minority of your fan base happy with some obscure DLC characters that nobody will buy.
If we didn't have the guest characters we probably wouldn't have any characters at all.


Hatred is fuel.
Yeah, casual gamers are a much larger demographic. They're not going to listen to a few people on a forum when they can listen to the masses.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
there is no excuse, stop it apologists

maybe Ed Boon and his team cared but the people who had the last word probably looked at the sales and concluded that they dont have to give a damn. their silence about the netcode before the launch was very telling.

I am very happy to hear about their new approach but this might be a little bit too late.
Too late for what exactly?


Hatred is fuel.
good gawd...

1) MKx is the most balanced MK game ever and one of the most balanced in the FGC at the moment. anyone that says it isn't doesn't know what they are talking about. Seriously. time for these ridiculous comments to be called out for what they are moronic.

2) MKx is getting the new netcode.. this is what people have been asking for so long.. and they are doing it. How about taking that as a win instead of continuing to bitch like a girl that spilt her orange juice. MKx went into dev not long after MK9, as a extension of the engine. RollBackwasn't even common back then.. let along standard. It is no surprise the MKx was an extension o the MK9 system by the time rollback was standard mKx was probably well into final stages and string to feel the release schedule pressure.. so you know.. they could make money and pay their rent and wages and stuff. It is so easy for prissy little spoilt brats to sit ther eand go "me me me why why why want want want".. I mean for fucks sake.. THEY ARE DOING IT. Talk about fuckign 1st world problems. some of these threads sound like my brothers brat kids bitching about their icecream not being 2 scoops instead of one.

Threads liek this make me sick. Seriously the more i type the angry I am becoming.. just fuck off.
You're blowing this a bit out-of-proportion, don't you think? People write these threads as a means of discussion and educating those who haven't been introduced to the topic.
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I think we pretty much all knew why NRS didn't give a crap about netkode before- they didn't need it to sell like crazy. The vaaaast majority of casual players are perfectly content with going online to Ermac-d3 you to death while downloading asian porn on their 5mbps up/down wireless connection using their iPhone 2 as a 3g hotspot.

And honestly, this hasn't changed with MKX. The majority of sales go to players who don't give a dam about netkode quality.

So NRS is actually making an improvement to make their dedicated fans happy; a segment of fans, that once again, is too small to be consequential for their financial success. So yeah, this is pretty kewl of them to do for us, as much as it should be standard by now.


Punching bag that throws fans !
So to sum up : it's ok to have a joke netcode if you aren't a competitive-tournament-level game ?

Please ...

Being a NRS fanboy is fine, but there's no excuse to launch a game with a region locked / horrible netcode when almost any fighting game besides MKX does it better when it comes to online.

With way less money in their hands !

And again, it's NOT the fact that they only launch a beta for rollback just now, what's really upsetting is the fact that they announce their interest in fixing online by using rollback ... a few days before launching the beta !

Would have been WAY BETTER to announce it as soon as they decided to work on this (a few months ago ?) so that people keep hope in MKX when it comes to online, and so that it prevents the community from shrinking because of how unplayable online was.

Keeping it a secret was like the worst thing to do.

Especially when you have people sending you open letters about online being a train wreck ...


Alternative-Fact Checker
"GGPO costs very little, and it took us only 2 or 2.5 weeks to integrate in the game." - Mike Z

It's a major blow up for NRS tbh, but at least they're on the right path now.

I think even Mike Z would be smart enough to realize that a relatively small budget, 2D fighter with a small roster and little in the way of cutting edge graphics would be a massively different project than changing a 3D animated game that has much longer frames of animation, extreme amounts of effects that are cutting edge and a code that was probably not conceived with rollback in mind.

I'm certainly no expert on the technical terms that go into what it takes to convert to a rollback netcode, but I have no doubt that if it could be done in two weeks...they would have done it. I know that frustration with the netcode is probably overtaking logic and thought (and to be fair, it's pretty rank right now), but I really doubt that this was flipped on as an idea only recently, and that it was only because people on the internet had to bring it to their attention. C'mon now.


Normalize grab immunity.
Why do people believe casuals don't care for a good online experience? That's like the major and usually only way for a casual to experience the game they bought. Any other game comes around with fucked up servers you can bet you'd find an article about it somewhere. Online play is pretty much a standard feature in everything besides some RPGs and adventure games. I mean look at MKx online rooms day 1 and now. The 4 base faction rooms used to be full. Now just one stays full. Sure fighting games sort of have a "niche"appeal. But that doesn't mean any casual player can't hate lagging and disconnecting from players who they're probably friends with. Everyone knew NRS online blows. It wasn't some hidden secret tech fatality rumor.

And who here is saying they aren't happy MKx might be upgraded with a better netcode? Just cause NRS says "alright this time we'll really fix it" doesn't mean you still can't be irritated at the netcode you're currently using.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Just want yo say a few things, first off no fighter had intentions of being strictly 'competitive' from the get go, not sf, not mk, not ki so guy who Said That's irrelevant. At the time when all these games started out they never had intentions of being played at an eco or hundreds of tourneys a year...sonr care if its Mario or street fighter or mk whatever. Games were originally meant to be played casually and for FUN. A concept sadly forgotten these days.

I knew people would still complain about something lol. NRS fixes a big issue and people think of "what can I complain about now hmmm" Can't people just be grateful that NRS gave us a great product and actually reads and cares about the fans unlike other companies who make 100 versions of the same game or don't even interact with the fans like at all?

WB only care about money and the kp2 is money and with sf5 on their heels they had no hope of making bank if they didn't address the netcode. Kindness didn't do this it was business.
Who doesn't care about making money? lol

Besides, KI may be great at their netcode but MK is easily the better game and franchise. I don't see Capcom constantly talking with their fans or taking the time to even hop online to play with the fans? It's not like NRS has done that right? ;) At least NRS unlike Capcom doesn't make the same game multiple times charging 40 bucks a pop, NRS and most developers just add DLC, free updates and alternate costumes within the game FREE. If you want to talk about just caring about money, then Capcom is FAR worse then NRS....not even comparable.

We should be happy that their doing anything at all.

They could've did nothing .
Exactly. Yes, they could have like a lot of other developers who ignore their communities all together. The problem with the MK one now(not all but some) is they're getting spoiled, NRS addresses every little thing and the next week you'll see another thread bitching about something else, other day on YT some dolt said "now NRS has to charge less for DLC and give us everything else for free!" lmao...like really? I won't lie, greedy fans piss me off as much if not more than greedy developers...

@iSuckAtFightingGames I hear dude, but sadly only a handful of people on here really seem to be genuinely grateful. It's like my prediction I made months ago, I said to myself I bet NRS will fix or tweak the netcode at some point but people will still bitch over something, sadly I was right...

@Obscurity The problem is it's not always educational and comes off more as bitching and whining more than anything. See, we know and so does NRS for years that the netcode needed work but often people ignore the good things, the positive the great game, product, better bargains then their competitors, not having to buy multiple versions of the same damn game on having to pay for locked data o disc content like other people do....At this point I think people should be grateful NRS said hey we listened to you guys, we're working on it. And even if say this doesn't, hey at least they tried which they didn't have to do. They could have easily ignored this all together and been like, eh let's just milk the fuck out of MK X as long as we can before making Injustice 2. But they didn't do that now. I could easily rant right now regarding SF and KI, and what's wrong with those games be it money or an online issue, glitch whatever. I just accept that nobody is perfect you know? But regarding MK X I see more positives outweighing the negatives between feedback, sales, evo, tourneys, ESL, longevity, more DLC, KP's etc Now I'm even happier they're working on the netcode.

People like myself, isuck and many others are just tired of hearing the whining, the bitching already. We all get it, people were disappointed with the net play(though I still say no game plays perfectly 100% of the time online) compared to how the 3D MK's used to play online, MK X seemed like a breath of fresh air honestly but of course like everything else could always use improvement.
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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Mortal Kombat series never intended to be a competitive fighting game until Mortal Kombat 9. Which means you shouldn't compare NRS/WB experience with FGC with other companies who are in this business for much much longer. Even in one of Ed Boon's interviewes on MK Deception he said that they never intended it to be a tournament level game, it was made for majority, casual gamers, etc. With that being said, NRS only has like 5 years of FGC experience and each time they take it more and more seriously, where MKX is their highest point right now.
What you believe was intended doesn't matter. Whether or not it even IS competitive doesn't matter, could be the most casual game in the world and wouldn't make a difference. They TOLD us there would be a very good online, they used statements like this to help SELL me on the game, and 9 months ago I PAYED for a great online experience including features that were never delivered. Sorry, but no thanks are in order, as a Mortal Kombat fan I'm thrilled at the prospect of being able to finally play online, but as a consumer I've been mistreated and lied to time and time again and am only just now receiving what they OWE me, and they should be grateful to even consider the possibility of us even forgiving their transgressions so far, a "thank you" is well out of the question and completely undeserved. If you were to buy a book you were TOLD was completely finished and sold you on that fact, but actually had a key chapter missing that you only find out about once you get home, and also have it non-refundable so your purchase is set, and 9 months of waiting later when the author finally gets around to writing the last chapter, start thanking them profusely for it. No, you say "why the fuck did it take to so long to give me what I literally payed for to be given to me 9 months ago". Yes, you are excited to finally have your purchase completed, that does not make it ok however.

Regardless, we are all getting well ahead of ourselves. These latest claims are the most promising ones yet, however this is NRS, and they have said it many times before. I be satisfied with the netcode when I'm playing on a satisfying netcode, and not a moment before, that's fair enough is it not? ESPECIALLY given their history.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
MKx went into dev not long after MK9, as a extension of the engine. RollBackwasn't even common back then..
GGPO got its first stable release in early 2011. Street Fighter 3 third Strike was released literally 2 days after using it, Skullgirls was released in early 2012 with GGPO netcode, if you want an idea how much time it took other high profile names in the fighting scene to take advantage of their rollback netcode.

Exactly what it is that you are basing the assumption on that their development schedule would stop them from using GGPO, I do not know, but I think these facts alone prove that your baseless assumption is entirely wrong.
It is so easy for prissy little spoilt brats to sit ther eand go "me me me why why why want want want".. I mean for fucks sake.. THEY ARE DOING IT. Talk about fuckign 1st world problems. some of these threads sound like my brothers brat kids bitching about their icecream not being 2 scoops instead of one.
Yeah, FUCK those spoiled little man children for not being anything other than absolutely ecstatic and filled with gratitude that they had to wait 9 months for something they literally payed to have on release day.

It's basic consumerism. Your entire post is anti-consumerism propaganda that supports the poor ethics that are running rampant in gaming today.


You guys are crybaby.

We're getting change we weren't expecting. Don't forget the years of torture... But be grateful they're trying now.

The worse thing you could do... Is not play the game (crazy right?) Then all the stress and agony will disappear. Fucking crybabies.
You guys are crybaby.

We're getting change we weren't expecting. Don't forget the years of torture... But be grateful they're trying now.

The worse thing you could do... Is not play the game (crazy right?) Then all the stress and agony will disappear. Fucking crybabies.
looks like it's two kinds of people in this thread the crybabies vs the nrs apologist . Maybe nrs will add these two groups to thier faction war.


Earth's Mightiest Knucklehead
"GGPO costs very little, and it took us only 2 or 2.5 weeks to integrate in the game." - Mike Z

It's a major blow up for NRS tbh, but at least they're on the right path now.

Remember that they are not using GGPO. (for whatever reason)
They still had to program their own netcode.
LMFAO at the people throwing around words like entitled as if they have any bearing here.

I don't know exactly when it happened, but at some point in the last few years the word entitled started being misappropriated and used against consumers when it has no place whatsoever in the discussion.

Proper use of the word entitled would be to say something like, "entitled children believe they deserve to have all their wants fulfilled simply by virtue of being children." These children believe they're entitled to something they aren't. They are entitled to have their NEEDS met, because they are children and it's the responsibility of adults to meet to those needs. They are not entitled to their wants. That is a proper use of the word entitled.

When it comes to consumers though, we ACTUALLY have entitlements by virtue of the contract we enter into when we purchase something. People throw around entitled gamers as if that's some kind of insult when it's precisely what we SHOULD be by virtue of having spent money on said game. We are ENTITLED to a functioning product that's competitive against the market. We DON'T need to worship at the feet of those finally deciding that maybe they should get with the times and provide a competitive (against the market) online component. We should DEMAND quality in exchange for cash, that's how the exchange of fucking goods works.

Attacking your fellow consumer doesn't do you any favors, all you're doing in the end is fucking yourself.
Like I already mentioned in another thread, it's great that they are actually doing something about the online play, which I'm glad and happy about and cannot wait to see how it pans out over the course of the beta until the final code release, yet why was it not implemented from the day release of MKX?

The OP has some valid points but lessons should have been learnt from their MK9 and Injustice releases and the amount of negative feedback it received from the state of the online play.