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Ed Boon Announces "Who's Next?" TONIGHT On The Game Awards 2015!

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I would like to see another big grappler like Sun God.

I know I'll hear that he's less of a true grappler than others, but those grapplers hardly ever get the throw off - and its a main part of SG's O.

The motion for those other command throws is just too goofy.
If we get Noob Saibot, I hope they give him a grappling variation. With his shadow tackle and his teleport piledriver, plus his X Ray in MK9, he's a total grappler in spirit; he just needs some command grabs.


Can of Corn Main
I see noob being more of a tag teammer than just himself.

Irish whip into reverse front suplex or full nellson or combo extending is too cool.
Hell, a full nellson with the saibot punching will be a good throw or command grab.
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