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Make or Break list for MK X


Really likes to throw things at you.
we already know that you can't cancel dashes, only runs. most of the MK players gripes with INJ was the fact that you couldn't cancel your dash, so i see a lot of scrub mentality MK only players that will complain about how they can't dash block up to someone. i know a lot of MK players that thought footsies was being able to dash up d3/d4 someone lmao i will bet my life savings that the INJ players with good footies will also have good footsies in MKX. players like Rico, theo, Jupiter will still have godlike footsies in INJ, i guarantee.
I think the majority of the complaints were based around the walk speed coupled with the dedicated dashes... that was my main complaint at least.

MKX has already demonstrated that walk speed is WAY better so there should be a very strong footsie game...
we already know that you can't cancel dashes, only runs. most of the MK players gripes with INJ was the fact that you couldn't cancel your dash, so i see a lot of scrub mentality MK only players that will complain about how they can't dash block up to someone. i know a lot of MK players that thought footsies was being able to dash up d3/d4 someone lmao i will bet my life savings that the INJ players with good footies will also have good footsies in MKX. players like Rico, theo, Jupiter will still have godlike footsies in INJ, i guarantee.
I'm aware of that. But walk speed appears to be greatly increased form injustice.

Btw, saying "scrub" to describe someone you disagree with is really irritating. Everyone on this site throws that term around when they want to be passively aggressive and demean others.

I'm not commenting on whether or not footsies are in injustice. Im saying the movement is jerky and not fun. To me. And a lot of other people. I don't feel in control of my character when they dash 1/4 screen with no way better of approaching without walking foreword at a snails pace waiting to get hit with something.

I don't have to like how injustice plays because you or someone else has "good footsies" at it.


Nothing is gonna break the game for me because I'm an MK fan before I'm a fighting game fan. I played MKA for fuck sake haha.

If be disappointed with broken gameplay but I'd still play.
Ambiguous crossups are gone thanks to the block button.

Now get rid of SAFE 50/50s and we're talking. A 50/50 should be at least a slight risk to where if the opponent guesses correctly, he gets some form of punish.

Oh and safe tele's have to go. MK9 did teleports right... you block that shit, you get a full combo punish.
i am okay with safe 50 50 if it isn't a full combo


Kytinn King

What was your first MK fighting game? And since spam doesn't exist, how would you feel if NRS added mk2 mileena's sai, and umk3 glitch jabbing to mkx. Since neither of those attacks are spam at all?
My first was MKT on N64, if they add it they add it, plus games didn't really have patches back then to fix glitches, so if there was one you just had to deal with it. Same as with characters who have amazing zoning/spacing tools. Spam doesn't exist unless you are talking about the deliciously salty luncheon meat :REO I go over this conversation with a lot of players and if a character has it, use it and abuse it until you can't anymore.
Like I said it depends on what the post ''braindead'' options are. Raidens normals were slow so after an ex teleport he didn't always get in for free and there were some counters to it on read. The only version of kung lao ex teleport that was safe was the whiff grab version, which you could get away from before he could do anything, so there were always counters.
ex tp is fine because its meter dependent
Fighting games that are both competitively and casually successful.
call of duty is "competitively" successful but i personally despise the game and think its a bad competitive game. I feel like there are a ton of improvement that can be made for nrs games to be good competitively. And i feel like going into the third iteration for me personally if the game doesn't play a certain way i am going to quit playing it. Which is probably a blessing in disguise.
Go watch some tourny footage again. You cross over someone at top level play, you die.
And Rain's RH was just as safe as Sonya's cartwheel. It just didn't have the range or the hitbox.
it was also attached to a more balanced character, he had slow movement and pretty bad anti-zoning. This meant he could be a valid armor character because of his limitations in my eyes. Sonya happened to be a quick low hitbox character who also managed to have a very solid projectile and even better footsie tools than rain. she would be left in a position in which many characters had to take a risk after blocking her safe armored launcher on top of this. In my eyes, armor should be situation, and i should have a better option to punish armor on a read then neutral jump like a maniac, and perhaps the armor shouldn't eat so many hits. Or in the case of sonya's maybe it just shouldn't launch. Things like armor should be risky in my eyes because they can reverse pressure. Risk reward management is a huge issue in nrs games.


bye felicia
call of duty is "competitively" successful but i personally despise the game and think its a bad competitive game. I feel like there are a ton of improvement that can be made for nrs games to be good competitively. And i feel like going into the third iteration for me personally if the game doesn't play a certain way i am going to quit playing it. Which is probably a blessing in disguise.
if CoD is competitively successful how can it be a bad competitive game?


Kytinn King
You're arguing semantics. Everything in a game isn't fair; and just use it if it's there might be fine for the sake of winning a tournament but that doesn't mean that it's inclusion in the game isnt stupid as shit to begin with.

Also, mk2 mileena isn't in trilogy(not saying you said she was) and quite honestly that's probably a good thing. I can imagine mk2 mileena in trilogy with combos and her brain dead spamming and no I have no shame in calling it that because that's the very definition. Her sai in mk2 is broken, too easy to use and shuts down too much of what other characters are able to do. That is not simply Zoning or spacing. How can something like that be considered zoning or spacing when there is almost no way to challenge someone to stop doing it? She, along with run jabs, are two of the most broken designs ever put into 2d mk.

That is my definition of spam. I guess the nba should never have invented a shot clock so scores could keep ending 15 to 17 and teams with a lead could just sit on a lead the entire game until they fouled out their opponents entire team. Certain things are brain dead and stupid and should be acknowledged as such.

Sitting at the edge of the screen doing an attack that your opponent cannot match and has few options of overcoming is spam; it's stupid and it shouldn't be as strong as NRS occasionally makes it. Standing next to your opponent doing an attack over and over that they have few to zero options to stop is spam. It is not zoning. It's also the reason they removed dash blocking in mkx: to prevent run+attack spam. And to argue semantics over the word spam is like saying there's no traveling in the nba because they don't go anywhere.

It's just a term referring to brain dead, repetitive tactics, for which there are few to zero counter attacks.
Yes zoning is a repetitive tactic, so is rushdown, but it's part of the game. That's like saying you shouldn't have burst in BB or any anime fighter because it stops the opponent's offense. If I played vanilla DS I would happily sit in the corner and shoot all game. "Spamming" doesn't exist in a fighter, sure a tactic may be dumb but it isn't spamming because the player keeps doing it because they want to win. You don't not use your knowledge of a strat because you want to play "fair", Heavy zoning and rushdown will exist in every fighter from now until they become irrelevant again. Also the NBA analogy doesn't pertain to anything in this argument. You are comparing apples and oranges.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I'm aware of that. But walk speed appears to be greatly increased form injustice.

Btw, saying "scrub" to describe someone you disagree with is really irritating. Everyone on this site throws that term around when they want to be passively aggressive and demean others.

I'm not commenting on whether or not footsies are in injustice. Im saying the movement is jerky and not fun. To me. And a lot of other people. I don't feel in control of my character when they dash 1/4 screen with no way better of approaching without walking foreword at a snails pace waiting to get hit with something.

I don't have to like how injustice plays because you or someone else has "good footsies" at it.
first of all i didn't call anyone a scrub, i point out the scrub mentality MK only players that because something is different, its automatically bad. you don't feel in control of your character because you most likely did not develop the INJ way of movement, and probably didn't give it a chance to gain the high level knowledge you need to move in that game. some characters have shit movement, and its most likely because they have other tools to compensate, unless you're joker lol lbsh there are plenty of MK players that didn't give INJ a shot, and complain its because of this or that, when at a high level and understanding, most of those things aren't even a problem. i feel more in control with flash than any character in MK9, and it all comes down to personal preference, and if you don't have high level knowledge on both sides, how can you argue one is better than the other? (not saying you are, just some people in general)
Another idea i have had....

If you want a game with moves that are more interesting there are ways of balancing them. You can have cooldowns i.e. league of legends or you can force players to spend more bar on that particular move or limit the amounts of use per game.

I think the more people are forced to think and take risks the better the gameplay is. When you have one excessively good move compared to others, it bottlenecks the thinking of the game because it renders other tools inferior thus more infrequently used thus it produces one dimensional gameplay. If you are to have a move with excess power, meaning it isn't unsafe lower damage or etc., than obviously you limit the ability to use it, so when you use it the move counts.

One of my beefs with injustice is at a high level the metagame is very restrictive because the character's options control the game quite severely. I think a beef (outside of execution) i have with street fighter is a lot of the moves are not as interesting and the characters are less exciting to a degree. But the thing about that game is that there is a high amount of utility and playing thought involved and the decision making is mroe calculated. Implementing balance features such as cooldowns, move expense or use limitation would make the game more hype because when you successfuly make a decision to use that move it counts much more and is much more surprising, and other moves have more use so you have more variety.

it could also be more fun for the casual gamer because they can have more lower level strategy and still powerful and exciting moves to fight against each other. It's not like i haven't given injustice a fair chance either i have quite a bit of game experience with it... I am not bashing the game i just want mk x to play in a way that is rewarding. The first time i played KI i had a feel for that game and was outfootsieing people. The only reason i didn't really get hooked was the combo system made me feel that stuff was moot. Why can't mk x reward footsie play??? I think the variations might help in this but if certain things don't exist then i will be dissappointed with the game severely.


Kytinn King
Another idea i have had....

If you want a game with moves that are more interesting there are ways of balancing them. You can have cooldowns i.e. league of legends or you can force players to spend more bar on that particular move or limit the amounts of use per game.

I think the more people are forced to think and take risks the better the gameplay is. When you have one excessively good move compared to others, it bottlenecks the thinking of the game because it renders other tools inferior thus more infrequently used thus it produces one dimensional gameplay. If you are to have a move with excess power, meaning it isn't unsafe lower damage or etc., than obviously you limit the ability to use it, so when you use it the move counts.

One of my beefs with injustice is at a high level the metagame is very restrictive because the character's options control the game quite severely. I think a beef (outside of execution) i have with street fighter is a lot of the moves are not as interesting and the characters are less exciting to a degree. But the thing about that game is that there is a high amount of utility and playing thought involved and the decision making is mroe calculated. Implementing balance features such as cooldowns, move expense or use limitation would make the game more hype because when you successfuly make a decision to use that move it counts much more and is much more surprising, and other moves have more use so you have more variety.

it could also be more fun for the casual gamer because they can have more lower level strategy and still powerful and exciting moves to fight against each other. It's not like i haven't given injustice a fair chance either i have quite a bit of game experience with it... I am not bashing the game i just want mk x to play in a way that is rewarding. The first time i played KI i had a feel for that game and was outfootsieing people. The only reason i didn't really get hooked was the combo system made me feel that stuff was moot. Why can't mk x reward footsie play??? I think the variations might help in this but if certain things don't exist then i will be dissappointed with the game severely.
I get what you are saying, but NRS wants to make the games casual friendly as well as having enough depth for competitive players. That's why a lot of the moves in Injustice look really cool, but doesn't mean they are useful i.e supers. They don't want their game to be like Tekken where it has a really high learning curve. Even Harada said Tekken 7 is going to be easy to get into because the high curve stopped people from playing and buying TTT2


Kytinn King
My nba example illustrates a brain dead tactic: gain lead , stall, run time out. Similarly, spamming is a kind of stalling tactic; but what makes spamming more bullshit than hadouken hadouken tiger tiger spam etc is that mk gives you no way to match someone's spam. Many times people are forced to sit and take damage or die from someone's "stalling" via spam storm.

My analogy to the nba was about unavoidable tactics which a lot of spam in NRS systems is. Again, that is one of the reasons we are seeing "take less chip" as a feature of certain styles. They don't want mk2 mileena and pre patch deathstroke tactics to dominate their games, but I still think they will still be a big annoyance even with styles.

I have no problem with repetitive tactics as long as they're not brain dead, and restrict so many potential countermeasures that it becomes a one player game. Rushdown should not do that either, hence my objection to run jab spam.

The ease or difficulty with which we can implement an offensive or defensive plan of attack should matter, shouldn't it? Should someone be able to do a one button projectile that shoots 70 projectiles at once? Should certain characters be able to hit a button and stay invincible for half the game clock? I'm being sarcastic but still, how easy or difficult something is to do or how easy or difficult something is to defend against should matter.
It should but it won't, remember most fighters cater to a casual audience because they make up most of their sales, and at the end of the day they want to make a profit. Hell like I told Pecka, even Harada is going to make Tekken 7 easier to get into because they are losing the casual audience due to the game's high learning curve.


My blades will find your heart

So you're already saying Ferra Torr needs armor? We don't even know how they will play out matchups. MKX isn't even out and you think they deserve safe armor. This mentality creates broken characters late game.
To be fair whether they need it or not based on the trailer they do have some.
I like spamming projectiles every second of the 90 seconds provided thank you
moves like that are fine. I am talking about extremely powerful moves. You wouldn't put a cooldown on those moves. It wouldn't make sense to put a cooldown on ds gunshots or sindels fireball. Now if deathstroke had an ability where he took out a sniper rifle or sindel had a fireball buff which eats other projectiles to gain damage those might need cooldowns and time limits. Essentially you would have more than 1 trait. Notice how i said excessively powerful See my point now? I am not sure if what you said was joking or not though :/ I just want my point to get across.

she could have like a super ranged scream that costs two bars and/or can only be used once or twice a match.... goes full screen and leads to a combo... that's the point of my post.

think about it sindel could fucking warp a matchup entirely but for a limited amount of time with fireballs that have special powers but are limited. So are matchups are more viscous in nature and have a lot mroe "depth" which gives me a boner.
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It should but it won't, remember most fighters cater to a casual audience because they make up most of their sales, and at the end of the day they want to make a profit. Hell like I told Pecka, even Harada is going to make Tekken 7 easier to get into because they are losing the casual audience due to the game's high learning curve.
The point of my post would be to put in easy to use powerful moves. Casual players want to hit hard easily. The problem is they can't hit hard due to execution barriers. You could grant access to powerful tools and limit them so that they can be ALSO balanced for competitive play. The whole point of the post was that it could please both audiences and it would enhance depth. It's a win win win in my eyes and could be cheaply hotfixed with nrs' method of "variables which can be tweaked." Casual players don't like street fighters retarded execution nor the difficulty of doing combos on fighting games. Atleast you could give them a more in depth variety of tools to play around with thus giving them a more in depth "casual" experience along with giving the top 1% more to think about with also more to play with along with universal balancing mechanics.