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Depression sucks man


Dojo Trainee
I don't care about friends, girlfriends, going to parties, traveling, I'm so simple I can live happy just playing games for the rest of my life with the occassional friends with benefits sex lol, because LBSH, who can live without sex?

I don't really know what you're going through because I'm like one of the happiest motherfuckers in the planet, but I hope you can overcome it.
I don't care about friends, girlfriends, going to parties, traveling, I'm so simple I can live happy just playing games for the rest of my life with the occassional friends with benefits sex lol, because LBSH, who can live without sex?

I don't really know what you're going through because I'm like one of the happiest motherfuckers in the planet, but I hope you can overcome it.
Not really sure, if this applies to everyone. As an adult, you can't just rely on games, I am going to safely assume you are still pretty young and at the comfort of your parents without IRL hitting you. If not kudos to you! Keep that lifestyle going.

But share some of that happiness man. I mean beside games, there must be other things.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Okay. I'm now somewhat more awake to say some stuff. Hurray for 4-5 hours of sleep. Anyway i understand what it is like too be depressed. I understand the feeling of loneliness casting its shadow upon your very entity. *Extents my arm to you* I know what it is like to be socially awkward. It is something i deal with all the time although it may not seem like for those of you who have actually meet me. I am impressed that you were able to change your life in such a way and you should look at that bit and think that at one point you were not able to do these things and now you have done it. Made some friends, got a girlfriend, etc. As for your feelings of depression and loneliness it could be the result from you not being used to any sort of affection and when you get affection you enjoy it and feel hurt when you are no longer able to receive it. And this will then help result in the feeling of loneliness. My suggestion is to find and do things that you enjoy. Something that you can do in your free time. As an example currently im trying to complete the national Pokedex in Pokemon Y. Which is about 700+ Pokemon. Im almost done. Other ways to help with the depression i would say is to write, draw, exercise, meditate, listen to music something that is simulating your mind. Personally i like to write, and meditate and listen to music. Also i find that you really do not need multiple friends but rather a few friends that actually understand who you are and there for you. You are never alone my friend you always have people on this site that are there for you and im sure that your girlfriend and other friends are there for you as well. Just because they are not next to you doesnt mean that they are not there. If you need to talk im always willing to listen. I really hoped this helped.


Of course you can always be like me... Except the pain and use it to your advantage. But, first you just have to except your mortality and be fine with death itself. Only then will nothing matter and the darkness will feel like home :)


Dojo Trainee
Not really sure, if this applies to everyone. As an adult, you can't just rely on games, I am going to safely assume you are still pretty young and at the comfort of your parents without IRL hitting you. If not kudos to you! Keep that lifestyle going.

But share some of that happiness man. I mean beside games, there must be other things.
Nope, living by myself. In a pretty shitty apartment I must say, but I'm happy I just have a place to live. My salary is divided in rent, food, internet and games, it's basically my way to live a happy life. I'm really not interested in anything else, perhaps that's the reason I'm always happy.


Nope, living by myself. In a pretty shitty apartment I must say, but I'm happy I just have a place to live. My salary is divided in rent, food, internet and games, it's basically my way to live a happy life. I'm really not interested in anything else, perhaps that's the reason I'm always happy.
Wow, nice work. Sounds like a pretty sweet life to me.

This thread speaks to me a lot because I have type II bipolar (with the 'highs' more often being punctuated by intense anxiety instead of euphoria - yay). I'm both fortunate and unfortunate to have a social circle which also largely suffers from mental illness - fortunate because, as has been said here, you're surrounded by people who have at least some idea of what it means. Unfortunate because their own MH issues can bring you down like a rock.

One website I found very helpful is lostallhope.com - one of the few suicide websites which is neither pro- nor anti-suicide, but gives you realistic advice on whether or not you should do it, how to do it if you opt to do so, potential effects on family and friends etc.

HP Hatecraft

I am the beginning, I am the end.
One website I found very helpful is lostallhope.com - one of the few suicide websites which is neither pro- nor anti-suicide, but gives you realistic advice on whether or not you should do it, how to do it if you opt to do so, potential effects on family and friends etc.
Wow. I never knew such a site existed. That's pretty dark.


My social life still isn't as great as everyone elses. Its still not great, I'm unhappy with it.

im betting yours is JUST as good or maybe better than others who you perceive as "better". Chin up buddy the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence but then when you go over that fence and look back into your yard that grass now looks greener


Cage ban wagon?
Depression is a feeling I'm too familiar with. Ofcourse not year round, with not a second of happiness. There are some times when I'm happy. But lately, ugh, it's just been unbearable. In highschool I didn't have any friends or girlfriends. Like not one. I was just socially retarded. I was like this through middle school and high school. Didn't have a dad, my mom was extremely childish and never had a mother son relationship with me. Rarely ever shown affection. Life was just so fucked up and lonely that I just wanted to die and attempted suicide (play me the worlds smallest violin) . But at 17 I finally quit school got my GED and tried to really change myself and i did. I started dating and got girlfriends and friends and I'm a totally different person today. But... My social life still isn't as great as everyone elses. Its still not great, I'm unhappy with it. ESPECIALLY when I don't have a girlfriend to distract me from the fact. Which is the case now. I'm great at talking to people and being in social situations. Im not shy and people think im funny and many girls like me but my social life is still dumb and shitty. I have friends but not real close ones and never go to parties or anything like that and am rarely having any fun. And just feel lonely a lot. And I just get soooo depressed over it. I can never tell whether I'm being a baby or am justifiably depressed. Idk what this thread is about really, i just wanted to say that. Guess it can be about anything you want.
I'll tell u one thing. You'll prolly never have super duper close friends because like you said you grew up not really having too many friends. One thing you gotta do is think more about the positives or think more about things that make you smile. Heck write them down if you have to. As corny is it sounds it works dude. Feeling good about yourself is always great and makes you think a lot less about bad things. And not everything is always a negative. You complain about not having friends but look how much you improved. You've been dating and you got a lot of friends ever since HS. Also taking better care of yourself helps you feel better too. One last thing don't ever lie to yourself or others. Some people lie to themselves and then realise it's not reality and get more depressed.


I was trying to say something positive in here but it all turned out negative because i'm depressed as well and hate everything. I'm sorry I can't help and give you any real positive feedback, but all I do is try to accept it for what it is and know that human beings all get this way and it's really just on us to change everything.

I hope you get out of your depression, though. I know far too much on how much it sucks and I feel for ya. Unfortunately my brain is supposedly wired wrong and I technically can't do anything to make myself better but take some stupid fucking pills that make me a zombie.

Don't ever take medication.


Miley Cyrax®
Depression is a feeling I'm too familiar with. Ofcourse not year round, with not a second of happiness. There are some times when I'm happy. But lately, ugh, it's just been unbearable. In highschool I didn't have any friends or girlfriends. Like not one. I was just socially retarded. I was like this through middle school and high school. Didn't have a dad, my mom was extremely childish and never had a mother son relationship with me. Rarely ever shown affection. Life was just so fucked up and lonely that I just wanted to die and attempted suicide (play me the worlds smallest violin) . But at 17 I finally quit school got my GED and tried to really change myself and i did. I started dating and got girlfriends and friends and I'm a totally different person today. But... My social life still isn't as great as everyone elses. Its still not great, I'm unhappy with it. ESPECIALLY when I don't have a girlfriend to distract me from the fact. Which is the case now. I'm great at talking to people and being in social situations. Im not shy and people think im funny and many girls like me but my social life is still dumb and shitty. I have friends but not real close ones and never go to parties or anything like that and am rarely having any fun. And just feel lonely a lot. And I just get soooo depressed over it. I can never tell whether I'm being a baby or am justifiably depressed. Idk what this thread is about really, i just wanted to say that. Guess it can be about anything you want.
Change starts within. If you're not happy, go out in the world and find what makes you happy. If you want close friends, you can take the initiative to open up to people. It definitely can feel lonely where there are 6.5 billion people... on a planet... floating in the ever-expanding universe... and you don't feel closeness with any of them. Find what makes you happy and stick with it, whatever it is. Our subjective experiences are our own, and it's up to you to take control. If you want change, then CHANGE.

Trust me. I've been through shit and back. =)

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I was trying to say something positive in here but it all turned out negative because i'm depressed as well and hate everything. I'm sorry I can't help and give you any real positive feedback, but all I do is try to accept it for what it is and know that human beings all get this way and it's really just on us to change everything.

I hope you get out of your depression, though. I know far too much on how much it sucks and I feel for ya. Unfortunately my brain is supposedly wired wrong and I technically can't do anything to make myself better but take some stupid fucking pills that make me a zombie.

Don't ever take medication.
Pills are the worst...ugh. By the words of Zod, Never again.


Pills are the worst...ugh. By the words of Zod, Never again.
They definitely are. All of my friends stopped liking me when I was taking something that was supposed to make me better.

Lithium is the fucking worst thing ever created.

Along with human beings.
Feels like I barge into a room where everyone is wearing pajamas and sitting in a circle drinking warm milk .. and they have a usher at the door giving a box of tissue and slowly walking me to the carpet . And i got all these whips, swords,hamner, old blood on me ... lol #awkward

Watch "You walk in happy and find your friVI…" on YouTube
You walk in happy and find your friend crying VI…:


Feels like I barge into a room where everyone is wearing pajamas and sitting in a circle drinking warm milk .. and they have a usher at the door giving a box of tissue and slowly walking me to the carpet . And i got all these whips, swords,hamner, old blood on me ... lol #awkward

Watch "You walk in happy and find your friVI…" on YouTube
You walk in happy and find your friend crying VI…:
You do have the option of not reading any of this and be a decent human being instead of acting like a 12 year old COD player, but cool gimmick, dude. It's always assuring when you know you're right about a statement you made.

Also, when are people going to stop using gifs and YouTube videos and post some sort of original thought of their own?
Change starts within. If you're not happy, go out in the world and find what makes you happy. If you want close friends, you can take the initiative to open up to people. It definitely can feel lonely where there are 6.5 billion people... on a planet... floating in the ever-expanding universe... and you don't feel closeness with any of them. Find what makes you happy and stick with it, whatever it is. Our subjective experiences are our own, and it's up to you to take control. If you want change, then CHANGE.

Trust me. I've been through shit and back. =)
Not necessarily, in my experience getting close to people and caring/opening up usually ended up in me being a fool, and it can cause even more depression when you realize the other person doesn't really give a shit. I wouldn't advise this, well, from my XP I don't. Because it really does end up feeling 100x worse.


Miley Cyrax®
Not necessarily, in my experience getting close to people and caring/opening up usually ended up in me being a fool, and it can cause even more depression when you realize the other person doesn't really give a shit. I wouldn't advise this, well, from my XP I don't. Because it really does end up feeling 100x worse.
Potentially true, which is why you might want to be choosy with you open up to. However, finding a person (or people) who you actually DO click with is 10000x more rewarding.


Nope, living by myself. In a pretty shitty apartment I must say, but I'm happy I just have a place to live. My salary is divided in rent, food, internet and games, it's basically my way to live a happy life. I'm really not interested in anything else, perhaps that's the reason I'm always happy.
I've always said the perfect moment of happiness for me would be playing video games, while having some munchies to snack on, some chocolate milk, some green, and a fuck buddy. I could live in that moment forever lol and never need anything else. Oh and good music playing in the background.

If you had all that everyday what else could you possibly want in life?

HP Hatecraft

I am the beginning, I am the end.
I've always said the perfect moment of happiness for me would be playing video games, while having some munchies to snack on, some chocolate milk, some green, and a fuck buddy. I could live in that moment forever lol and never need anything else. Oh and good music playing in the background.

If you had all that everyday what else could you possibly want in life?
King, I think we would be best friends.
You do have the option of not reading any of this and be a decent human being instead of acting like a 12 year old COD player, but cool gimmick, dude. It's always assuring when you know you're right about a statement you made.

Also, when are people going to stop using gifs and YouTube videos and post some sort of original thought of their own?
correct me if I'm wrong ... but if someone is going threw depression isn't one method is to put a smile on they face??? . See the point is getting their mind off it .. why make em suffer more talking b about it . And the only thing you can do is .. hear them out? Does that help?? .. smh yaw kill me on this website .. acting like yaw really hear to help .