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Depression sucks man


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I shall post encouraging words when i am more awake. Just putting this here so i will remember to do it. You are not alone


How to beat depression? ??
# get pussy . If getting pussy is a challenge for you then pay for it . Less talk more sucking ..

#2 spend at least 2 hours watching wesley pipes in action lol ... that will build your confidence up ..

#3 masturbate ... it helps control your duration of time and stamina ... (mind you its called MASTER BATE for a reason .. master the arts of ejaculating ..

#4 only practice your flirt game of social media .. it prepares you to lose that shy dick when approaching females ..

#5 ppl don't like a cry baby .. stop being a bitch and watch porn ..

1-5 is on the house .. 6-10 is a fee .. contact me for more information .. now accepting PayPal and visa card and money orders .. .

lol im dying

soul i know how u feel


1 2 3 drink
Yeah depression really sucks. Im having it myself for the last 2 years when before i was the happiest person in town.
There is one thing im questioning, i know anti depressant medication helps, but the after-effects is what im afraid of. And im not too fond of taking medication anyway.
Btw soulbound im always down for talking about anything if you want to.


Confused Thanagarian
I'm with ya bro. Not gonna give my life story, but losing my house in a week, don't exactly have a place to go to, and not making enough money to get a place on my own (Jersey apartments are shit to afford by yourself). Got dumped like a year and a half ago, still not over it (girl I was stating to talk moving in with, marriage had come up a few times). Shit can suck, and I'm with ya on that. Don't have a lot of friends myself, but in the TYM community, we look after our own, ya dig?

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
How to beat depression? ??
# get pussy . If getting pussy is a challenge for you then pay for it . Less talk more sucking ..

#2 spend at least 2 hours watching wesley pipes in action lol ... that will build your confidence up ..

#3 masturbate ... it helps control your duration of time and stamina ... (mind you its called MASTER BATE for a reason .. master the arts of ejaculating ..

#4 only practice your flirt game of social media .. it prepares you to lose that shy dick when approaching females ..

#5 ppl don't like a cry baby .. stop being a bitch and watch porn ..

1-5 is on the house .. 6-10 is a fee .. contact me for more information .. now accepting PayPal and visa card and money orders .. .


Regina George of discord
Mr. Milleena, EMPEROR_sunfire, lilith, espio, shotguninsanity, hp hatecraft, fred marvel, thanks you guys. This stuff, I'm always hesistant to talk about this anywhere else or to anyone else because I feel like I'm complaining or that people will see it as complaining or see me different. I posted this here cus I just had to finally say something and didn't think I had too much to lose posting something like that on this website. But u guys are great. Just you guys posting in here makes me feel better already and means a lot. Thank you.
You're welcome! And i deleted my post because i think i didn't write that right. My english kind of sucks. But yeah if you need someone here i am and don't let something like that make you feel bad, life is like that and you have to get over everything to be happy.


My blades will find your heart
If you need anyone to talk to, a friend, you can always grab a hold of me.

Don't keep these feelings inside.

Talking about my depression all but got rid of it, not even joking.

Edit: Also learn to be happy without the need of others. It may be tough but if you can find something to occupy yourself and make yourself proud then you wont have to constantly worry about friends or girlfriends etc. That being said, if someone invites you to go do something or a social opportunity arises, always take it no matter how bad you feel. Chances are it will be fun and make you feel better, and it may lead to the companionship you seek.

The other thing is start going to the gym. Learn how to lift weights and start going every day, and make sure to run as well. This does a few things:
1. Release endorphins at the end of the workout to make you FEEL better
2. Builds muscle and removes fat which makes you LOOK better
3. Provides a place to cleanse yourself of all the stress/bad mojo you've acquired that day

If lifting weights isn't your thing I suggest some other athletic endeavor. Basketball, Football, Boxing, Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, whatever. You wont regret it.
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Administrator and Community Engineer
There are a number of people here that struggle with the same thing. I think videogames, and the habit of playing them super hardcore, naturally attracts a lot of people who are trying to fill other holes in their lives, or looking for an escape.

Just know that you're not alone man. Although I respect everyone's privacy, I talk to people all the time here who are having some real battles with depression.

I've come to find out that when you see some weird/angry behavior on the forums, there's often something else going on behind it. But kudos to you for taking the first step and directly sharing how you feel instead of taking it out some other way.

Hang in there man.. If you can, find a counselor who deals with depression. I have bipolar people in my family and I'd be going down the same road if I let myself.. But I've learned to control it amd my life has been better for it ever since.

We're pulling for you -- wishing you the best.
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I generally try to drown it out with music, sometimes, it feels nice to let yourself feel sad, so I frequent sad songs a lot, I don't know about you, but once you start thinking about stuff it's a domino effect where you start thinking about other negative things. Especially if it's like my situation where it's love. Try to listen to some happy music, I have a 60s Oldies station on my Pandora I put on.

As for me, just don't ponder on it too much. I should take my own advice.

Here's a good thing to think about, nothing is constant the only constant is change.


I generally try to drown it out with music, sometimes, it feels nice to let yourself feel sad, so I frequent sad songs a lot, I don't know about you, but once you start thinking about stuff it's a domino effect where you start thinking about other negative things. Especially if it's like my situation where it's love. Try to listen to some happy music, I have a 60s Oldies station on my Pandora I put on.

As for me, just don't ponder on it too much. I should take my own advice.

Here's a good thing to think about, nothing is constant the only constant is change.
I frequent sad songs a lot too for some strange reason. I don't really have a reason to be sad about anything, but I just like listening to them, especially when I'm feeling all nostalgic. For whatever reason, it winds up making me feel better than listening to happy/upbeat music would.
I frequent sad songs a lot too for some strange reason. I don't really have a reason to be sad about anything, but I just like listening to them, especially when I'm feeling all nostalgic. For whatever reason, it winds up making me feel better than listening to happy/upbeat music would.
I don't necessarily feel happy about it, it just invokes feels I want to express but can't so, I listen to em.


You should volunteer somewhere. Allows you to use your energy in a positive and productive manner, all while giving you the opportunity to work with nice people.


Hey man, depression gets the best of us all at times. Hope you work your way through it. There are alot of people here on this site to talk to, we all have alot of the same interests and we're all connected in a way. I'm pretty sure we know your feels and you could try to relate to us. Maybe spend some time with some family that care about you, that usually makes me feel better. Music can be dope too

If all else fails what I like to do when I'm feeling down is smoke and play Injustice/MK9 online. Usually helps lol. Anyways goodluck bro