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Zombie Apocalypse! - What would you do?


Lose without excuses
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Since there's been zombie talk lately, was just curious what you guys think you would do if it actually happened. Of course, we can't really know what we'd do if a zombie apocalypse happened, and it's not likely to happen... but fuck all that. What do you think you would do? Where would you go? etc

Waiting it out would be an optimal decision, but that's boring as hell. I'd rather die fighting zombies than die of starvation/dehydration.

Location: I'd find a secure location. Somewhere where I can see for miles. And the house would be hella fortified.

The Group: I would bring my family and a few friends. Too many people is too much responsibility and too much of a risk. But we would need enough to defend against the Zombie hoard. Maybe somewhere under 20-30 people.

Plan: We would have scouts that cleared the area for Zombies everyday and night. Up to twice a week, we would send scavengers into town to retrieve any supplies we need. Also would send scouts 3 times a week looking for survivors, supplies, houses, etc.

That's all I got right now, maybe will add later. Your turn.


where i live is pretty secure if we were to board up the only way into the housing track, plus i got plenty of weapons and food stored

i'll be fine