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Zatanna's Corner Vortex - 42% low, 44% overhead


AUS FGC represent!
Two things, can the meterless vortex be meterburn b/f 3'd or armoured through (eg Grundy)?

Secondly, why the hell does EU PSN not have her yet. This is killing me.


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
Two things, can the meterless vortex be meterburn b/f 3'd or armoured through (eg Grundy)?

Secondly, why the hell does EU PSN not have her yet. This is killing me.
I've tried to MB b3, doesn't seem to work. I'm gonna guess that Grundy can MB trait through it.


I'm amazed at how productive the Zatanna community already is.. and it hasen't even been 24 hours yet.

I swear you guys have put out more content in 24 hours than most other communities have in 4 months.

I'm exaggerating, but great job nonetheless.