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Tech Zatanna 50/50 cross Up Set Up


Ok, few things. I love the idea, especially once u train your opponent to respect f21 mix ups. The thing is, seems meter heavy like most mb Tele mix ups. Would be something I'd use every once in awhile.

Also seems pretty easy to avoid, need a lot of respect to pull it off.


Regina George of discord
This is some good stuff! Good work. Also... Do you know when is it going to crossup or is it like Green Lantern's vortex that you can't tell when are you going to crossup or not?

Mr. Mileena

This i actually really cool. I usually haven't tried meddling with f21 ex tele, since it combos. But i never thought of using it for this.

Thank you fellow Zatanna player, an extra way to reset her opponents on top of the 385839579 other ways she has. lol xoxo


AUS FGC represent!
Yeah I've been fiddling with this, if you jump immediately after tele (hold up after input), j2 crosses up and j1 doesn't.

You can condition them not to jump/back dash by going for a d2 after.

I figured out you're around +8after a f21~MB tele. You can combo into 1, d1 and d2. But if you know they like to press buttons after mb tele, d2 and catch them for a combo.

The beauty of this reset is that it allows for a combo and a 50/50 after a raw MB trance;

bf3(MB), du, du, j2, b1u3, ji2, d2, b3, dash, f21~duf(MB) (29%)

bf3(MB), du, du, j2, b23, ji2, d2, b3, dash, f21~duf(MB) (30%)

bf3(MB), du, du, j2, b21~interact, b3, ji2, ji2, f21~duf(MB) (36%)


Upon further testing it seems like this setup can always be avoided by holding back :(. Maybe in doing it wrong.
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Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
Pretty cool, but have the computer set to duck and you'll see this setup never crosses up. But you might be able to get some crossup dive kicks instead.


AUS FGC represent!
Pretty cool, but have the computer set to duck and you'll see this setup never crosses up. But you might be able to get some crossup dive kicks instead.
Yeah that's what I noticed :(. I was so excited about it too lol.

Cross up divekick seems to sorts come out sometimes.

EDIT: Actually, if you jump forward after duf(MB) you can still go for a cross up/ non cross up setup with ji1 and dive kick.

The meter requirement though :(

EDIT 2: Strike that, j1 can be block by holding forward as well ._.
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Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
Yeah that's what I noticed :(. I was so excited about it too lol.

Cross up divekick seems to sorts come out sometimes.

EDIT: Actually, if you jump forward after duf(MB) you can still go for a cross up/ non cross up setup with ji1 and dive kick.

The meter requirement though :(

EDIT 2: Strike that, j1 can be block by holding forward as well ._.
Jump back dive kick after mb teleport seems to cross up sometimes. I gotta look more into it.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Yeah unfortunately it isn't a proper 50/50, but it will definitely catch people some times. If they've learned they can dash to avoid you can also just mb tele and go straight into a b1/b2, same if they decide to duck afterwards.

I thought even though it's not fool proof I wanted to put it out there and maybe it will inspire new ideas.

@prycemonsta I agree, so I usually only go for it if i'm packing meter or if I've done a meterless combo off an intractable bounce.