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Wow you really are a funny guy!! Now go home and get your fuckin shine box lol, hey why dont you send me an invite? We can settle it that way? fusion117 bro lets see what you got.


daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. yall probably can't see well but that's me in the background nailing her.


It has pointed out to me that my use of kids in "console kids" is what's making you take that as an insult, and that you're a good person. As I really didn't intend for that to be an insult, I refute my statement. It was intended as a joke, based on a serious concept. All I meant is that you might be well known in the ps3 world, but to most kaillera kids, they have no clue who you are. I would also like to refute my statement that you're a shit talker. I probably would have came back sideways too if I had taken that statement as an insult. Being called a thief is what made me come back... Not all emulator users steal games, we just prefer to have them on multiple platforms. [me=mud]hugs his eeprom reader [/me]

Regardless of the fact that you're one of the better players on psn, and would likely streak me, I don't see how settling a conversation about players general attitude towards each other is going to be solved by actually playing the game. The conversation wasn't even over gameplay or skill... I suppose everyone needs a little beef every once and a while, so my response is in my signature.
mud said:
It has pointed out to me that my use of kids in "console kids" is what's making you take that as an insult, and that you're a good person. As I really didn't intend for that to be an insult, I refute my statement. It was intended as a joke, based on a serious concept. All I meant is that you might be well known in the ps3 world, but to most kaillera kids, they have no clue who you are. I would also like to refute my statement that you're a shit talker. I probably would have came back sideways too if I had taken that statement as an insult. Being called a thief is what made me come back... Not all emulator users steal games, we just prefer to have them on multiple platforms. [me=mud]hugs his eeprom reader [/me]

Regardless of the fact that you're one of the better players on psn, and would likely streak me, I don't see how settling a conversation about players general attitude towards each other is going to be solved by actually playing the game. The conversation wasn't even over gameplay or skill... I suppose everyone needs a little beef every once and a while, so my response is in my signature.
Well i said it before and ill say it again *clears throat* thats not bad of you bro...............not too bad at .....all. I take back what i said as well. No hug tho sorry.