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Your favourite drink?


TYM White Knight
I have lately found myself becoming bored of my usual brews and decided to explore some spirits.

It was interesting trying different things and aquiring a taste for what I thoroughly enjoyed. I was surprised and somewhat shocked to find myself being a whiskey man.

What are your favourite drinks? I am curious and would love to try some of them.

My Current drinks of choice:


Labbat Blue - A wonderful beer. When I was young, it was the first beer I ever tried and since then is always the beer I compare my other beers too. It has a strong yeasty taste, but I like that taste and find it utterly delicious. Strong flavour and a pleasure to drink.

Mooshead Green - Usually my summer brew. A little lighter on the yeasty taste, but has a more full bodied flavour punch. I reccomended this to @MilkySituation when he was up here in Canada. It did not dissapoint. Great casual beer. Really consistent range of flavours compared to the back heavy flavour of Labbat.


Crown Royal Whiskey - Shocked myself with how delicious this was. STB member @gr8one always rages about how good his bourbon is, so I had to just go try a straight Canadian whiskey. Started with ice on the bottom, Poured my whisky on top, and added just a pinch of water. Smoothest drink I ever drank. It was absolutely delicious. The water really brings out the spice of the whiskey which fits me perfectly. Now my current drink of choice.

Smirnoff Vodka and lime - Great summer party drink. Beast served Ice cold or in slush form. Really simple and elegant drink for those that have a taste for sour. It's usually my wifes all year round drink of choice, and definitely one I go for in the summer.

Smirnoff Vodka + Redbull - A classic! Always a great pick up in the middle of a drinking session, and it's hard to come by a single person who does not want to partake in a shot of the ol classic. Great pick me up!!!

What are your favourite drinks?


AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Whisky and burbon all day son!

Jack Daniels is a front runner by far
Crown is always a pleasure
Jonny Walker can suck a dick its so shitty! yeah red, black, gold AND blue!

Beer: Mostly stouts and darkness
Dragons Milk
Founders breakfast stout
Wells Banana bread beer
a pale ale is always good and I'm not overly picky...bud light, mich ultra etc...
ooooh and Fat Tire...yum
IPA's can suck a dick too!

Red wine is also very good...its its red i'll drink it
White wine can suck a dick!


TYM White Knight
Whisky and burbon all day son!

Jack Daniels is a front runner by far
Crown is always a pleasure
Jonny Walker can suck a dick its so shitty! yeah red, black, gold AND blue!

Beer: Mostly stouts and darkness
Dragons Milk
Founders breakfast stout
Wells Banana bread beer
a pale ale is always good and I'm not overly picky...bud light, mich ultra etc...
ooooh and Fat Tire...yum
IPA's can suck a dick too!

Red wine is also very good...its its red i'll drink it
White wine can suck a dick!
I agree on the wines. White is so dry, or at least my experiences with them have been. My aunt makes a homemade red wine that is to die for. It's the one thing my wife wishes she could have so bad atm lol.

Banana bread beer eh...that sounds...interesting.

Also, I tried a local blueberry brew once. It wasn't that bad, but it's definitely a once in a blue moon thing.


missiles are coming
Yungling (spelling) is by far the most superior lager. I also like a lot of dog fish head's beers.

For liquor it's all about Yeager.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The ultimate perpetual party drink, and my own special formula:

Requires: 2 giant punch bowls, coolers, bathtubs, whichever means of mixing in you possess.
There are 2 different versions: one light, one dark, so as not to cross swords and poison a mofo by mistake.
Each version contains six different ingredients. Six. Six sides. Box. Relevance.
Flavors and such are a choice left to the partaking parties.
-The universal base for both: Red Bull. At least 20% Red Bull.
-The 3 mixing spirits: Bacardi, Stoli's and Beefeater in the light mix; Southern Comfort, Captain Morgan and Bacardi Dark in the dark mix.
-A soda, juice, or mixer of choice depending on the will of the responsible makers.
-A Heavy Bomb for each: Everclear for the light mix, Jager for the dark mix.

Get at me.


No way of saying this without looking like a twat, but this is genuinely my favourite drink. 2 of these and I'm anybody's.



Framboise lambic. It's a Belgian beer made with raspberries... Good luck finding it though.


TYM White Knight
The ultimate perpetual party drink, and my own special formula:

Requires: 2 giant punch bowls, coolers, bathtubs, whichever means of mixing in you possess.
There are 2 different versions: one light, one dark, so as not to cross swords and poison a mofo by mistake.
Each version contains six different ingredients. Six. Six sides. Box. Relevance.
Flavors and such are a choice left to the partaking parties.
-The universal base for both: Red Bull. At least 20% Red Bull.
-The 3 mixing spirits: Bacardi, Stoli's and Beefeater in the light mix; Southern Comfort, Captain Morgan and Bacardi Dark in the dark mix.
-A soda, juice, or mixer of choice depending on the will of the responsible makers.
-A Heavy Bomb for each: Everclear for the light mix, Jager for the dark mix.

Get at me.
That sounds like a recipe for a severe throwup session.

My #1 rule when it comes to drinking...If you start drinking beer, do not go to the hard stuff. Unless it's jello shots...because who can resist jello shots?

I can start drinking hard stuff and then go to beer, but not the other way around.