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Your favorite thing about UMK3?


Mid Tier
All the diff stages, all of them are so good, and then of coarse the old uppercut threw the floor into the next stage, that blew my fuckin mind back in the day. So good


Dojo Trainee
My favorite thing about UMK3 was the pair of black guys that seemed to be at every arcade. They never actually played the game but just watched, and anytime you did any type of finisher they'd yell, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" really loud and start freaking out, high fives and secret handshakes and everything.

Man, they kept things hyped in the arcades. We need them at tournaments.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
My favorite thing about UMK3 was the pair of black guys that seemed to be at every arcade. They never actually played the game but just watched, and anytime you did any type of finisher they'd yell, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" really loud and start freaking out, high fives and secret handshakes and everything.

Man, they kept things hyped in the arcades. We need them at tournaments.
I think we might be able to find "a pair of black guys" for Tournaments. I may have to look hard and do some detective work to find them, but i'm almost positive there will be "a pair of black guys" at NECXII. LOL You say it like they are an endangered species or something....wtf?

Anyway, favorite thing is ERMAC!!!!...........and of course the Run-button, intricate juggle system and the ridiculous combos u can make.

Tim Static

My favorite thing about UMK3 was the pair of black guys that seemed to be at every arcade. They never actually played the game but just watched, and anytime you did any type of finisher they'd yell, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" really loud and start freaking out, high fives and secret handshakes and everything.

Man, they kept things hyped in the arcades. We need them at tournaments.
Have you ever been to a tourney? lol


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
Man, this is a tough one!

I love the fast paced action, the pressure, the mindgames (damn!), punishment mode (even punishing a single blocked standing hk is awesome) and how you can still see new shit (mostly counters) after all these years :D

I still have tons and tons of fun when playing good opponents and I hope (no matter how much time has passed) I can still play with someone for many years to come. The day I'm forced to only vs-cpu playing, I'll drop UMK3.

Thank Raiden for our beloved run button!

And now, answering the thread question... my favorite thing about UMK3 is INVIS!! fuck yeah this is the most badass/awesome/original/fun/ frustration and fear inducing special move in any FG ever! I know, MK2 had invis but in umk3 you have 2 (technically 3 lol) invisible characters and the mindgames are far superior when invis in UMK3. They fucking ruined invis in MK9 :/ can you imagine being invisible MK9 Smoke (real invis) and having all those overheads? lol insane mindgames!
1st post.

Aside from the fact it's a great FG I like the humour.

I like how most fatalities end in ''BOOOOOOM''.

And when the AI goes to sweep you, and you mash low jab, and the AI opponent gets stuck repeatedly trying to sweep you eating low jabs til it dies.

That brings me to a lol.