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Your Best Moments of 2012

Are you ready for 2013?

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STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
1. Meeting some really awesome ppl from the this community both online and off. I'll leave it vague as not to offend anyone.
2. Getting second place at a tourney no one attended. :p
3. Finally going to a competitive gaming event like I had always wanted.


My shitty memory forgot if Toryuken was this year or last year.If it was this year, then that was an awesome moment.If not, then it's...idk.Nothing going on for me MK-wise.
It was this year dood. And it was awesome meeting you too :D

Meeting so many members of the community is just awesome! Yes, even meeting Altaire was kool. I Hope wherever he is he's grown up a little and is enjoying life :p

Being able to help with the brackets for T13 was nutz! Sorry again for the fuckups guys, I won't let that happen again!

Getting my Qanba and learning dash cancels on it felt pretty darned good too :D

Looking forward to 2013! Wait, isn't the world supposed to end on 12/21/13? Maaayyyyyn!


1. Visiting my cousin's last summer and playing MK9 for the first time.
2. Buying MK9 about two weeks later.
3. Buying two PDP sticks with accumulated birthday money.
4. Still playing this game after six months. (No game has ever lasted that long before)
5. When I get one of my best friends to become interested in fighting games.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
1. Joining TYM
2. Playing offline with the Youngstown, Greenville, and Cleveland crew.
3. Got a new fightstick
4. Still playing after a year and a half.

Ehh...if I didn't get laid off 6 months ago i'd have a 5th reason...

Glass Sword

1. Making all As and Bs in college.
2. Randomly deciding I want to play fighting games with the pros and attending Final Round.
3. Moving fro MKU to TYM.
4. Leveling up near constantly.
5. Going on a cruise to Alaska.
6. MLG Dallas
7. Beating GamerBlake90 for the first time in a game.
8. My Little Pony: Freindship is Magic
9. Getting to know everybody in the MK kommunity.
10. Deciding my major is Sociology.
11. Somehow failing to make a single friend at my college again.
12. Another year single.
13. Loseing my two cats and getting new ones.
14. Trying to play cauals with Pokchop and Clint
15. Getting a new roommate.
16. The great Curbo panic of 2012.
17. Getting drunk with my roommate.
18. Getting sick during finals.

Glass Sword

I did it wrong sense I mixed in the worst with the best. Oh we'll they are all memorable to say the least. My life is like an epic poem the best and the worst is shown.