Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
As anyone picking up Kitana may have noticed, punishing opponents isn't as simple as looking at frame data to determine your go-to punish. Hitbox/hurtbox inconsistencies, Kitana's stubby T-rex arms, and pushback are all variables that make it difficult to determine how to optimally punish your opponent every time. The good news is, I've done all the work so you don't have to!
The purpose of this guide is to give Kitana main's a quick reference guide to all the things you can (and should) punish from every character in the game. This guide's focus is to provide information on what can be punished AND with what option. The "best" punish to use is subjective and situational therefore I did not list every single possible punish option you could perform. Instead, I simply listed what I feel are Kitana's best six punishes you can use for each punishable move. Those six punishes are:
- This guide does not, and will not, include specials that are super obvious that you can punish on reaction. These include buffs, debuffs, parries, indirect damaging specials like Kano's Molotov Cocktail, and slow startup "traps" like D'Vorah's Puddle.
- This guide does not include specials from the custom variation system that are not part of tournament variations. As more tournament variations are added, I will update the guide at that time.
- This guide now includes all notable punishes resulting from flawless blocks and/or gaps. You'll find them at the end of the on-block punishes for each character and are highlighted in yellow. A "()" in the string notes where a gap is. While every character's D2 is punishable on flawless block, I didn't feel the need to list them because they are all punishable with 12 or b14 -- nevermind that flawless blocking D2's is extremely difficult to begin with.
- I've included the frames for on-block punishes to help you determine which punish you wish to use. For example, if a move is -18 on block, and b142 (13 frames) and b231 (17 frames) are listed, you're better off using b142 because you'll have less strict timing for roughly the same amount of damage overall.
- Any future discoveries will be added as I come across them, or if anyone wishes to point out anything I may have missed, please feel free to do so.
- I will keep this guide updated as patches release as best as I can as well as keep a change log in the first post.
Hope you all find this useful.
Change log:
5/19/2019: Added flawless block and gap punishes for Shao Kahn, Frost, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Cassie, Jax, Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Baraka, Raiden, Jacqui, and Sub Zero. You'll find them at the end of the on-block punishes for each character and are highlighted in yellow. A "()" in the string notes where a gap is.
5/25/2019: Added flawless block and gap punishes for Kano, Kabal, Liu Kang, Kitana, Kung Lao, and Jade.
5/26/2019: Added flawless block and gap punishes for Skarlet, Erron Black, D'Vorah, Kotal Kahn, Geras, Kollector, and Cetrion. Made a slight correction to Cetrion's 114 string. Guide is now considered complete but will be updated if/when new discoveries are made.
6/1/2019: Fixed an error that listed Johnny Cage's b34u3+4 string when it should have been his 34u3 string (Thanks to ReoSpeedwagon!). Fixed an error that listed Raiden's B1 instead of B2 (Thanks Repraved!). Fixed errors for Shao Khan and Noob Saibot that listed 21 as a punish instead of 12 (all should be correct now). Added the following under Scorpion's flawless block/gap punishes: B2: Fatal Blow works at the gap between the first and second hit.
The purpose of this guide is to give Kitana main's a quick reference guide to all the things you can (and should) punish from every character in the game. This guide's focus is to provide information on what can be punished AND with what option. The "best" punish to use is subjective and situational therefore I did not list every single possible punish option you could perform. Instead, I simply listed what I feel are Kitana's best six punishes you can use for each punishable move. Those six punishes are:
- 12: This is your fastest punish at 8 frames of startup that leads into Lift for a full combo, but it also has the shortest range and is a high.
- B142: This is your fastest mid punish that also leads into a krushing blow on a punish. It has slightly more range and damage than 12, but is a lot slower at 13 frames of startup. You can also cancel into Lift after b14.
- B231: This is your furthest reaching punish that leads to a full combo by canceling into Lift, but is also the slowest at 17 frames of startup. This is usually your go-to punish for Fatal Blows.
- F2222: This punish has a longer reach than B142, faster startup than B231 at 15 frames, but does not lead to a full combo. Fully mashable to ensure it comes out on the first few frames after recovery as well.
- Square wave: This punish is Kitana's fastest reversal punish at 12 frames of startup and also her longest reaching punish. You can score Krushing Blows with it, but it is extremely situational. This is your go-to when you absolutely need that punish to come out on the first available frame. Please note that where square wave is listed in this guide it assumes you have Ground War equipped in your variations (Fan-Fare tournament variation).
- D3: It may seem silly to list this, but this is Kitana's fastest attack in the game at 7 frames. It barely does any damage. It doesn't lead to a combo. BUT, it does allow you to punish and guarantees you can start your offense afterward. I only list this option if it is the only possible punish you can perform. There are a few instances where I list D1 and/or D4 instead because they have better range (but slower start up) where D3 can't reach.
- This guide does not, and will not, include specials that are super obvious that you can punish on reaction. These include buffs, debuffs, parries, indirect damaging specials like Kano's Molotov Cocktail, and slow startup "traps" like D'Vorah's Puddle.
- This guide does not include specials from the custom variation system that are not part of tournament variations. As more tournament variations are added, I will update the guide at that time.
- This guide now includes all notable punishes resulting from flawless blocks and/or gaps. You'll find them at the end of the on-block punishes for each character and are highlighted in yellow. A "()" in the string notes where a gap is. While every character's D2 is punishable on flawless block, I didn't feel the need to list them because they are all punishable with 12 or b14 -- nevermind that flawless blocking D2's is extremely difficult to begin with.
- I've included the frames for on-block punishes to help you determine which punish you wish to use. For example, if a move is -18 on block, and b142 (13 frames) and b231 (17 frames) are listed, you're better off using b142 because you'll have less strict timing for roughly the same amount of damage overall.
- Any future discoveries will be added as I come across them, or if anyone wishes to point out anything I may have missed, please feel free to do so.
- I will keep this guide updated as patches release as best as I can as well as keep a change log in the first post.
Hope you all find this useful.

Change log:
5/19/2019: Added flawless block and gap punishes for Shao Kahn, Frost, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Cassie, Jax, Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Baraka, Raiden, Jacqui, and Sub Zero. You'll find them at the end of the on-block punishes for each character and are highlighted in yellow. A "()" in the string notes where a gap is.
5/25/2019: Added flawless block and gap punishes for Kano, Kabal, Liu Kang, Kitana, Kung Lao, and Jade.
5/26/2019: Added flawless block and gap punishes for Skarlet, Erron Black, D'Vorah, Kotal Kahn, Geras, Kollector, and Cetrion. Made a slight correction to Cetrion's 114 string. Guide is now considered complete but will be updated if/when new discoveries are made.
6/1/2019: Fixed an error that listed Johnny Cage's b34u3+4 string when it should have been his 34u3 string (Thanks to ReoSpeedwagon!). Fixed an error that listed Raiden's B1 instead of B2 (Thanks Repraved!). Fixed errors for Shao Khan and Noob Saibot that listed 21 as a punish instead of 12 (all should be correct now). Added the following under Scorpion's flawless block/gap punishes: B2: Fatal Blow works at the gap between the first and second hit.
- 2(-9): 12
- f2(-9): 12
- hop 1(-12): 12
- hop 3(-12): 12
- f21(-8): d3
- Blade Spark(-18): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave
- Amp Blade Spark(-15): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Chop Chop(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Gutted(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-24): b231, square wave
- 11()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 stuffs at the gap. Flawless block u2 works on the third hit.
- 1()22: Flawless block u2 works on the second hit, however it will sometimes whiff if u2 is pressed on the first available frame.
- 2()3+1: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- f21()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the third hit.
- b2: Flawless block U2 works. Punishable with 12 after a flawless block.
- b1(-11): 12 (close range only)
- hop 1(-13): 12, square wave
- hop 3(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- 111(-8): d3
- b13(-11): 12
- Kneecappin’(-25): 12 (close range, must delay the first few frames), b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Amp Kneecappin’(-21): b231 (close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Flippin’ Out(-27): 12 (must delay first few frames), b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: only square wave will punish “far” Flippin’ Out if performed at close range
- Ball Buster(-22): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Shoulder Charge(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Energy Burst(-29): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- f34()3: you can d2 or 12 punish at the gap. Fatal Blow works at the gap. If Cassie cancels f34 into Kneecappin’ or Ball Buster, it will beat any punish attempt as well as stop Fatal Blow attempts. However, both Kneecappin’ and Ballbuster are punishable on block.
- f1(-9): 12
- b4(-13): 12, square wave (close range)
- hop 1(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- hop 3(-13): 12, square wave
- 114(-12): 12 note: must take a small step forward
- f132(-11): 12
- f23(-10): 12
- f234(-9): 12
- Hell’s Wrath (-17): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Earthquake(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Tendril Pull(-35): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: if you block from square wave’s maximum distance, you can score a krushing blow.
- Natural Barrier(-20): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Geyser(-20): b231, f2222, square wave
- H2 Port(n/a): note: punishable on reaction. Your best bet is 12 since you don’t have to worry about directional inputs. It is possible to punish with b142, but the window is extremely tight.
- Fatal Blow(-37): b231 (close range, must walk forward), square wave note: if blocked from just a bit further than round start distance, you will be pushed back to the exact distance needed for a square wave krushing blow.
- 11()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- f23()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can forward dash at the gap to whiff punish with b14 or b231.
- b3()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- f2(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- b3(-11): 12
- b4(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- f4(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- d4(-11): d1, d4
- hop 1(-18): 12, b142, b231 (close range), f2222, square wave
- hop 3(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- 121+3(-9): 12
- f22(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- f22u1+3(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Fireflies(-19): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Amp Fireflies(-14): b142, square wave note: you can crouch block Fireflies from mid to close range and they will go over your head, allowing for a punish from a further distance.
- Swarm(-34): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Swarm(-38): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Katipo Rush(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Widow’s Kiss(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-23): b231, square wave
- note: Ground Swarm, Deadly Swarm, Strepsiptera, and Ticking Time Bug can all be punished on reaction.
- 12()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap, but only on the first available frames. Flawless block u2 works after the third hit, but only on the first available frames. Punishable with 12 after flawless blocking the third hit.
- f22()d1+3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works after the third hit.
- Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block u2 works after the third hit. D3 or D1 will stuff at the gap.
- b2(-10): 12
- f3(-11): 12
- hop 1(-13): 12, square wave
- b222(-15): b142, square wave
- b2u4222(-14): b231 note: attempting any other punish will get you shot.
- f2121(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- 32(-21): b231, f2222, square wave
- Rattle Snake Slide(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Locked And Loaded(n/a): note: while in this stance, Erron Black cannot block. Firing the rifle in any way does not take him out of the stance. He must use a stock attack (all of which are punishable with 12) or manually cancel it (which has recovery).
- Locked And Loaded~Rising Stock(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Locked And Loaded~Stock Bop(-13): 12, square wave
- Locked And Loaded~Stock Drop(-11): 12
- Fatal Blow(-32): square wave note 1: you can get a krushing blow off square wave if you block at a distance just shorter of round starting position. note 2: you can duck to avoid the attack entirely and punish with your punisher of choice if you’re in range.
- 11()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works after the third hit. D3 stuffs at the gap.
- 11()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 stuffs at the gap.
- b2()u4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. If b2 is blocked at absolute max range, you can backdash at the gap and whiff punish with b231. Warning: if b222 is chosen, it will beat your backdash. If you read b222, you can still punish it with square wave from maximum distance.
- f212()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Punishable with D2, 12, or b14 at the gap from close range. If blocked from jumping range, you can jump in at the gap for a free jump in punish.
- f3()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works after the second hit. D3 will stuff at the gap.
- B1(-16): f2222, square wave
- B3(-13): 12, d2, square wave
- Hop 1(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Hop 3(-12): 12
- B12(-20): b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- B2212(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- B32d1(-16): 12, b142, square wave note: you can duck 2 by letting go of block after blocking the B3 low despite the fact that 2 is a mid unless you are in a corner. This allows you to whiff punish B32 with D2, or b142 for a krushing blow. D2 will punish all options following B3 (b3, b32, b32d1) but you’ll have to delay d2 after B3 or B32 will connect. B142 will only punish b32 and b32d1 but will still krushing blow after punishing B32 despite popping Frost into the air.
- Kryo-Stance(-28): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close range), f2222 (mid to close range), square wave (mid to close range) note: Amp Kryo-Stance will make Frost completely safe due to the pushback.
- Arctic Barrage(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Auger Lunge(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Microburst(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Amp Microburst(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-41): f2222 (close range), b231 (close range), square wave (any range). note: you can get a krushing blow from square wave if you are pushed back to maximum range.
- 13()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap
- 13()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap
- b221()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap
- 344()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 stuffs the forth hit. 12 punishes at the gap.
- b3()2()d1: you can duck the second hit by letting go of block after blocking the first low hit despite the fact that the second hit is a mid. Does not work if you are in the corner, however. This allows you to whiff punish B32 with D2, 12, or b14. D2 will punish all options following B3 (b3, b32, b32d1) but you’ll have to delay d2 after B3 or B32 will connect. Kitana’s B14 can punish Frost’s b32 or b32d1 option plus B142 will still score a krushing blow after punishing Frost’s B32 despite popping Frost into the air. Fatal Blow works at both gaps. D3 only works at the first gap.
- b4: punishable after flawless block with 12, but only at close range.
- f2(-13) 12, square wave
- hop 1(-11) 12
- hop 3(-12) 12
- f11+2(-14) 12, b142, square wave
- f21(-10): 12
- f22(-13): 12 note: the frames on this string vary. The closer you are to Geras, the safer it becomes. You can only punish f22 with 12 if you are at maximum range.
- Temporal Advantage(-23): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Sand Trap(-19): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close or mid range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close or mid range)
- Sand Pillar(-20): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close or mid range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close or mid range)
- Quick Sand(-19): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close or mid range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close or mid range)
- Bed Of Spikes(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-38): b142 (close range, must walk forward), b231, f2222, square wave
- 2()41: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works after the second hit.
- f2()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works after the second it. You can neutral jump at the gap for a jump in punish. You can also d2 at the gap to trade for a net gain in damage (you take 5%, he takes 14%).
- b4: punishable with 12 after a flawless block
- B2(-10): 12
- F2(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- 3(-10): 12
- 4(-8): d3 (point blank range only)
- B4(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Hop 1(-13): 12, square wave
- Hop 3(-12): 12
- F22(-13): 12, square wave
- Shrapnel Blast(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Shrapnel Blast(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Air Shrapnel Blast(-10): 12 note: b142 will work unless Air Shrapnel Blast is performed as close to the ground as possible.
- Amp Up Shrapnel Blast(-12): 12
- Lethal Clinch(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Greese Kick(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Extended Grease Kick(-18): f2222, b231 note 1: Grease Kick can be extended up to 6 kicks. If it is extended to the full duration while you are stand blocking, the 5th kick will whiff. This allows you to take a step forward, duck the 6th kick, and d2 for a krushing blow. If you do not take this step forward, d2 will whiff. Otherwise, if Grease Kick is only extended to 2-4 kicks and you are crouch blocking, you can d2 the final high kick for an easy krushing blow. *note 2: if you stand block a full duration Grease Kick, you will be pushed out of b142 range. However, if you crouch block, you won’t be pushed back as far, allowing for a b142 punish if Grease Kick is extended fully.
- Amp Grease Kick(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
note: Amp Grease Kick hits mid and will stop any attempts to d2. However, b142 will still punish it if you crouch block so you’re not pushed out of range. This means that whether or not Grease Kick is extended, or Amp’ed or not, b142 covers all options so long as you crouch block every hit - Amp Grenade Launcher(-14): 12 (close range), b142, square wave
- Amp Up Grenade Launcher(-12) 12
- Air Dive Bomb(-34): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-23): b231, square wave
- b3()4: Flawless block U2 works on the first hit, but whiffs on the second. Punishable with d2 or 12 at the gap.
- b1: punishable with 12 after flawless block.
- b1(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- b2(-13): 12, square wave (close range)
- f2(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- hop 1(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- hop 3(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- b12(-19): 12 (close range, only on first few frames or it whiffs), b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- f21(-13): d1, d4 note 1: you can punish with 12 only if you flawless block. note 2: you can use your Fatal Blow between the first and second hit to armor through the second hit.
- 43(-8): d3
- f41(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Razor-Rang(-15): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Air Razor-Rang(-15): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), square wave (close range) note: Air Razor-Rang is only -15 on block when performed as close to the ground as possible.
- Upward Razor-Rang(-16): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Edenian Spark(-23): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Deadly Butterfly(-13): 12, square wave
- Blazing Nitro Kick(-22): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: punishment options are the same regardless of which variation of Blazing Nitro Kick is chosen.
- Amp Blazing Nitro Kick(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Pole Vault(-10 to -14) 12
- Fatal Blow(-26): b231, square wave note: if blocked at Jade’s maximum range, you must use square wave to punish. You won’t be able to get a krushing blow, however.
- b1()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 and d1 stuff at the gap.
- f2()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- b343()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the fourth hit.
- b1(-12): 12
- b2(-10): 12
- b3(-9): d3 note: d3 will also stuff b32
- f3(-11): 12
- hop 1(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- hop 3(-13): 12, square wave
- 22d4(-20): b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: if you crouch block standing 2, 22 will whiff despite it being a mid. You can d3 after standing 2 to stuff any followup. It is also possible to d2 after standing 2, but if they continue into 22d4, your d2 will likely whiff.
- f2d4(-20): b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- b321+2(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Gotcha Grab(-17): 12, b132, f2222, square wave
- Duck And Weave> Rag Dollin’(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Amp Duck And Weave(-22): 12, b132, b231, f2222, square wave
- Thumper(-23): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Amp Thumper(-22): b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range) note: if you are within range to punish Thumper, any option will stuff Amp Thumper after blocking the first projectile at no risk.
- Up Thumper(-24): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Amp Up Thumper(-22): b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range) note: if you are within range to punish Up Thumper, any option will stuff Amp Up Thumper after blocking the first projectile at no risk.
- Stiff Armed(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-22): b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- 12()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- F2()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap, but the timing is strict. Flawless block U2 works on the second hit.
- b32()1+3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block u2 works on the first hit and the third hit (the grab). Doing a flawless block u2 on the third hit isn’t ideal since it is punishable on block.
- f33()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block u2 works on the third hit.
- Duck And Weave: You can punish with 12 or b14 if you flawless block.
- b2(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- f4(-9): 12
- hop 1(-13): 12
- hop 3(-12): 12
- 244u4(-17): b142, f2222, square wave
- f344u4(-17): b142, f2222, square wave
- 34u3(+6): normally safe if all three hits are blocked. However, you can make the third kick whiff by blocking high, then low, then releasing block. If you block low, low, the third hit connects. If you block high, high and try to duck, the third hit connects. D2 will score a krushing blow, or alternately, you can use b142 after the 3+4 fully whiffs.
- Straight Forceball(-10): 12 (close range)
- Nut Punch(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Flippy Kick(-14): b142, square wave
- Amp Flippy Kick(-20): square wave
- Shadow Kick(-23): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Throwing Shades(-25): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (mid range), f2222 (mid range), square wave (mid range).
- Say Cheese(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-27): b231, f2222, square wave
- 244()u4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can also neutral duck at the gap to make the last hit whiff despite it being a mid and punish with b142.
- f21()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap, but performing it late will get you stuffed. Flawless block u2 works on the last hit.
- f344()u4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can also neutral duck at the gap to make the last hit whiff despite it being a mid and punish with b142.
- B4(-13): d1, d4
- Hop 1(-17 to -14): 12 (close range), b142, f2222 (close range), square wave note: frames differ depending on range. The further away Kabal is, the safer he is. B142 punishes this consistently from any range.
- Hop 3(-13): 12 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Buzzsaw(-10): 12 (close range)
- Rolling Buzzsaw(-17): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Amp Rolling Buzzsaw(-9): note: completely safe if second buzzsaw is blocked. However, you can jump over the second buzzsaw after blocking the first. If you do this from mid range, you can score a jump in punish. If you neutral jump the second buzzsaw at close range, you can also score a jump in punish. In both cases, do not do your jump in attack too deep or Kabal will have a opportunity to block it.
- Air Straight Buzzin’(-29): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: frames vary based on how close Kabal is to the ground. If done as close to the ground as possible, b231 will not hit.
- Amp Straight Buzzin’(-12?) 12 (close range)
- Nomad Dash(-29): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Hook Slam(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Low Hook Grab(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Nomad Spin(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-35): b231, f2222 note: in order for b231 to hit, you must make a small step towards Kabal after blocking. If you don’t, it will whiff. If you walk too far, he will block.
- b4: Punishable with b14 after flawless block or 12 if you are at close range
- b2(-13): 12, square wave
- f2(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- f3(-13): square wave, throw note: f3 will low profile 12 and d2, making square wave or throw your best options.
- hop 1(-13): 12, square wave
- hop 3(-13): 12, square wave
- 24(-13): 12, square wave note: if Kano is in his Evil Glee variation, he will have access to 241+3 which will make 24 safe.
- Amp Blade Toss(-11): 12 (close range)
- Black Dragon Ball(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Black Dragon Ball(-12): 12
- Air Black Dragon Ball(-25): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: Amp Air Black Dragon Ball is 100% safe.
- Chemical Burn(-22): b231, f2222, square wave
- Lumbar Check(n/a): Lumbar Check is a command grab that cannot be blocked. However, you can duck it without blocking on a read and punish it like any other throw, like with d2 or 12. Kano can special cancel into Lumbar Check from many strings, but the most problematic string is 112 since 112 ends with a mid that will catch you if you’re trying to duck 11~Lumbar Check. You can, however, defend against both options by blocking 11 normally, then attempting to FLAWLESS block 112 as if it were a low. In other words, block 11, release block, duck, press block again. If 112 is chosen, you’ll block it. If 11~Lumbar Check is chosen, it will whiff. Furthermore, you can option select d2 immediately after attempting to flawless block 112 low. So, block 11, release block, duck, press block, release block again, d2. What happens is if 112 is chosen, d2 doesn’t come out because you’re still in block stun. If 11~ Lumbar Check is chosen, d2 punishes Lumbar Check. Here’s a video demonstrating this technique:
- Fatal Blow(-24): b231, f2222, square wave
- 11()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. The first two hits can be neutral ducked despite the second being a mid, allowing you to either d1, d3, or d4 while crouched or d2 if you press it as the third hit comes out. Do it too early and D2 will whiff. Flawless block U2 works on the third hit, but only if all three hits are blocked standing. It will whiff otherwise.
- 22()1+3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works at the gap, but only if you delay inputting U2 a few frames. It will whiff otherwise.
- 24()1+3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 stuffs at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the third hit.
- f4: Punishable with 12 after flawless block
- Hop 1(-14): b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Hop 3(-13): 12, square wave
- F2222(-12): 12
- 3212(-12): 12
- Fan Toss(-17): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Amp Fan Toss(-14): 12 (close range), square wave (close range) note: the first fan of Amp Fan Toss does not jail, allowing you to duck the second. If you’re within b142 range, you can duck the second fan and punish.
- Fan Lift(-18): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Quick Execution(-17): 12 (must walk forward), b142, f2222, square wave
- Square Wave(-22): f2222, b231, square wave
- Air Square Wave(-25): b142 (must walk forward), b231, f2222, square wave
- Half Blood Stance~Dive Kick(-25): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-23): b231, square wave
- b13()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- b23()1: note: this gap is only present under the following conditions: 1: it must be blocked at maximum range which causes the third hit to whiff. 2: the first hit must also be blocked. If it whiffs, but the second hit is blocked, the third hit will not whiff. If those two conditions are met, Fatal Blow works at the gap, d3 will stuff it at the gap, or flawless block U2 works on the forth hit.
- b231()d2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Punishable with 12 or b14 after flawless blocking the final hit.
- b4: punishable with 12 after flawless block
- b1(-11): 12
- f4(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- hop 1 (-12): 12
- hop 3 (-10): 12
- f12d1(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- f12d2(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- f221+3(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- b233(-17): b142, f2222, square wave
- 44(-11): 12
- Shotel Fury(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Fade Out(n/a): 12, b142 note: punishable on reaction. Your best bet is 12 since you don’t have to worry about directional inputs.
- Damned Bola(-28): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Bag Bomb (n/a): note: safe if blocked. Only punishable from close range where it whiffs. Anything works for a punish.
- Air Bag Bomb (n/a): note: safe if blocked. If Kollector is within maximum range of b2, you can punish with b2~lift.
- Fatal Blow(-25): b231, f2222 (must walk forward), square wave
- f22()1+3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the third hit. Punishable with 12 or b14 after flawless blocking the third hit.
- 4()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. While normally only punishable with 12 at close range, you can punish with b231 at its max range after flawless blocking the second hit.
- b2(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- hop 1(-12): 12
- hop 3(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- f122(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- f243(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- b22(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Kahn Cut(-13): 12, square wave
- Yeyecame Disk(-12): 12
- Amp Xolal Quake(-29): b231 (must walk forward), f2222 (must walk forward), square wave note: the first hit of Xolal Quake is unblockable, but can be avoided with a short hop. Non-Amp Xolal Quake can also be punished on reaction with the punisher of your preference.
- Tecuani Maul(-28): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Air Tecuani Pounce(-25): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-25): b231, square wave
- b22()3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Punishable with 12 or b14 after flawless blocking the third hit. D3 will stuff at the gap.
- f3()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works after the second hit, but only if you delay it. It will whiff otherwise.
- b4: punishable with 12 if flawless blocked at close range. Punishing with square wave works at max range.
- f2(-9): 12
- b3(-8): d3
- b4(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- hop 1(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- hop 3(-12): 12
- f13(-19): b231, f2222, square wave
- f13u2(-6) note: safe if blocked. However, f13 does not jail, allowing you to duck f13u2 and punish with d2 or b142.
- f21(-13): 12, square wave
- f214(-13): 12, square wave
- Spin(-21): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Spin(-25): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Hat Toss(-13): 12 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Shaolin Drop(-32): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Teleport(n/a): note: all options from Teleport are safe when blocked. However, you can also d2 all options with the same consistent timing. Be warned though: if Kung Lao burns meter to delay Teleport, he can punish your d2. You can spot a delay by watching for Kung Lao to flash as he teleports.
- Guided Hat(-22): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (mid-close range), f2222 (mid-close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Fatal Blow(-23): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- f1()3()u2: Fatal Blow works at the first gap on the first available frames only as well as the second gap which is less strict. You can punish with 12 at the second gap, or neutral duck the final hit then d2 for a krushing blow.
- 21()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can punish with d3~fan toss or d3~square wave at the gap. You can also crouch block the first three hits without taking chip damage (they all whiff) then d2 for a krushing blow.
- b32()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can punish with 12 at the gap without a flawless block.
- F2(-13): 12, square wave
- b3(-8): d3
- f3(-9): 12
- hop 1(-12): 12
- hop 3(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- f3333(-12): 12 note: if you crouch block the entire string from a distance other than point blank range, the third kick will whiff despite being a mid. This allows you to punish with d2 or stand and punish with b142.
- Fireball(-15): b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Amp Fireball(-4): note1: safe if blocked. However, if you read an Amp Fireball from just inside square wave’s max range, you can neutral jump and square wave over the fireballs with enough time to punish with 12 or b142. If you try to square wave over the fireballs while jumping forward, the fireballs will connect due to some weird hitbox issue during square wave’s startup. If you should happen to be jumping forward during an Amp Fireball from the same distance, instead of using square wave, flutter in the air with db2 and Liu Kang will propel himself forward on the third fireball allowing you to punish with jump kick~square wave.
- Low Fireball(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Amp Low Fireball(-7): note: safe if blocked. Can also stop attempts to punish Low Fireball at close range. However, if you read the Amp, you can duck the second fireball and punish with 12.
- Shaolin Stance~2(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Flying Dragon Kick(-20): 12 (close range), b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Bicycle Kick(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Shaolin Trip(-15): b142, square wave
- Shaolin Stomp(-13): 12 note: All three of Liu Kang’s teleport options can be punished on reaction with d2. The timing is strict, but is consistent for all three options. You’ll even get a krushing blow if Shaolin Strike is chosen. You must press d2 at the exact moment the “fire” of Liu Kang’s original location disappears. If you’re too early, d2 will whiff because you’re facing the wrong way. If you’re too late, Shaolin Stomp connects, and Shaolin Trip low-profiles your d2. You have a 2-3 frame window. This video demonstrates when to press d2:
- Fatal Blow(-20): b231, square wave
- 34()3: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- b3()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 or d1 stuffs at the gap. Flawless block u2 works on the second hit.
- f43()u3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Punishable with d2 or 12 at the gap. D1, d3, or d4 stuffs at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the fourth hit.
- b4: Punishable with square wave reversal after a flawless block.
- B3(-16): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), f2222 (mid-close range) square wave (mid-close range) note: if blocked at F2222’s maximum range, B3 will push you out of range.
- hop 1(-11): 12
- hop 3(-12): 12 (close range only) note: hop 3 will whiff if couch blocked anywhere except point blank range despite being an overhead, allowing you to whiff punish with b142.
- 113(-8): d3
- b11+3(-17): square wave
- b31+3(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Ghost Ball(n/a): note: Ghost Ball is unblockable. However, you can still punish this by ducking under it. B231 and F2222 will connect from their maximum range, and square wave will connect further away, but not maximum range.
- Shadow Tackle(-15): 12 (close range only), b142 (close range only), square wave (mid-close range)
- Shadow Slide(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave (mid-close range)
- Tele-Slam(-29): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Spirit Ball(-15): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Air Sickle Port(n/a): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: you’ve got approximately 18 frames from the moment Noob is considered behind you to the time he can block, which means punishing with b231 is possible, but very tight.
- Fatal Blow(-23): b231 (close range), square wave. note: if your reaction speed is good, you can jump out of it on reaction. Just watch for the “white glow” on Noob when he activates it and jump in for a punish.
- 11()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- b2: Flawless block u2 works. You can also punish with 12 or b14 after a flawless block.
- b4: Flawless block u2 works. You can also punish with 12.
- B2(-18): 12, b141, b231, f2222, square wave
- B3(-9): d3
- Hop 1(-12): 12
- Hop 3(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- B14(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- F112(-13): 12, square wave
- 24(-8): d3
- Lightning Bolt(-11): 12 (close range)
- Lightning Strike(-29): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (mid-close range)
- Electric Fly(-27): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Sparkport(n/a): 12, b142 note: you’ve got approximately 15 frames from the moment Raiden is considered behind you to the time he can block, which means punishing with b142 is possible, but very tight.
- Electric Burst(-13): 12, square wave
- Electric Current(-27): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Electric Current(-22): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-22): b231 (close range), square wave
- 12()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Punishable with 12 after flawless blocking the third hit, but it’s a 1 frame window.
- f1()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the second hit.
- 2()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the second hit.
- 32: Flawless block U2 works on the second hit but only if the first hit whiffs. Punishable with d3 after a flawless block, but it’s a 1 frame window.
- 32()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D1, d3, and d4 all stuff Raiden at the gap. Punishable with d2 or 12 at the gap.
- b3()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block u2 works on the first hit, but whiffs on the second.
- b4: punishable with 12 after flawless block.
- B1(-13): 12, b142, square wave
- B2(-10): 12
- Hop 1(-12): 12 (very close range)
- Hop 3(-12): 12
- B14(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- B141(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- F42(-10): 12 note: if your Fatal Blow is active, you can armor through F42 after blocking F4 low
- F423(-8): d3
- Spear(-65): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave note: if you are at maximum square wave distance when you block Spear, you can do a reversal square wave for a krushing blow
- Hell Port(-20): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Hell Port(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Death Spin(-20): b142 (close range only), b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Death Spin(-20): b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Burning Spear(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-25): b231, f2222, square wave
- 21()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can punish with 1~lift at the gap or d4~lift for better damage. Using 12 will whiff. Flawless block u2 works on the third hit. D1, d2,
- F3()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap, but must be done as quickly as possible or F34 will connect for a krushing blow. D3 will connect at the gap, but only if blocked at close range and also must be done as quickly as possible.
- f4()23: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block u2 works on the second hit.
- b3: you can punish with 12 after a flawless block.
- B2: Fatal Blow works at the gap between the first and second hit.
- b3(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- hop 1(-18): b142 (close range only), f2222, square wave
- hop 3(-14): 12 (close range only), b142 (whiffs at absolute max range), square wave
- F212(-15): b142
- f24(-16): square wave (only if Kitana is in the corner)
- f341+2(-16): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- Wrath Hammer(-18): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), f2222 (mid to close range), b231 (close range), square wave (mid to close range)
- Shoulder Charge(-20): 12, b142, f2222, b231, square wave
- Ground Shatter(-18): b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Ground Shatter(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave you can d3 after the first hit to stuff the second
- Amp Hammer Lunge(-19): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Up Wrath Hammer(-8): note: unpunishable after blocking the second hit. However, you can d2 after the first hit at close range to trade with the second hit for a net gain in damage, or alternatively use your fatal blow if it is up.
- Annihilation(-20): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-27): f2222, b231, square wave
- 12()1+3: you can flawless block u2 the third hit or Fatal Blow at the gap.
- 1()4()2: you can flawless block u2 the first two hits of this string but u2 will whiff on the third. Fatal Blow works at both gaps, but if Fatal Blow comes out late at the first gap, it will get stuffed.
- 23()2: you can flawless block u2 the third hit. D3 works at the gap. Fatal Blow also works at the gap
- f2()4: you can flawless block u2 the second hit, but due to pushback b14 will not connect afterward. F2222 will though. Fatal Blow also works at the gap.
- f3()41+3: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- 4()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- b1(-13): 12 (must be as close as possible and walk forward for a split second), square wave
- b2(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- f2(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- b3(-12): 12
- b4(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave
- d4(-12): throw (if point blank range), d1, d4
- hop 1(-14): b142, square wave
- hop 3(-13): 12
- 212(-11): 12
- Blood Splatter(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Amp Blood Splatter(-14): 12, b142, square wave
- Blood Trail(-13): 12, square wave
- Bloodport(n/a): note: her teleport can easily be punished if you’re looking for it with 12 regardless if she appears behind you or in front of you.
- Cell Siphon(-53): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-24): b231 (must perform on the first available frames or it will whiff), f2222 (must take a tiny step forward first)
- 12()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 stuffs at the gap.
- b1()2: Fatal Blow works at the gap.
- f2()1: Fatal Blow works at the gap. D3 will only stuff if blocked at close range. Can punish with 12 after blocking the second hit but only from close range.
- b3()4: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Can punish with 12 after blocking the second hit but only from close range.
- f4()3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. Flawless block U2 works on the second hit.
- b1: while this is punishable normally with 12 from close range, it is much easier to punish after a flawless block and opens the use of b14.
- b3: normally only punishable with 12 from close range, this becomes punishable with b231 after a flawless block from maximum range.
- b4: while safe when blocked at maximum range, flawless blocking allows a punish with square wave even at max range as well as b231 from its maximum range.
- hop 1(-12): 12
- hop 3(-15): 12, b142, square wave
- b12(-9): 12
- b123(-14) 12, b142, square wave
- b23d3(-20) b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- b34(-13): 12, b142, square wave
- Energy Rings(-15): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Ass Whooping(-11): 12
- Leg Breaker(-19): b132, b231, f2222, square wave
- K.A.T. Orbital Drop(-23): 12 (close), b142 (close), b231 (mid to close), f2222 (mid-close), square wave (mid-close)
- Fatal Blow(-25): b231 (close range only), square wave
- 2()1222: you can d3 after the first hit. You can also flawless block u2 but you’ll have to delay a few frames or it will whiff
- b2()3()d3: you can d3 after the first hit or the second. You can also flawless block u2 at the first gap but you’ll have to delay a few frames or it will whiff. Flawless block u2 at the second gap whiffs.
- b2()3()4: you can d3 after the first hit or the second. You can also punish with 12 at the second gap. Flawless block u2 at the second gap works for this string, but you’ll have to walk forward some to connect b14~lift afterward.
- b3()d4: you can d3 after the first hit or punish
- b3()u4()3: you can d3 at both gaps. Fatal Blow works at both gaps. Flawless block u2 works on the first hit, but whiffs on both hits after.
- hop 1(-12) d1, d4 note: nothing besides d1 or d4 will reach in time
- hop 3(-12) 12
- f24(-19) 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Ice Ball(-16) 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Amp Ice Ball(-15): 12 (close range), b142 (close range), b231 (close range), square wave (close range)
- Cold Shoulder(-20): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Amp Cold Shoulder(-22): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Air Polar Axe(-17): 12, b142, f2222, square wave note: Air Polar Axe is safer when performed close to the ground for as low as -10 on block which makes 12 the most consistent punish, but also the one with the shortest range.
- Death-Cicle Barrage(-22): b231 (close range), f2222 (close range), square wave (close range) note: if a string is cancelled into Death-Cicle Barrage, you’ll likely be pushed out of range. However, you can jump in on reaction for a free jump-in punish
- Slide(-20): 12, b142, b231, f2222, square wave
- Fatal Blow(-22): b231, square wave
- f2: Flawless block U2 works. If f24 is chosen, Sub Zero will still be punished. Be warned though: if you attempt to flawless block u2 from Sub Zero’s maximum range, it will whiff and f24 will krushing blow if you do. Flawless block u2 also beats f2~cold shoulder, but not f2~slide (they will trade). However, flawless block u3 will beat the f2~slide option and Kitana will take no damage.
- 3()3: Fatal Blow works at the gap. You can only neutral jump the second hit, but Sub Zero is still safe as far as I can tell. You can only punish Sub Zero this way with non-tournament variations Edenian Twist and Air Piercing Daggers.
How to punish every Fatal Blow with Kitana:
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