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YahooESports interviews SonicFox and Scar on their exciting futures with EchoFox


Official Master of Salt
We recently learned of the exciting news that eSports team EchoFox had signed up our very own SonicFox and Scar. YahooEsports have conducted some very interesting interviews with both players, revealing details about their contracts and futures in the FGC. This is quite an exciting time for the FGC, and if you're interested in the competitive fighting game community and curious about how these Esports teams work, then give these interviews a watch.

For the interview with EchoFox SonicFox click here

For the interview with EchoFox Scar click here

There's also an interview with EchoFox FGC manager Antonio Javier, which you can watch here



The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
A very interesting interview with Sonicfox and Scar. What they have gone through is like an action movie with videogames. I'm so jealous of you fellas. Congratulations and good luck at your newborn career.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Pretty cool that they're both interested in making each other better. Also pretty scary :cool:

Scar, I'm really happy you're ok man -- I was worried and I'm super happy to see you chilling at home. Wishing you the best (of both competition and health) in 2017