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Xbox Live -Injustice Page updated.


Get staffed bro
My stages of seeing this news.

1. Sweet, Injustice avatars.
2. Damn £4 for a graphic
3. Damn you only get 1 for £4!?
4. kthxbye
Demos aren't added on thursdays.

I would think NRS would announce a demo if they were to release one, though I wouldn't put it past them to pull an April fools day prank.

And damn those costumes are overpriced lol.


Nice, Lex, Green Arrow, Aquaman, my top 3 are there! Waste of money though, $5 for an avatar costume, lol.
There are many people who are willing to spend money on visual gear to look differently in game and I would to it to an extend as well, but 5€ for avatars?
That's fucking crazy. Nooo thanks.