Yeah, though Game Pass is coming to quite literally everything. This is going to allow them to tap into and profit off of markets that both Sony and Nintendo have no to little presence in. It will be very, very interesting to see how this plays out.Yeah, GamePass is 100% their killer feature and I suspect they wouldn't even bother with a console if it weren't a necessary vehicle to get more people on GamePass. They may as well call it the GamePassBox.
It's really awesome though, and an inexplicably good value. I only bought the XONE for Killer Instinct. As much as I love Fable, Halo, and everything Rare does, I would not bother buying the XTWO if they didn't have me hooked on GamePass.
I'm going to hold off on purchasing a new console and/or PC for a few years as I just upgraded my PC's video card and ram in Spring 2019, and bought an Xbox One X in Fall of 2019. That's enough on hardware now, especially with the pandemic slashing my hours/income.
Having said that, I'm pleased that the Xbox One X and new games will be supported on it for a few years.