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X-Box 720 = pure anti-consumerism


Here is my question for you then if this was the case, then why is PC games can get awya with making non-offline SP games, such as D3.
Because that's a game. The games themselves may require online connectivity for usage... even if it's only for a one time confirmation of authenticity. In the case of D3, WoW, etc, ANYONE can purchase a computer that doesn't need to be online to function properly.

In the case of a game, when you purchase a game, you're kind of purchasing an add on to a system. That has different stipulations and those can be different from the system's stipulations.

The only way I can see MS getting around this is to force ALL games to briefly connect to confirm authenticity.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Because that's a game. The games themselves may require online connectivity for usage... even if it's only for a one time confirmation of authenticity. In the case of D3, WoW, etc, ANYONE can purchase a computer that doesn't need to be online to function properly.

In the case of a game, when you purchase a game, you're kind of purchasing an add on to a system. That has different stipulations and those can be different from the system's stipulations.

The only way I can see MS getting around this is to force ALL games to briefly connect to confirm authenticity.
I see where your coming from, but essentially that is going to be the case with everygame in order to disallow a game form being traded in or sold second hand. The game would have to be attached an online account that in turn could be rigged to force a constant connection in order to play said game, but I also do see where your coming from. I myself am a recently gard student in the Criminal Justice field and know as well as you how the laws work when one translates the legalese...


I see where your coming from, but essentially that is going to be the case with everygame in order to disallow a game form being traded in or sold second hand. The game would have to be attached an online account that in turn could be rigged to force a constant connection in order to play said game, but I also do see where your coming from. I myself am a recently gard student in the Criminal Justice field and know as well as you how the laws work when one translates the legalese...
Don't get me wrong... I don't have a degree in Law.. I just worked in the field for over 8 years...so you kind of learn how to speak it and how things work.

The easiest way to put it is like this:

Xbox 720 = PC
Games = ethernet card

You can have a fully functioning PC without an Ethernet card AND you can have an ethernet card without an internet connection, HOWEVER, for the ethernet card to work, not only do you need the PC, but also an internet connection.

Because the ethernet card is an addon that is not part of the original system, it is not bound by the same usage stipulations, therefore it CAN require an internet connection to work.


They already make you pay for Xbox live. Perhaps they've made the calculation that they'd be fine with catering to live users. It does sound stupid, but one could argue that if this isn't true then what would Microsoft stand to gain by not releasing a statement denying these rumors? Think about it like this. If you can't afford monthly internet then what is the likelihood that you are a regular game buyer? Even used games aren't cheap for new titles. Maybe $50? So would MS and game devs really lose that much money by cutting out those users? In some way, isn't it possible that they could make up the difference by offering better online products to Live users, and slightly raising the price on Live?
That's a pretty harsh assumption. Don't get me wrong, lots of people have Live... but LOTS don't as well.

According to Wikipedia, and don't get me wrong, I know their numbers can be wrong and inaccurate, but I'm at work and this is a quick search...

75.9 million 360's have been sold as of December 2012.

Of that 75.9 million units, only 40 million are members of Xbox Live.(again, according to wikipedia)... which is 52.7% of all Xbox Owners who are Live members.... what % of THOSE users are paying Gold members? I can't find much at the moment because it looks like MS doesn't like to release that info, but a few sites are saying about 50% of all the members are paying members... so that's only about 20 million who even choose to pay for the service.

That means if there was no free option, then roughly 55.9 million people without Live, which is 26.35% who would CHOOSE to not play online.

That is WAY TOO BIG of a dropoff... you're talking about alienating almost 75% of your userbase!!!

Glass Sword

I'm probably not going to buy a new system for a cool minute from the way things are sounding. Most if not all the games I would like to play can be gotten on the computer for a much cheaper price. Hell I would rather put my money toward making my computer faster than getting one of these new systems.
The only thing I am most likely going to buy any time soon is the Wii U oddly enough.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Ipad is a device which requires an internet connection to function. I don't see how it would be illegal for MS to only allow game access if the console is online. Maybe they will let you buy the console, and maybe it plays Blu-ray DVD's and music Cd's, but if you want it to play gamest then you have to be online. Offline it's just a Blu-ray player if this stuff is true. lol.

Again, if this stuff is true, this basically means Billy Gates is saying that this product (consoles) are no longer for children. Know something else? Moving the console to all online absolves the entire gaming industry from the mass shooting cases. If one of those incidents were to happen under Xbox720--with these rules in playce--a rep could just say "hey, our machines require internet access. Kids can't buy internet access; therefore, don't blame us. Blame the parents.".

Could they offer Xbox service,like Ipad, through contract? Even if they did that, kids still wouldn't be able to buy the machine. lol. If this is true it's bye bye gaming for kids, unless your parents pay for your habit.
This has nothing to do with game violence, which BTW would still be debated even if this happenes with the next MS console. Its about reaping extra money out of the consumer and then restricting them, plain and simple. Again though I do not see this coming to reality its way to odd and will cut way too much out profits for them.


The Ipad DEFINITELY does not require an internet connection to function. I can turn on my Ipad and use it for its out of the box functionality as is, day one, WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO CONNECT TO THE NET.

Now.. if I want addons... aka GAMES... then yes, I need an internet connection. But you do not need one for out of the box functionality.


You are primarily right, but what I said would still be true, as well. If this rule were in place, the reps could still say "children cannot access our device without parents buying internet service and paying for Live service." They could 100% remove themselves from the equation.
And instead lay the blame on the other retailers such as Gamestop for making MS Points readily available to players who have cash, just like kids. Being 16 won't stop someone from forging their parents name on a digital document just the same way it won't stop that same kid from forging his parents name on his bad report card.

It's a trickle down theory which will EVENTUALLY lead right back to the games and the people that play them. We're easy targets...

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
STB CharlieMurphy Don't get me wrong, I know the argument that will go with it... "If the consumer CHOOSES to buy it knowing the usage stipulation, constant online connectivity, and chooses to purchase anyway, the manufacturer will not be liable"... it's still discriminatory though.

If "X" race person chooses to apply for a job and knows that, if hired, he or she will not be able to perform his/her duties because of his/her race, is the company still not liable for the person's choice to take the job?

**short guy edit** BTW, I worked in law for over 8 years, including Intellectual Properties and civil law. While I wouldn't bet my life on it, I'm pretty darn sure that based on discrimination laws alone, MS won't be able to sell an Xbox 720 without an "offline" version. That "exclusive" version, however COULD be higher priced in order to dissuade people from buying it though... there's ways around EVERYTHING, but the bottom line is to not be discriminatory and offer the product to everyone equally.
your expertise is greater than mine
learn something new everyday. Good post.


Master of Quanculations
I`m particularly angered by how game "journalism" sites aren`t even talking about other countries. As if the most well off societies are the only ones that play games. In mexico, in plenty of parts, the internet goes down ALL the time. I`ve lived in places that had no internet service at all for the whole area. But there were plenty of people there with ps3s and xboxs. They aren`t all playing with sticks and tortillas.

They want to do this to combat used sales and to keep you constantly connected so you are buying things on the online marketplace. I get that. But they`re going to lose sales in plenty of international markets if no one can play the damn games. And I don`t even play online anyway. I like my single player games. Metal gear, silent hill, god of war, etc.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I`m particularly angered by how game "journalism" sites aren`t even talking about other countries. As if the most well off societies are the only ones that play games. In mexico, in plenty of parts, the internet goes down ALL the time. I`ve lived in places that had no internet service at all for the whole area. But there were plenty of people there with ps3s and xboxs. They aren`t all playing with sticks and tortillas.

They want to do this to combat used sales and to keep you constantly connected so you are buying things on the online marketplace. I get that. But they`re going to lose sales in plenty of international markets if no one can play the damn games. And I don`t even play online anyway. I like my single player games. Metal gear, silent hill, god of war, etc.
This my friend is the main reason I do not see this as being a factual claim, I feel this is a purposeful leak of information to see consumer reaction and thus far it has proved have an extreme amount of negative attention.


It's still discriminatory. Have you ever noticed that ALL US based companies when selling something, MUST offer a non-Credit card option? This is because it's discriminatory to offer ANY product to any ONE EXCLUSIVE USERBASE. Therefore, other options must exist, such as paypal, pre-paid credit type gift cards(which anyone under 18 can purchase), so on and so forth. This was to alleviate the discrimination.
This is nonsense. There's no requirement to offer a non-credit card option, and credit worthiness and broadband access are not protected classes under discrimination laws.


This means none if us can play fighting game casuals anymore. I just can't believe this rumor.
There's no way they'd require an internet connection at all times. Nevermind that people might not have such access, but there's a lot of potential downtime between your isp, back bone providers, and MS' servers.