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X-Box 720 = pure anti-consumerism


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Since this will affect us gamers in the coming future, I felt maybe we should all have a lil discussion over it. Its nothing new, but these rumours have been around for quite some time since last year and now we get another round of ruomour that may be true, but its still no official spill on the goods.


Allegedly an empoyee working on the next gen X-Box console has let the cat out of the bage that the next gen console from MS will require a constant online conection and will disallow used games altogether.

Couple things here though this isn't an official statment and likely is complete BS to begin with, simply put if the used game market were to be scratched out like this, it will liekly cause massive backlash and really poor sales for the system, also a required internet connection is just unfeasible, because this would cut a large percentage of potential buyers out, due either those the hate the idea and those that just do not have the capability of a constant connection in general.

Now looking at this from one perspective on a logical manner, essentially the system will be nothing more than an enforcer of DRM in the console market. Developers are just gonna love this $h!t, because they now get to control your gaming at all time and liekly milk you for all you got due to DLC evilness. Folks we have seen how horrid it is to require net connections for something that has no need for it (just look at Diablo 3, Sim City, and Ubisoft). Not only will this strip your rights to ownership over the product you purchased, but now they are taking away your ability to either purchase used games or even rent the game. If one was to ask me I feel the game industry is getting out of hand and something needs to be done to yank back the chain on these companies that seem to think we the consumer or gamer are not intelligent enough to not continue to be sheeple.

Anyone have there own thoughts on all of this, me I don't think its true at all. I can forsee the used game business, but the constant connection just doesn't sound remotely realistic.


I'm a literal Sloth
Personally I don't really console game besides fighter's so I don't care too much


Until we have concrete evidence (direct spec sheet from MS), then I can't believe anything just yet.

The idea of a constant internet connection sounds completely ludicrous, as that would be discriminatory against anyone who:
1. Doesn't have a broadband connection(they still exist)
2. Doesn't want to be connected online
3. Doesn't want to pay for broadband

It's too discriminatory to be realistic.
Personally I don't really console game besides fighter's so I don't care too much
Same, I was a SP game guy before Gears and MK, so, it doesn't effect me either, unless consoles release another revolutionary shooter like Gears, I'm not interested in rehashed FPS fluff and will play SP games and FGs.


I'm a literal Sloth
Same, I was a SP game guy before Gears and MK, so, it doesn't effect me either, unless consoles release another revolutionary shooter like Gears, I'm not interested in rehashed FPS fluff and will play SP games and FGs.
Exactly, I'm also waiting for the WiiU to actually get games so I have a reason to buy one


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
In other news, PC gaming is largely unaffected by this and will continue to be so. Nintendo has not made a comment on their stance in this matter
This is really nothing new to you PC gamers you are already dealing with this kind BS anyway.


I'm a literal Sloth
This whole year the only game I am interested in is probably Bioshock Infinite and Injustice.
I'm only waiting for Injustice really, then a new Zelda, Animal Crossing for 3DS and Pokemon XY

This is really nothing new to you PC gamers you are already dealing with this kind BS anyway.

Meh, I'm used to having an online connection always so it's whatever

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
There is no way that this will come to fruition. This would just put tons of Microsoft's event sponsors (Gamestop, Gamefly, etc.) out of business.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Until we have concrete evidence (direct spec sheet from MS), then I can't believe anything just yet.

The idea of a constant internet connection sounds completely ludicrous, as that would be discriminatory against anyone who:
1. Doesn't have a broadband connection(they still exist)
2. Doesn't want to be connected online
3. Doesn't want to pay for broadband

It's too discriminatory to be realistic.
Not really.

In the broad scheme of things..... for every one "non-broadband" person..... there are probably 1,000 people who have it. So that basically wraps up 1,3.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
There is no way that this will come to fruition. This would just put tons of Microsoft's event sponsors (Gamestop, Gamefly, etc.) out of business.
They would gain more out of the process though........

Gamestop going out of business has no baring on MS if they are the ONLY ones selling xbox games. They're cutting out the middle man.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Until we have concrete evidence (direct spec sheet from MS), then I can't believe anything just yet.

The idea of a constant internet connection sounds completely ludicrous, as that would be discriminatory against anyone who:
1. Doesn't have a broadband connection(they still exist)
2. Doesn't want to be connected online
3. Doesn't want to play for broadband

It's too discriminatory to be realistic.

Id like to agree, but from Microsofts perspective why would these people with out basic internet be buying a brand new generation console?


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I'm only waiting for Injustice really, then a new Zelda, Animal Crossing for 3DS and Pokemon XY

Meh, I'm used to having an online connection always so it's whatever
I am to as well, but I don't enjoy being interrupted on a SP game because of a drop in conection or they decided its time maintanence the servers.


Not really.

In the broad scheme of things..... for every one "non-broadband" person..... there are probably 1,000 people who have it. So that basically wraps up 1,3.
It's still discriminatory. Have you ever noticed that ALL US based companies when selling something, MUST offer a non-Credit card option? This is because it's discriminatory to offer ANY product to any ONE EXCLUSIVE USERBASE. Therefore, other options must exist, such as paypal, pre-paid credit type gift cards(which anyone under 18 can purchase), so on and so forth. This was to alleviate the discrimination.


STB CharlieMurphy Don't get me wrong, I know the argument that will go with it... "If the consumer CHOOSES to buy it knowing the usage stipulation, constant online connectivity, and chooses to purchase anyway, the manufacturer will not be liable"... it's still discriminatory though.

If "X" race person chooses to apply for a job and knows that, if hired, he or she will not be able to perform his/her duties because of his/her race, is the company still not liable for the person's choice to take the job?

**short guy edit** BTW, I worked in law for over 8 years, including Intellectual Properties and civil law. While I wouldn't bet my life on it, I'm pretty darn sure that based on discrimination laws alone, MS won't be able to sell an Xbox 720 without an "offline" version. That "exclusive" version, however COULD be higher priced in order to dissuade people from buying it though... there's ways around EVERYTHING, but the bottom line is to not be discriminatory and offer the product to everyone equally.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Doesn't happen often at all
It rarely happens to me as well, but I also just do not like the idea that I trully do not own the product I purchased and the concept that if the company wants to they can ban me form using it and not even be forced to refund me. Its back to two age old arguments that the developers have been whining about for years piracy and used games, for some reason these developers keep saying that these two elements have been cutting into their bottom line and in truth there isn't even any evidence to prove or disprove such claims. It mostly greed!


Brain Dead Bro
There is no way that this will come to fruition. This would just put tons of Microsoft's event sponsors (Gamestop, Gamefly, etc.) out of business.
Gamestop wouldn't go out of business. I discussed this with my manager the other night at the possibility.

People always talk about Gamestops used sales but never realize that they have OVER 70% of the new game sales. Gamestop would be fine but yes, Gamefly would be screwed yes.


The Free Meter Police
This seems more like a false rumor purposefully spread by a competing company. But I could be wrong.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
STB CharlieMurphy Don't get me wrong, I know the argument that will go with it... "If the consumer CHOOSES to buy it knowing the usage stipulation, constant online connectivity, and chooses to purchase anyway, the manufacturer will not be liable"... it's still discriminatory though.

If "X" race person chooses to apply for a job and knows that, if hired, he or she will not be able to perform his/her duties because of his/her race, is the company still not liable for the person's choice to take the job?

**short guy edit** BTW, I worked in law for over 8 years, including Intellectual Properties and civil law. While I wouldn't bet my life on it, I'm pretty darn sure that based on discrimination laws alone, MS won't be able to sell an Xbox 720 without an "offline" version. That "exclusive" version, however COULD be higher priced in order to dissuade people from buying it though... there's ways around EVERYTHING, but the bottom line is to not be discriminatory and offer the product to everyone equally.
Here is my question for you then if this was the case, then why is PC games can get awya with making non-offline SP games, such as D3.